Political discussions...

Probably verbatim what our idiotic apologist would have said.

Great so why not just say to Rob that it would be better to leave the area to its new demographic than his understandable suggestion.Bearing in mind it’s not a Clint Eastwood movie.

But it would appear that 2 Tier Keir has a proven track record of lets say not knowing what / when to report and what / when not to report. One of the findings of the below enquiry was that 2 Tier Keir would, going forward, have systems in place for it not to happen again! Just click on 2 Tiers name in the list.


As we speak Franglais is frantically trawling the archives to find evidence that at least he loved his Mam, is kind to animals, donates to charity and once helped an old woman across a busy road…so he aint ALL bad…
Oh yeah and the guy who made that pic has a criminal record.

Don’t forget the far right criminal record :+1:

Why would I do that?
He has apparently cocked up, and there should be an investigation into what he has and hasn’t done.

That was mostly about the timing of reporting, and from the report:
“I found that, based on the information available to me, the breaches were minor and/or inadvertent, and that there was no deliberate attempt to mislead.”

What have we learned today kids? Yes, we’ve learned the Rwanda = bad and Albania = good. That’s okay then.

And once again a fudge from franglais, my point, he has been there before and assurances were made to prevent it happening again. Major or minor is irrelevant.

And the largest UK foreign prisoner population are from…Albania.
I see Starmer is in Italy today taking advice from the Italian government on how to solve the illegal migrants issue, a far right government :joy:

quote; Franglais :…
‘‘Why would I do that’’…


Well Rwanda is ‘good’ for Germany it seems…especially after getting the ‘up and running’ and organisation of the scheme all bought and paid for by us, so good in the context of it bring a virtual freebie.
God…I hope it proves successful for them.:smiley:

Bad from Starmers pov because HE did not think of it, and rather than at least give it a try, his pride and ego prioritised.

Well? Why would I ?

I have not said that Starmer/Labour are wonderful, and certainly not perfect.
I have repeatedly said that Starmer and Labour are likely to be the best bet for the country. So far, I have seen no evidence to the contrary. Anyone else out there with a better chance of running the country?

The German scheme might well use the buildings in Rwanda paid for by the UK, but it is a different plan.
Do you believe that the Rwandan gov will shrug their shoulders and say to the Germans “Hey we already have some houses here! Take them for free!” ??
The German idea is to send asylum seekers there for processing only. After that they might be OK to return to Germany.
The UK plan was to send all asylum seekers to Rwanda permanently. No possible return to the UK.

The UK could have built 2,100 social homes here, for the money thrown at the high profile “plan” in Rwanda.
(Open Democracy)

So the Rwanda plan was to get shot of them permanently, or we could have built 2100 homes to keep them here.
Hmm which was the better option?
No please do not answer that :roll_eyes:.

You have not said they are perfect no…
But in comparison to your incessant pointing out, bordering on gloating, over every misdemeanour Johnson and the Tories made, at every opportunity, you are as quiet as a mouse about the complete f/ups that Starmer and his crew have made in their short time in power.
Not only devoid of criticism, but defending them with your tiresome and inevitable positive spin.
You have adopted their 2 tier system on this in fact😂.

I, or rather ‘we’ notice it all the time on here, because I am not the only one to have noticed it either apparentlly.
So of course you are going to negate the Rwanda policy and champion Starmer’s latest folly, I would not expect anything else from you.

And don’t ask me to list the f/ups broken promises, mad cap 2 tier policies, and all the rest of the cluster/f so far, in your usual pseudo innocent unaware style, so you can defend or refute them, put your reality head on and use the eyes it provides…just for a change.

:joy::joy: :joy::joy: You are seriously asking that? There is 2000 posts on this thread and nearly 3000 over on the Brexit one that answers that one for you.

The fact that Starlin is even there suggests that the Italian ‘far Right’ isn’t exactly what it says it is.

Probably because I’m not in the habit of telling adults where they should or should not live?

You have (unsurprisingly given your malfunctioning Babel Fish) entirely misunderstood the message of my earlier post.

Government isn’t run by one man.

In any case, it does seem on here that those who don’t like an election or referendum result will come on and argue blind that it never should have happened for x, y and z reason (even though it is done and dusted). They will use anything perceived bad to further their argument and agenda. The ones who do like the result will say get over it and make the best of it.

The thing is, the sides seem to have reversed.

In my case I am quite happy with the current situation, but that doesn’t mean I am Starmer’s defender. The public have put Labour in government for five years, that’s it.

I do think stopping the winter fuel payment was correct from the perspective of logical reasoning. The basic state pension should be enough to heat a home. Those that can’t aren’t spending their money correctly and an extra £200 or £300 won’t make a blind bit of difference.

I do also think that the government should consider abolishing the triple lock. Not trying to whip anything up, just my view you understand. Probably every government thinks they really should but doesn’t have the gumption to follow through with it.

Though I have yet to see or hear ANYONE requesting another General Election because they don’t like the result we have. Brexit and Scottish Independance immediately spring to mind.

“Though I have yet to see or hear ANYONE requesting another General Election because they don’t like the result we have. Brexit and Scottish Independance immediately spring to mind.”

I dunno, I haven’t read most of it.

I was meaning nationally, not just on Trucknet!