Political discussions...

‘‘Peculiar’’?..Not sure.

It is a bit ‘‘peculiar’’ a guy who either does not see, (got to be on purpose unless he is blind) or will not admit to how things actually ARE, but who favours adopting and repeating the opinions and narrative of an official and ruling body instead…but only of one he totally supports.

Obvious? …Totally.

Thing is mate when so many people have a view or an opinion about somebody else, based on evidence behaviour and record, and that person is in denial, 9 (if not 10 ) times out of 10, they are usually right.

So on reflection I suppose it IS a bit peculiar…yeah.

Genius !
How many people repeat the opinions of a body they do not support?

I have supported some things that the last Gov did, but not others.
The present Gov seem to be doing some things well, and some badly.

I do appreciate that you want only to see things in black or white, (there is a joke in there too) but in the real world? Most things are grey.

I am not exactly sure what you mean here?
But if it is referring to Johnson being a serial liar, and some absolutely refusing to see that for years, then you might well be right. Some even today think that he is some sort of heroic victim!

Nope. I realise politicians of “all” parties are in it for themselves. Me getting angry about it and constantly whining like a school child as you do won’t change that.

I voted for Reform in the July election. I like and can relate to exactly what they say on a variety of issues. But I’m also not gullible enough to believe that Farage, Tice and the rest arent also in it for what they can get for themselves.

Gee thanks for calling me a genius, …I always suspected it. :sunglasses: :smiley:

All you are doing there is confirming what I (we) have said…although I’m surprised at the hint of back pedalling, (I suported some of the last govt’ :flushed:.aye right, so you did .:joy:)…(and what exactly have the present govt ‘done well’ in exactly btw? )
I can only assume that last bizzare for you remark about the Tories is down to a bit of self realisation, and an attempt to show us ‘you aint really that way after all’’ …Tip of the day…keep trying I aint convinced.

But that is exactly how you come across on here, whether you care or not.
If you believe (or are told to believe) something, you will defend it to the n.th degree no matter how much real evidence to the contrary is out there and blindingly obvious to everybody else…why do you think I call you the T.net ‘Comical Ali’?

Yeah I too repeat and go with opinions on things I agree with, who doesnt as you say…
But if I suddenly see I am being fed a load of crap, or the source has changed their opinions or ways to what I disagree with, and I see something entirely different to what I am told is going on…I don’t dig my heels in and perpetuate their crap and continue to support them…
And there lies the difference.

And no I was not referring to Johnson, I was referring to you…as you knew.:roll_eyes:

(But at least it gave you an opportunity to have one of your obligatory and tiresome ‘pops’ at him…after being YEARS out of govt when everyone else has long moved on from him :roll_eyes:)

Agree entirely with all of that.
Well put.

Sir Free Gear Keir always bragging about when he was Chief Prosecutor one might wonder why he didn’t deal with Mohamed Al-Fayed when asked.

Could it be that in his past high powered role he was useless…oh hang on a minute that also applies to his present role.

2 words…
‘‘Jimmy Saville’’.:shushing_face:

So Free Gear Keir is no more, he aint going to accept any more gifts.

Why? …After insisting there was nothing wrong with it, and he and his freeloading wife had done nothing wrong.
Surely he would stick to his convictions if he genuinely thought that?.
Since when did he start taking any notice of the mood and opinions of the majority of the electorate since he came to power exactly?..
No me either.

Official Line…
We decided not to accept any more gifts, designer clothes and glasses etc, as we misjudged the will and attitude of the people towards it.

Real reason…They were embarrassed into it after getting caught.

No doubt they will be donating or auctioning everything they have already received for charity then eh?


We saw it on the news. What’s your point exactly?

Your source a bit more mainstream today. What nothin’ cookin’ over at GB News or whatever it’s called?

Good old Lee can probably afford a few designer shoes with his big fat pay check.

Nige probably wondering what private jet he can get on for a trip to see big Don the bouffant.

My point was the point I made.

Nah, just flickin through channels, you know how it is…then it came up on you tube.

