Political discussions...

@truckpro, if you say the B word, that could touch a nerve with someone. Sshhhh :shushing_face:

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Of course govt is not run by one man, but that one man is the figurehead, the representative , so in his case ‘The buck stops here’.

Sure I did not like the election result, but like most people I am ducking and diving, and trying to do the best despite of it, for me and my family…
That does not say I do not accept it, I do, that is what democracy is all about.

Ok, I will admit that most of my negative posts on this forum towards this govt, is because I was totally pi55ed off listening to Franglais, constantly belly aching about Johnson and the Tories, not to mention his piece de resistance…Brexit, and how things were ‘not going to be as bad’ under his beloved Labour…how’s that one turned out btw?

Love the way he stopped short (in a leaving his options open kind of way) by saying how better off we would be, but he continuosly defends them, and gives his Comical Ali spin on it all…

So ok… basically all I’m doing is trying to redress the balance if you will, …he has had ample milage, now it is my turn😁

Ok, go on,.I’ll admit it he presses all my buttons, and has took it to another level with his stereotype lefty accusations of ‘racist’ towards ME. which severely pi55ed me, even though the forum aint admittedlly real life,…my point being,he would not have the balls to tap me on the shoulder and say it directly in my face.
Just call me Jumbo…I never forget,:rage:
and I usually get my own back.:joy:

You say the basic pension is enough…on which planet is that true exactly?
Not all pensioners took out private pensions, and have to live on a paltry amount after working and contributing into the system all their lives, whilst foreign illegal criminals and low life scumbags, masqurading as refugees are catered for all inclusive…disgraceful.

A so called Labour govt, alienating their target audience, (the working class) not to mention their raison d’ etre, and for good measure stitching up and stealing off the pensioners.
Labour government?
They should be prosecuted under the Trades description act. :roll_eyes:
They are a joke…but at least. quote ‘‘They aint as bad as the Tories’’.:joy::joy:…apparently.

So instead of hinting at the idea of move away, on the basis that prevention is better than the the worse case scenario that Rob’s worried about.
You thought it was better to lecture him about why the Charles Bronson approach will bring down Starlin’s NKVD on his head.
He bleedin knows that.

@robroy, as depressing as it may be, the basic state pension is enough to live on and heat a home. The government can’t get involved in funding lifestyles. I get that there may be those that have been unlucky in life and all that.

Spare a thought for those that pay in all their lives and croak it before they even get to state pension age. Maybe we should count or blessings if we reach that age in the first place.

quote Noremac: ‘‘The govt can’t get involved in funding lifestyles’’

But that is my whole point on this…
Ok I fully realise I’m getting boring on this subject🙄, but I will keep banging on about it until something is done, so wtf…
ie They have no qualms about ‘Funding the lifestyles’ of young foreign men, many of them criminals, potential and proven terrorists, with no respect to our culture, and who try to instil theirs on us, once they are established.
They have no right to be here, and some of them are even kicking off because their accomadation and facilities do not meet their approval (cue the obligatory refurement and spin) you could not make that last bit up btw.
They ONLY leave the last SAFE country (France) to come here purely BECAUSE of that provided ligestyle,.and any other freebie perk that France are sensible enough not to give them.

So on the other hand this derisory govt readily plant a hardship on to our old people who collectivelly have put millions into the system all their adult lives, the same system that is being continuosly milked by these parasites.
You mention ‘as depressing as that is’…how depressing is that.
Charity begins at home.
So until the former situation is sorted, I have no support for the latter.

The basic state pension is enough to survive on for most healthy people. Those with health needs should be getting top ups. But that is not a given.

It is one of the few non means tested benefits out there.
There is a sound argument IMHO for it to become means tested.
But just as that argument about means testing also applies to child benefit, it would be political suicide for any party to bring it in. That is exactly what is happening currently to Labour.
Good idea or bad, it is not a good look.

The general idea that millionaire pensioners do not get a “£300 handout every year” seems a sound one.
That an old person gets almost “one and half weeks income taken away” is not so good!

I see that means testing might be the way to go, but it is a blunt tool being used and the level set, only the very poorest get the benefit, might be setting the threshold badly.

Not too far from me yet never even heard about this one.

Apologies for sending love hearts for liking a post.

I dont know about means testing, but maybe in the cases of the super rich pensioners, the likes of Mick Jagger Rod Stewart etc.
I remember reading somewhere (maybe on here) that Peter Stringfellow tried unsuccesfully to hand back his winter allowance, then gave it, topped up, to an old persons charity .

