Political discussions...

All those who have a beef about Kier Starmer - fear not!
When the Donald loses in November, Big Nige is going to bring him over here and together with their bro-ho Liz Truss, they will mount a January-6th-style insurrection and storm the Houses of Parliament. They know what is best for you Brexiteers.

After they’ve met with their inevitable fate, we can have their heads mounted on spikes on the walls of The Tower, and have a jolly good laugh over tea and biscuits.

We have a beef about Socialism not just one more of its despots to add to Stalin to Tito.

Camp site in Morocco and we save all that CO2 keeping them warm while our own freeze.

The way I see it.Sell the house ‘cheap’. Buy an annuity with proceeds.Keep around 12k back in ‘savings’.
Rent a decent, but not large, house like two bed detached in a rural/semi rural area with no direct public transport links to big towns or industry.Cheap rent and cheap council tax.Im betting on less than 15/20 years left.
Seems like a plan.

Life expectancy is actually falling.
These self entitled youngsters will obviously change their tune when they reach retirement.
I’d ditch my state pension but give me back all my contributions + interest.I knew it was a total rip off from when starting work.
The whole state pension and income protection cover and NHS scams are just a form of tax and worthless rationed cover.
If it was private sector cover it would be a mis selling scam subject to compensation.

Suffice to say that I was born into a part of Surrey where my parents and grandparents had called home since the late 19th century to the 1960’s.
My parents’ house and road among others was then turned into an inner city type high rise estate in the brave new Greater London paradise.Ironically often used as a TV and film location to depict inner city life.
Luckily my Dad politely turned down any offer of staying, took the compulsory purchase money and ran further out into what was the old Surbiton Borough but still hijacked by the London monster.
Although ironically neither were as affected by ethnic issues as other parts of ‘Greater London’.
Finally moved again into what remains of proper Surrey in 1996.Ironically the community here are/have been so well insulated from the effects of our neighbour from hell that their naivety would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.They’ve swallowed the ‘we need the housing’ narrative hook line and sinker.
Sadly they will find out soon enough with Starmer’s plans for the place it will go the way of Middx.
My final years will probably be spent in my Paternal Grandfather’s parental home of Lincolnshire.Or maybe Shropshire.
Maybe I’ll come back ‘home’ if there’s any space in the cemetery where they all are, my epitaph will read a corner of a London field which will be forever Surrey, at least until they dig me up for development or maybe Islamic burial space.

Do the maths.
Council tax call it £250 per month.
Energy bills another £200 per month.
That’s half the around £800 per month pension gone.
Food 300 per month?.
Transport assuming that you’re going to allow us to leave the house ?.
Holidays ?.
Some also have rent or an outstanding mortgage to pay.
You’re avin a larf.
So what’s you’re problem with no state pension for those who it either take above the high rate of income tax threshold.Or for those earning over the higher rate of income tax threshold on retirement.Assuming you support the idea of means testing for the ‘richest’ pensioners.

Council tax £250 per month, f me where do you live?

Energy £200 per month, f me are you growing something?

Food £300 per month, f me have you got Giant Haystacks and Big Daddy staying over?

My council tax is 200 per month for a 3 bed semi with single person discount.
Fuel easily averages out at more than £200 per month Summer and Winter combined.
That’s with the gas boiler shut down and 1 KW fan heater in whichever room is being used.
Burger and chips and a pint at Weather spoons is over £9 + breakfast and tea and coffee.
I guess you live with Mum and Dad and pay zb all into the household budget.Your transport aspiration stops at a bicycle.

I know Carryfast talks a lot of crap normally but he’s not far off with his own figures here from what I pay myself.

I live in Nottingham and our council tax is £226. Granted I do not get single persons allowance (as he does in the South East/London) as I have a wife and 2 children here. Our energy bill is £208 and food … well we dwarf his £300 as my 2 kids are 3 and 6 so its through the roof! :grin:

Carryfast, is dozy holding you hostage?

Downsizing would probably be on the cards if you were on your own and heading for retirement though, no? Also, nobody ever said that the state pension was supposed to feed children.

I get it, it is a bit of a wind-up and I have replied. Good one.

What is a wind up?

There’s not much point in paying a working lifetime of mortgage payments and creating a decent home for yourself and benificiaries if you’re then going to chuck it all away to move into a poky apartment when you hit retirement.Or pay a working lifetime of state pension contributions for Starlin’s regime to nick it all and give it to whoever else it sees as being more deserving.
At most any 'downsizing in my case will be on my terms and beneficial to me.As I said 2 bed detached with large garden and rural location which at least has convoluted public transport links.
That’s not an invite to nick my state pension.

Well… If you’re going to be too lazy to cook at home for yourself, no wonder you have big food bills. I feed myself and two teenagers on the money you’re quoting.

As for your fuel bill, trying putting a jumper on

So many current issues on this.

Immigrant criminal scum who should not be here in the first place, and who can not behave himself whilst here.

Immigrant criminal scum who brings all his drug war/drug dealing sh with him.

Jailed for a ridiculously short time.

Let out early under Starmer’s mad cap regime, …to make room for his famous ‘far right’ and Facebook posters.

Not instantly deported back to Albania on release…, a safe country.

Allowed to stay in same area as his terrified victims.

And these low lifes still arrive everyday in droves for us to continue paying for their every need.

All this and numerous other injustices is because you voted Labour…
And we thought the Tories were bad.:roll_eyes:

Only plus…Full marks to the Old Bill , not just for turning up, but turning up within 35 mins

A couple of old guys I know have the job sussed.
We were having a laugh and conversation the other day.
Couple of canny old guys, both ex Army both ex drivers.

He says…
‘Me and Eddie have a plan for a particular cold winters day, seeing as Starmer hates us (they both voted Labour btw)
Into Spoons for a budget breakfast with coffee…free coffee refils all day, watch a bit of racing, have a couple of pints of Ruddles at £1.70 a pint in afternoon, and fill rest of time with free re.fill coffees, keep warm all day in pub, and a lot cheaper than staying at home,.and the craic is good’’ :joy:

Can’t fault them for initiative,.and it gets them out the house…,.And I told them to give me a bell when they do it, while I’m at work, and I’ll send em a couple of pints each via the Wetherspoons app.:grin:

@carryfast, wtf is Starlin?

Sitting in a pub all day? Rather them than me, I’ve seen more than enough of the inside of pubs and (CIU) clubs to last me a lifetime.

Aye ok but everyones different eh?

Maybe it IS just an excuse for a day in the pub, or maybe an improvemet on either sitting in a cold house, or turning the heating up to top notch which would be too dear…who knows…who cares.

They are just 2 old blokes, (one of whom helped me when I was a young green driver) lifelong mates, both of which I have a lot of respect for, who both served their country with lots of memories, who are evidently (due to recent policies) overlooked and penalised over others,.so as ever adapting and reacting as that generation seems to be good at.