Yep, absolutely agree.
Mainly because as I keep saying…they are all the same, in it for what they can get, cross parties
…I thought we’d established that one :thinking:

So what’s YOUR point exactly?

I just thought what with another assassination attempt, Nige might want to go and hold Don’s hand again.

Well they seem preety close.:smile:

Thing is mate if Farage and his mate also have their snouts in the proverbial trough, …just because I support a lot of what he’s party stands for, I have no desire or need to defend them for any dodgy misdemeanours, as I am not naive enough to think they are whiter than white.
As I said it goes with the territory.
I am merely concentrating on Starmer because …

A… I neither like nor trust him and his party.

B…I have already said I am redressing the balance because our friend spent most of his time on here, criticising, pointing out bad points on Johnson and the Tories, actually gloating, while at the same time assuring us that his beloved Labour Party …‘We’re not as bad as the Tories’.
Apart from that he had the audacity to call me a racist because I did not kow tow to his party’s policy on illegal immigration…(or lack of it) in the same way his party labels the whole of the working class for feeling the same as me about it.

I think Starmer himself has proven beyond doubt in a very short time, that they actually ARE as bad as the Tories… or at the very least working on it.:grinning:

Would have been on music topic but Starmer won’t like this so better here.

Like Sir Starmer that’s a Sir Mr. Saville for some reason.

Think you are wasting your time mate trying to get that point across to certain posters on here.

Yep I just can not see how anybody is naive and daft enough to be fully taken in by them and take them at face value…but worse go on to defend them.:joy:
It’s amusing that when they have a go at a politician who you usually favour, they do not know how to react when you either agree with them on a certain point, or do not do the same as they do…try and defend the indefensible.
If a party or MP I have voted for does something I do not agree with, I will be the last to carry on defending and speaking up for him ad infinitum.

I also fully accept they are nothing like how they try and make out they are cos I aint stupid…it’s just what they all do.

There you go.

Always mentioning Brexit.

Wtf are you on mate.:flushed:

I’d kinda put this stuff to bed for a bit, it was getting boring, but you always feel the need to ‘poke the bear’ with your political cack dont you?

Ok maybe my fault for taking the bait.
So ok, yeah lets go for it

So meanwhile at the Reform conference…(you recall Reform dont you, the party led by another guy you hate,.and the party who got more votes than your beloved Labour clowns…just to remind you.:+1:)

Here’s a non politician with vast opposing views and qualities to yourself, a man who captures the views of the majority of the nation, and sees things for REAL …instead of from the perspective of your own lefty liberal bed wetting Cloudcuckooland pov.

Good luck with bad mouthing, belittling, discrediting and calling this guy a ‘Far right racist’ in your usual adopted Labour Party style…
He is instead a true Brit patriot,.who wants to hold on to traditional Brit values, who puts his country first and foremost, and who has literally fought for it at the highest levels, in both the Army, (including as a Para) and a Royal Marine in the Special Boat Service.

Ok he maybe comes across a bit up his own arse/over confident, but those ex Special Forces guys usually do,
I know personally in fact know an ex SBS guy who is quite similar, but a canny and realist type of lad, and I would feel much safer having one of those blokes beside me in a ‘situation’, than one of your deluded mamby pamby lefty ‘lot’.

Have a listen…(without predjudice )

And this time Franglais when you come back with the ‘character assasination pseudo bravado’, say what you would only genuinely say to HIS face (for a change)
I know I aint a keyboard warrior like yourself, but even I would not say as much as ‘boo’ to him and his like in real life…but YOU no doubt will.:joy:

Oh yeah just an update.
A further 707 arrived yesterday, at the same time A.M. was speaking in fact ,for their all inclusive holidays and laid on freebieds in Starmers …‘Strict on illegal immigration’ UK.:roll_eyes:
Keep coming lads.

Brilliant and inspirational from Ant. Fought for his country at the highest level and absolutely nailed it in what many in the UK are both feeling and fearing.

Looking forward to Franglais completely dismissing it.