Political discussions...

I think it’s more of a pointing out of a distinct display of hypocrisy tbh.

Strictly that is true.
Although the previously mentioned Anderson receives £100.000 for his work for GBN. Because it is work, it isn’t a freebie.
Since GBN is loss making, one can only guess at the motives of it’s owners in paying right wing politicians to talk to each other about right wing stuff.

And some previous politicos have been less than candid about their funds received, (yes @robroy) Johnson did not give the value of a holiday “because it was a personal gift” and famously obfuscated about the £200,000 redecoration costs of the Downing St flat. In fact the Tory party was fined over that.

Where is the hypocrisy?
I agree that accepting clothes and spectacles is pretty stupid, but is it hypocritical?

Exactly wrong.

I don’t seek out facts for people I dislike.
I write about facts, and you work out for yourself that the people I mention are worthy of hate or whatever!

And because I think that the Tories, especially the latest versions of them which bear no relationship to the older Caring Conservative party, are awful, and that Labour will probably do a better job, does not mean that I love them.

There are many, many, shades of grey, and many other colours out there, not just the black and white you see. (There is a Geordie footie joke there somewhere)

It has f/all to do with the amount or the severity of the freeloading, or what 'kin party he she or it brlongs to.
It would not matter if it was a £2 coffee, it does not make Starmer any better than Johnson…it is PRINCIPLE take yer Labour Party rossette off as well as yer blinkers and admit it ffs.:roll_eyes:
And it sure as hell is hypocritical yeah, after his criticism of all things Johnson,.and I’m whiter than white stance in oppsition.

‘The older caring Conservative Party’ :joy::joy:
That is a bit like ‘Wigan Athletic’ a contradiction in terms…(and I voted for them once,) but unlike you have no qualms about discrediting them.

Btw Hows the ‘Labour Party will do a better job’ gan so far do ya reck? :joy::joy:

Rhetorical btw save yer time and yer long winded lists spin and biased comparisons

Well praise the Lord.

So we have the PM at the very top of politics receiving copius amounts of freebies and then we have Lee Anderson MP working on tv.

One earns his income and declares it on his tax return and therefore pays any monies due, the other receives freebies and has a track record of not knowing if or when those freebies need to be declared and indeed had supposedly made assurances in the past for it not to be repeated.I know which one appears to be the most legit to me.

Perhaps other MPs simply weren’t offered as many gifts. It is certainly true that many MPs, simply by a law of averages, wouldn’t be interested in football. Most MPs are significantly lower profile than the leader of the opposition too.

When entering government itself I do think there is a need to be careful though, especially who the gifts come from and where there may be any conflict. Otherwise, crack on.

Yes we do.
Just as others have done in the past. That does not make it right.
But the noise being made now about Starmer seems to be more than the fuss made about others.

Double standards?
There most certainly are in much of the media.

Well, when the figures are from the past 5 years, hmmm. You are aware of when Mr Starmer entered number 10 aren’t you?

Are you for real mate?:flushed:
You talk about hypocrisy and double standards?
Jeez, Johnson did not have the lickings of a dog with you when he was in power, where by the same token Starmer gets away with murder in comparison where you are concerned…That was my whole point earlier.
Priceless .:roll_eyes:

Well as a highly skilled, long established, professional film maker, I am sure that he is well worth all the money he is receiving.
Not as if GBN is a loss making enterprise acting as a one sided, mouthpiece for foreign interests or owt is it?

More lies and untruths from a unreliable source https://youtube.com/shorts/-9nCUpWlWZ4?si=DN23gHxRuW6AZDVr

Roll up! Roll up! A golden opportunity for all you Nige-ophiles: He’s giving up his share of the shares in RUK, so you can now OWN some of the party you love so much.

ship / rat / sinking springs to mind

Ok but why does he need to own it exactly?..
Nowt wrong with realising your assets I would say.
He is a buisnessman/entrepeneur after all.

As for rats and sinking ships?
Hardly sinking as such, when they got more individual votes than the present clowns.
More of a ‘Move on nothing to see here’ situation I would say,.whether you are a ‘Nige.ophile’ or otherwise.

So in 8 weeks of becoming PM he has managed to wrack up over £20000 of freebies. Maybe your understanding of copius amounts is different to my understanding.

The very fact that he was previously scrutinised (in opposition) by the Parliametary Standards Commissioner for late reporting of freebies as a result of not appreciating when a gift was a gift and assurances were in place for it not to happen again.

So is it the fact that Lee Anderson gets paid handsomely for his extra work commitments or is it the fact that he has a platform to voice his views? Which one riles you the most?

I’ve not been following it that closely to be honest. I remember that he got some clothes gifted, which was probably related to him actually becoming Prime Minister. Probably it won’t be £10,000 per month, more like those suits will last a while or whatever.

If we have a Prime Minister going off for meetings with world leaders, to be honest I would prefer him to be well dressed rather than nipping down to Matalan for an off the shelf two-piece.

It is a fact that he doesn’t have the resources of Sunak to fall back on, so someone stepped in.

What is the issue again? If it is the fact that the gifts to his wife weren’t submitted at the right time, I think there are bigger things to worry about.

Just to chip in …
There were ‘Bigger things to worry about’’ also during the covid scam, when Johnson threw an after works party in the same location and environment that they had already all been working in, in the previous 8 hours.
It did not stop Starmer (and the brainwashed sheep followers who hung on his every word) to make such a song and dance about it, to make him on his way to losing his job…
Just saying.

I have said before that no MP should be paid for non MP work. I do not care if it is a lot or a little.
There is a purpose to some “keeping their hand in” etc but not for profit.

I also have a problem with a TV station calling itself a news channel but not being in any sense balanced. GBN is more opinion than news. OfCom has a lot to answer for there.

MPs being “handsomely paid” from abroad is not a good look at all.

Not balanced ?
You mean like the left wing biased BBC?
Yeah I agree.