Political discussions...

Just another day in the new Yugoslavia Rob.The first Socialist state that kept it’s Royal Family.

To be fare it is on the BBC website but hidden away in the South Yorkshire section :confused:

It does seem a bit odd that it’s not on the front page when they’ve managed to find room for some retired copper saying how he doesn’t need the winter fuel payment :frowning:

To be fare it is on the BBC website but hidden away in the South Yorkshire section :confused:

Of course it’s hidden away. The Beeb (funded by us entirely and incidentally) will do the bare minimum to actually fulfil their remit whilst concentrating on shizzle that most right minded individuals do not GAF about.

In trucking terms it’s akin to the Workington haulier applying for an increase on his O licence and putting an advert in The Southend Tribunal.

Cue the usual telling me that this practice is no longer allowed.

It’s no skin off my nose but you’re missing the point completely:

If someone was a suspect in an attack carried out on another person, and it was discovered that the suspect had been posting precisely this kind of intent online, stating on multiple occasions that they carry a weapon around, both in their several vehicles, and seemingly also in public, a suspect who also supports and publically promotes the views of known right-wing extremists, including one with a string of offences to his name who is currently a fugitive from justice…

They’re not going to pass up a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel situation like that.

I’ve had an epiphany, on the road to Doncaster no less; if any party had the testicular fortitude to implement this it would end irregular (nah, let’s call it what it is, illegal) immigration at one fell swoop.

What we do is simple; we announce that every male arriving in the Uk by irregular means will be subject to 5 years of national service. Don’t give them guns or anything FFS, give them sweeping and paint brushes’cos the military always need things cleaning.

It would stop the flow immediately I reckon.

I aint missing the point, I have no.qualms whatsoever of defending my girls to the n.th degree from savage scumbags who’s culture and way of life is to treat their own women as second class citizens, and white girls somewhere between fair game and meat.

If Starmers police get a bee in their helmets about me, for only posting to other drivers on TN…(a la Karen and Tracey on FB,.) well at least one of these pieces of sh would be freed to make room for me in the nick, so not all bad then, one more real criminal freed to make room for a trivial or political 'offence’:roll_eyes:

If they are going to arrest everybody who has an element of agreement with.TR (whom I am assuming you mean,) they best let a few thousand more dangerous criminals out to make room for us…what is it now?..‘working class far rights’.:roll_eyes:

And as for me as you say… ‘‘Publicly promoting the views of known right wing extremists’’ :joy:…,
I mean come on man, I just happen to agree with SOME of what TR says on line, and do not swallow all the counter points put about by the British Establishment to discredit him, a well known lefty tsctic it seems.
I see him more as a patriot rather than a dangerous racist as said establishment choose to write him off as, (not interested if he has been a bad boy in the past, most of us have in varying degrees) That does not make me some kind of modern day poundshop Oswald Mosely, in fact not even a right (er) wing version of promoter Franglais in fact . :joy:

Afaik Starmer has not banned all free speech which is contrary to his views (YET, but appears to be working on it)

Btw I can’t wait for his new laws on ‘Islamophobia’ that WILL make some fun reading, which is tantamount to blasphemy laws in modern 21st century ffs.:flushed::joy:

As I said mate I get it, on reflection,.maybe it was a bit hasty me venting my anger online in the present climate, but it’s done, and as you say recorded forever…so be it.

And at the risk of you labelling me a ‘sensitive kitten’ again or whatever tf it was last time, I WILL take advice like the next man, but only if it is offered in the right way, it’s just that I have an aversion to being patronised and talked down to.

Brilliant idea mate.
I thought along similar lines myself, not so much military service, but work in the community to earn their keep that we are faced with providing.
The realists among us know many of them do work already, usually delivering takeaways on the bikes they are provided with by again…us, while wearing a snood over their lower face, and despite the usual deluded crew calling for granted asylum… to get them working.
Newsflash…many are already, so best for them to use that energy by helping out the country that provides for them.

The retired copper ( and train drivers ) obviously don’t ‘need’ their inflated occupational, pensions either.

No doubt you’d also call anyone a racist for telling Rob and his family to move the hell out of that area if it’s even close to as bad as he describes that scenario.
White flight is real and it’s for a reason.

I have a sneaking suspicion that this guy posts on here under a different name……

What ?

Disproportional (bordering on irrational) hatred to Johnson?

A raving lefty with strong political views?

Hatred of the Tories?

A typical Starmer style 2 tier ‘one rule for one’ party, ‘one rule for another’.

Inconsistency on views and opinions depending on which party?

I’ll need a bit of time to get who you mean mate🤔
About a millisecond. :joy:

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Meanwhile in our illustrious new government.
We aint heard a lot from Diane Abbot lately.
I’ve just sussed it out, nip round to the local Turkish barber for a short back and sides, call round to Mossbros for fitting in a blokes whistle, change yer name to ‘David Lammy’ get a job in govt incognito…Bob’s yer Uncle.:sunglasses:

Not a million miles away.:joy:

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Although from the BBC, it would appear that 2 Tier Keir dosen’t know when a gift is a gift.

Yep, that looks bad.

Are you equating Rayner having a couple of weeks on holiday whilst Parliament is in recess, with Johnson having months away from Parliament whilst it is sitting?
And Johnson having many holidays when Starmer cancelled his family holiday?


What makes (and doesn’t make) the front page is often odd, isn’t it?
A failure to report sentencing, is not the same as a failure to report a case at all, and is a far cry from trying to suppress something.

I was surprised that the Birmingham grooming gang, which I referenced elsewhere, never made the national press.

No. I’m treating Bullys as something akin to a bunch of guys in a pub taking the Michael and having a laugh without feeling the need to provide links to back up every statement.

I appreciate that may be a completely alien concept to you however.

:joy:Irrational my arse.:joy:
Extremely rational when you look at the complete Horlicks he has made so far… (note you will need to remove your Comical Ali blinkers to get my point)
You are good at trawling back through my posts, check out the one pre election where I said along the lines of…

‘Tbf he maybe comes across as a decent guy’.

(but I was not entirely convinced…ref Tony Blair 1996.)

My 90+ year old Mam, my 86 year old Dad, and my 80+ year old Auntie also thought the same,.and indirectly voted for him…
They now have been robbed of their heating and energy allowance, and feel totally and utterly betrayed…as many of their friends,.and old people nationwide.
Many of his supporters are disillusioned with his pi55 poor performance also.
Here’s an example of a high profile, and very vocal pro Labour supporter in the past.

Thing is Franglais, not everyone is like you where they are too damm arrogant and up their own conceited arses to admit when they are wrong.

Hardly surprising, I’m sure I heard somewhere where some Labour fan is providing his suits…and even his designer glasses for him.