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Starmer’s latest name on TV, Free Gear Keir.

Just clock this.:roll_eyes:
We really ARE off to hell in a handcart with these out of touch incompetent 'kin clowns in charge…

And this is what we are up against ffs :joy:
Love the way that silly cow sat next to him is nodding her head shouting ‘hear hear’ without a hint of irony.

They will be sending boats over to pick them up next.

Still…‘‘They aint as bad as the Tories’’ eh?

We don’t want to make our country a lesser place so we’ll carry on encouraging thousands of illegal immigrants, many of whome don’t share our values and hate our way of life, to come here.

What could possibly go wrong? :frowning_face:

I’ve got you as one of Starmer’s Bolshevik red army far far worse than Franglais.Proof that Socialism is the definition of the far right.
What’s the point of a house and heating if you’re going to use it to keep warm without the need for outdoor clothing.
You really think that it’s cheaper to cook at home than Weather spoons.Bearing in mind no need to buy and transport the stuff no need for fuel to cook it and can turn off the heating and no need to sit in the pub dressed in outdoor clothes.
Save your lecture for the fat cat train drivers lording it on their inflated wages and pensions.

It is always useful to know the back story on MPs. Lee Anderson is a former Labour party councillor and was a Conservative MP before defecting to Reform.

By all accounts it seems that he was a Labour Party member and activist for many many years, going back to the time of the miners’ strikes in the 1980s no less.

He must have had a windy paper round as well, because he is only 57.

Maybe I should add that the changes of parties have come after suspensions (apparently).

Before joining Refuk Ltd he siad they were not a proper party and called Tice a “pound shop Farage”.
RefUK is still a Ltd Company, so maybe he was right about that.

Thirty P Lee.
No need for food banks:
It comes after Anderson had, in May last year, said meals could be cooked from scratch “for about 30 pence a day”.
A lesson there for CF?

He spoke against MPs having second jobs in 2021.
He started his second job working on GBN in 2023.

Or to put a positive spin on that…
Firstly suspensions…As I’ve said NONE of them are as they try and portray they are…ie honourable and straight.
So some get caught out, some are better liars and actors than others…so no surprise.

As for changing parties…ok a man with both an open mind, and one who is straight enough to admit he has been wrong.
I aint a fan as such but he does yend to speak his mind not giving an eff who he offends which I love…I would prefer a guy in office who does not just toe his party official line to maintain his job security to look after number 1, than those limp kneed spineless types who abstained on issues that are totally unjust and indefensible such as the pensioner robbing joke.

Edit…; I was just about to say 'No doubt Franglais will jump on the opportunity to completely disctedit him totally…but he already has.:roll_eyes::joy::joy:

And yet the PM taking over £100000 in freebies since 2019. Class.

I have pointed out a few facts about him. Feel free to check up on the truth of them.
Whether or not those facts do him credit or discredit is entirely up to your judgment of course.

No PM nor MP should get Freebies IMHO.
They should all be paid more, and should get allowances as senior management do in other sectors.

But that is what you do…innit.
Ok you have renagued a bit on Starmer’s freeloading in this case, but usually anybody who does not agree with an official narrative that you inevitably agree on, or someone who steps out of line, and especially if they are Tory, you are ‘On it like a carbonnit’ as my little girl says.
But these present bunch of clowns in power who you still insist you did not vote for…(aye right, and I can see clearly why you deny it) can virtually do no wrong, with virtually zero criticism despite whatever mad assed crazy stunt they pull, or no comment about their complete inertia in other important matters.

Play a game with yourself for a while (no not that one) just pretend these are the Tories, and see what you come up with.

Trevor Nelson on the 10pm slot on Radio 2 gets paid more than the PM.

People getting all het up about the PM’s wife getting a few clothes. :roll_eyes:

Ok good point… but on the other hand Trevor Nelson is far better at being a DJ than what Starmer is at being a PM.
I thank you.:sunglasses:

Point out facts? Leave it up to you whether or not you think those facts are to the credit or discredit of others?
Well, thank you.

“renaged” ? Or been consistent?

I have not said anywhere, who I did or did not vote for.
You have made assumptions, which may or may not be accurate, but they are just that:
assumptions, guesses.
The UK has a confidential (more or less) voting method and I am happy to leave it there, between me and the ballot box. Anyone who chooses is equally free to share how they vote, if they wish, but we cannot really check up on them anyway.

I couldn’t give a rat’s derriere what you think, you’re deranged, and I wouldn’t ever consider trying to have any kind of intelligent conversation with someone who presents the way you do.

And I suspect I’m not the only TN member who finds your constant harping on about “Starlin” :roll_eyes: to be tedious beyond belief. Probably about time someone told you should put all your “Red” references where the sun doesn’t shine.

Alternatively just head on back to Magrathea, where there’s no one to annoy.

Everyone is well aware you’re a fantasist with an incomplete grasp on reality.

While the attraction of the Conservative Party to a Labour defector and vice versa is questionable.
I don’t see support of Scargill’s, shown to be correct, position on savings the British coal and by implication steel industry, is mutually exclusive with defection to Reform.
We actually need that type of grass roots working class shift away from treacherous Socialism and its self serving despotic players like Wilson, Callaghan and Blair now Starlin.
With the caveat of a specific and clear statement denouncing Socialism and its false claims of having a monopoly on the interests of the working class and its weaponising of the politics of envy to do it.

We’re also going to give the property and pensions and savings of our own elderly to keep the invaders in comfort.

But it isn’t just about Lady Starmer’s clothes is it. The elephant in the room is Free Gear Keir’s £100000 plus freebies, more than double of any other current MP. As Starmer was the moral mouthpiece as Leader of the Opposition who was the first to jump on any rival party members for any perceived wrong doings / double standards, (and quite rightly so), I find these latest revelations to be ironic and foolish to say the least

Well, tell me what the issue is then. Is there a limit on value? Is it a moral stance you are taking here?

Franglais dont thank me :joy:,
You have adopted your Labour 2 tier type system on here in your role as TN unofficial political and Labour Party spokesman.
So negative ‘facts’ for those you hate and/or disagree with, and positive facts and spin for who you do…that was my point.
In comparison I will freely admit if I am wrong or crticise those I agree with or suport are wrong…not a problem

Please dont think for one minute I actually care enough about who you voted for, the words ‘rat’s’ and ‘ass’ spring to mind, but you are totally oblivious to the fact that you make it blindingly obvious who it was anyway…
What makes me laugh is though despite your obvious alliegance, you will not admit it publicly.
Says it all I reckon.:joy:

It’s a bit like me saying Newcastle Utd are fantastic (they aint) the team selection is always spot on (it aint) they are gonna win a trophy this year (they won’t) and I agree with all they do (I don’t) …Then me saying I do NOT support them and I aint telling you who I do.:roll_eyes:

Facts or otherwise you do come across as a serial gloater…not an attractive trait.

Yep ‘reneged’ although I spelt it (or is it ‘spelled’ ) wrongly.:smile:

Read my previous post fully.