Pensioners do not get enough, what is it about 200 quid.?
They should be looked after adequately not robbed.
Funded by cutbacks of unneccesary expenditure, lets start with my first example, then foreign aid to countries with nuclear programmes etc .
A clean out of the non main membets of the Royal Family hangers on.
A cut in benefits to the underclass, those and their families who will never work as long as thry have that proverbial orifice.
And one that will never happen,…a cut in the wages and freeloading of all politicians…
All that would be a good start.
But no lets penalise the ones that we should not be instead, the easy targets.

The basic state pension is enough to survive on for most healthy people
Fiction and total crap,
my state pension works out at £182 a week FACT.

Your pension is £182 per week? Thank you for sharing that with the group.

Never used the saying “pay peanuts, get monkeys”?

I am all for a pay rise for politicians from the state coffers.
Stop them having other lines of income. No other paid jobs nor gifts etc.
Tighten up the rules about the revolving doors around politics/media/business. (Easier said than done of course)

I think I get what Franglais is saying though. When he says survive, that means using the bus pass and not owning a car. Probably going out of the local area only a few times a year. Eating quite basic but quality food and eating out once in a blue moon.

that means using the bus pass
yes good idea on colder days spending time on a bus keeping warm.
There is a big difference between living in some degree of comfort and basically surviving.

A hint of sarcasm.

So why are you being sarcastic with the guy because he has divulged what he is getting?
Why shouldnt he show ‘them’ up…It’s crap, and I aint gonna repeat myself about the comparison with what the freeloaders get, but I keep feeling compelled to do so on threads like this to bring people like you (in fact especially you) back down to Earth.

And you think MPs should have a pay raise?.:joy:
Why does that not suprise me eh?..especially with your aspirations, ‘Neighbourhood watch president/TN mod today, tomorrow the world’ eh? :joy:
I would like to stick my gregory out here and suggest that other than those and their families who are directly involved in politics, you are in a very small minority…maybe of ONE who think MPs need more money ffs .:roll_eyes:

You mention peanuts and monkeys?
Have I to advise you to take those blinkers off AGAIN?
Just look around, we are paying anything but peanuts, but it is still like something out of a ‘Planet of the Apes’ movie out there,.across ALL parties, …with Emperor Urko in charge of it all…

So what difference would a 10k top up for them make exactly?

I’m with you mate.
I lost my Gold Star pension when I went bust, never renewed it as I thought ‘Getting old is kin YEARS away’, so I stupidly never got round to renewing it, whilst instead, still thinking and acting like I was 30 years old,…and continuing to do so to the present day.:roll_eyes:

So basically I have zilch in terms of private pensions,not wanting FB style sympathy either, it’s my own stupid incompetent fault.

I have zero intention of ‘just surviving’ when I do retire, I like my social life far too much for that, so it’s either carry on with a zimmer in the cab, a lottery win…
or a well planned bank robbery job. :joy:

After being told my post was “fiction and total crap”?

The UK has an economy of over 3 trillion US$.
The PM and ministers get to decide who lives and who dies through their spending and defence decisions. The PM gets about £167k annually.

The average salary of a FTSE 100 CEO is a bit over £4 million. 25 times as much, to manage much less, and with less stress strain.

Oh well that changes things, you have convinced me with all those facts and stats.

What was I thinking?
Yep, lets pay these fully competent selfless and efficient politicians who are dedicated to us and us alone, what they want.
Sorry for not seeing it in the first place.

You see?
I can do sarcasm much better than you.

After saying that you are using a similar comparison context to mine concerning the pensioners and the scroungers, in an effort to make your point… so how come you dont feel the same about my example?
Pleeeease no links stats pointing out the amounts of money spent on pensioners compared to scroungers…I aint remotely interested…it’s all about principle, especially of the moral variety.

At no point did I make any kind of “hint” that RR should move house; that is just another example of your inability to correctly interpret the written word in the same way that rational people do.

You’re frequently amusing in your delusions, which is fine as it brings some much needed entertainment, but I’m seeing a new side to you recently, that of the weedy kid who tries to suck up to the bigger kids when they’re mouthing off, he thinks they’re cool and thinks he can become cool by joining in.

I’m used to seeing the RR/Maoster tag-team facing off against Franglais, but it seems you now seem to think you’re a member of the gang too.

You need to lay off the pan-galactic gargleblasters, take your towel and go & lie down in a darkened room somewhere

Firstly zero offence taken on any of that (I know zero was intended also btw) and why would there be, I had a laugh in fact.:joy:
Got to say nice to know I’m one of the cool kids, but as for me and Maoster being in a tag team…neither of us can rock wrestling trunks and still look cool if I’m honest.:joy:…and especially Maoster in fact.:flushed:
But tbf I thought also you were advocating for me to move (joking btw I didnt) I was trying to find out where you live, I thought about moving in to your street, handy for St James Park, we could share anecdotes seeing as we mostly agree on everything,.and I could get you into football…what do ya reck?
Get back to me on it.
