Political discussions...

It’s hardly a sinking ship just because the party is taking action to become more democratic.

Surely handing over the right for members to elect a leader and have a say in formulating party policy is the right thing to do for any democratic political party.

This is nothing to do with electing a leader, RUK was very unusual in being a Limited Company, totally unlike a regular political party.

I have.

And it’s reported he is worth £3 million on paper and as a Barrister for 20 years earnt up tp £400 per hour, If I can afford a full wardrobe…

Erm I think I have covered that already.

@truckpro May I suggest a darkened room to lay down in then. What do you want me to say?

I love the way you pretend its the name that bothers you! :joy: Fine you dont agree politically, thats fine, free country and all but GB news and Talk radio etc resonate with large numbers in the country in their output and views.

As far as I’m aware, we the British taxpayer don’t fund GB news so they can put out right wing content should they wish … unlike the Biased Broadcasting Coporation - which is supposed to be impartial.

And over the years the BBC have operated with total impartiality? That will be a big no yet we are required to pay for it. I suppose if like me you feel strongly about a TV station then don’t stoop low enough to watch it.

Thats the point, nothing. Ive already addressed your points.

No because he’s a raving liberal lefty, so he readily agrees with everything they say.


This foreign funded, loss making TV station, is breaking UK rules. It is paying serving UK MPs quite well for not very much visible return.
Not something that I like the look of.

The biased BBC?
Some programmes lean one way and some a different way.
The repeated visits of certain non MPs for years on Question Time might make one think that it was biased in favour of Farage. (beaten only by Clare Short)

Ok just because it is (maybe) biased, does not mean it does not speak the truth…

Well the truth to those of us who keep their eyes firmly open anyway, and see things for what situations are in reality.

Not applicable to those who just believe what they are told to believe anyway…
So please just ignore this post, as it certainly does not apply to you.:smile:

Representing Clacton on expenses paid trip paid for by donor.

So ?.
We all (apart from Franglais of course :roll_eyes:) all know and accept they are all (across all parties) in it for what they can get out of it.
I aint gonna say Farage is any different, despite me agreeing with a lot of what he says.
It is just what we are used to putting up with, with all of them over the years with their snouts in the proverbial trough, it’s the nature of the beast, part of the course…
It’s the hypocrisy that is the problem, one criticising another, then the same one found to be doing pretty much the same sort of thing himself.
So what’s your point exactly?

Well… The Donald has well and truly shafted himself with his moronic fake news claims, there’s no way he’s going to survive the widespread mockery following his comments about Springfield. He’ll be needing a very big cuddle from his buddy Nige

I actually think that Farage has done a lot of good work. UKIP provided people the opportunity register a protest vote that did help to bring about the EU referendum. As opposed to Franglais, I was actually pleased about this and the result.

A lot has gone on in between then and now. I was appalled by many Labour MPs’ attitude when voting on the various Brexit deals. Voting against them effectively because they didn’t want Brexit to happen was absolutely appalling.

The Conservative Party did get a deal through but in a lot of other respects the in-fighting and division within has meant by default we have a Labour government. That is what I think, honestly.

What other options is there? Reform have a leader but not much else. Even if somehow they had the candidates to win the seats and form a government, they would perhaps be too much of a one trick pony. All the MPs would be straight in at the deep-end too.

Problem is the 2 main parties have the job totally sewn up, only because of the format of the present and outdated system.

If proportional representation was the name of the game, things would be much different,.and it would actually illustrate the mood of the country.

It wont happen because of what I said in my first sentence.

I’d say that lavishing more cash on over paid train drivers, while ripping off pensioners living above the pension credit threshold, after having been ripped at the start of our working lives by Callaghan, is a bit worse than Bozo’s antics.
Also not forgetting the Cold War European Communist links.

Not really bothered if they are foreign funded or loss making. They put out views and opinions that an awful lot of people in this country can relate to (myself included), unlike the vast majority of the mainstream media who seem petrified to rock the boat and say anything other than the official narrative.

Of course you wouldn’t like “the look of” it as you naively believe everything you are told to believe. :roll_eyes:

And your comment about serving MP’s being paid and not offering any visible returns is purely subjective.

Absolutely spot on post.

You aren’t bothered about foreign money (more than their MP salary) being thrown at MPs?

Well, maybe those spending the money are generous souls with no self interest at all, who expect no returns of any kind for themselves, and their business or political aims.

The views expressed might well be shared by others.
Similarly, many think that a particular brand of goods is better than another, and that they are not influenced by publicity in making that view.

I believe the “official line”? Peculiar statement.

Being “Official” as not a good metric for deciding whether or not something is credible.