Political discussions...

^^^^ there’s no such thing as a free meal. If someone was providing me glasses and clothes up to the value of £40k and providing a personal shopper to my wife I’d be expecting that they’d certainly want something in return.

As I have always said…All nice caring and concerned on the face of it, but mostly in it for themselves and what they can get out of it.

You say 40k on clothes?:flushed:
Jeez he certainly does not subscribe to my 2 favourite labels and French designers…Jacques Amour, and Georges A’Tasder.:joy:

Not patronising or “talking down” to you, simply pointing out how the authorities (police) would easily nail you with your own words.

You really have to laugh at these clowns.
Lammy is even better than Franglais as a positive spin Doctor for their f/ups and misdemeanors.
Just read this…AND he is being serious.:joy:

Clear as day then.
Farage can be paid more to appear on a loss making TV Channel than he earns as an MP, and you reckon it doesn’t affect you, but Starmer’s wife gets less, and you are shouting out loud.

I have said before that MPs should not get paid for any work outside of Parliament, and I think probably no gifts either.
No holidays paid for by others, clothes, gold wallpaper, nowt.

Show me where I called RR a racist. Here’s a clue, I didn’t.

Perhaps your Babel Fish is malfunctioning, you need to get back to the intergalactic store you purchased it from and get a replacement.

PS don’t forget your towel

Took him a whole 3 hours to find that quote…
Time well spent.:joy:
Congrats Franglais you have made your point once again.

Ok, fair enough…,.thanks for the explanation.
Picked you up wrongly it seems.

From the article
Mr Lammy told the BBC’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme: “The Prime Minister did declare funds that he received from Lord Alli, he’s then gone back to the Parliamentary Commissioner to further check details on some of those funds that have made their way to his wife.

It is not the fact that he received the funds but they were not all declared correctly and that some "made their way to Mrs Starmer ( or should that be Lady Starmer ?)
Has the press or someone been tipped off about this and were about to go public so he has tried to beat them to it ??

While in opposition the now PM spent the last few years criticising members of the goverment if they as much as coughed in the wrong direction. He needs to remember he is in power now and will be scrutinised to the last degree.
Not much fun is it being responsible ??

I wouldn’t be so sure Rob.He comes across as a proper kick your door in and drag you off to the gulag Bolshevik enforcer to me.

I was clearly referring to the idea of move to a more indigenous environment and leave the ethnic enclaves, like Bosnia, to get on with it.Rather than get close to what you describe as Rob’s ‘vigilante’ strategy.
By definition that means taking on board the idea that ethnic segregation is good not racist.So exactly what is your position on the issue of indigenous flight ?.

Why do you insist on banging on about The Balkans all the time? I’m reasonably sure no-one else here shares your obsession.

And there is rarely anything “clear” about your posts - others will back me up on that.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a vigilante as: a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively.

So there’s no “what I describe as”; Rob’s own description of his feelings on that matter entirely fit the definition (@robroy this is just me dealing with CF, I’m not resurrecting previous posts)

Where have I said anything about “ethnic segregation”? Don’t try to drag me into your very peculiar view of life.

And who says I need to have a view on “indigenous flight” ?

Generally I tend to keep most of my political views off this very tabloid, one-dimensional thread, it’s not my idea of a place for reasoned discussion, so if I did/do have a particular view of this issue, I’d hardly be likely to bother sharing it here.

Wise words… :wink:

Let me guess…
If Starmer had waited to see whether or not the press picked up this story he would have been damned for trying to hide it?

But he is now damned for telling us about it up front.

:joy::joy::joy: I love the way you incessantly trawl through past conversations :joy::joy: were we once married?
It says far more about you than any of the other hypocritical bilge you post. Seek help. Seriously.

I don’t actually care what anyone makes “on the side” everyone is at it, why should I expect politicians to be any different? I post because I’m merely firing for effect, knowing that your rank hypocrisy will surface as sure as eggs is eggs. You never fail to deliver on the hypocrisy stakes. Is it only you who can’t see that if a Tory did this you’d be crowing about it from the rooftops?

Yeah ok, but at least he has you to defend him eh?

And so it goes on.
Anybody care to justify this one?..good luck.

Karen and Tracey banged up behind bars, working class (oops sorry…far right) guys caught up in the riots amongst the d/heads who had their own violent disruptive agenda… on their first offence, fast tracked to jail.
And 2 characters like these freed on our streets to make room for them.

Just looking at the photo of that piece of sh who maimed that little baby boy for life, brings out the absolute worst in me.

The one who harmed the baby ought to have been referred to the Court of Appeal for an unduly lenient sentence, he only got three years! How that went unchallenged, I do not know. I dare say that with that hanging around his neck, life on the outside isn’t going to be any kind of picnic.

I remember the one with the machete, that was part of an ongoing feud between two gangs of absolute scumbags in a less-than-pleasant area of Newcastle (Benwell/Elswick), both gangs were going around armed with various things, and the inference in the press was that the ones who got sent down got relatively lenient sentences basically because their victim would have done exactly the same to others, and was no loss to society. He was stabbed with the machete as he was chasing members of the other gang on the back of a motorbike, while swinging a baseball bat.

Ah right…
I heard a completely different story…
I was told it was a 14 yr old kid just caught up in all the sh as a passer by.
Anyhoo scumbag or not the kid was only 14, but ‘Lives by the sword’’ etc etc. I suppose.

Or maybe he thought he had got away with it, realised someone was about let the world know so thought he had better come clean, just saying!! Wonder what Lammy would have said if it was Boris getting the money.