Police Daf

Hi Guys first time posting on here so it’s probably been said before. White DAF police lorry reg PN15 HKR, I saw it on M42 on Wednesday working alongside unmarked cars, I did stare out the passenger pig to try and get a pull, well 30 minutes extra pay :slight_smile:

police :slight_smile:


It was on the M5 near Worcester on Wednesday afternoon.

Its going all over the country at different times.

Going by it’s reg it has come from Solway DAF or is at least registered in their area…What I don’t get is why are people worried about it …Or are the people who ■■■■■ about it the people we want of the road as they are the ones watching videos etc …Because it is only there to see if drivers are using pc’s etc.a rmal traffic car will get you for any other infringment

since they started being sneaky barstewards I look in my mirror all the time now,if I see a unit approaching I normally check that everything is correct,i will not give them buggers a reason to pull me,

Hi Guys first time posting on here so it’s probably been said before. White DAF police lorry reg PN15 HKR, I saw it on M42 on Wednesday working alongside unmarked cars, I did stare out the passenger pig to try and get a pull, well 30 minutes extra pay :slight_smile:


I bet if it passed me that 99% of the time I would be fine. Seatbelt always on etc. But there’s always that one time that your having a drink, popping a choccy etc that they could get you on.

Going by it’s reg it has come from Solway DAF or is at least registered in their area…What I don’t get is why are people worried about it …Or are the people who ■■■■■ about it the people we want of the road as they are the ones watching videos etc …Because it is only there to see if drivers are using pc’s etc.a rmal traffic car will get you for any other infringment

Have you never taken a bite out of a sandwich on the motorway? or glanced at your paperwork/ map etc? That’s the sort of things they’re nicking you for nowadays.

Can someone sneak up to the unit and put a small “e” after the P with a black permanent marker ?

Just my twisted sense of humour !


Going by it’s reg it has come from Solway DAF or is at least registered in their area…What I don’t get is why are people worried about it …Or are the people who ■■■■■ about it the people we want of the road as they are the ones watching videos etc …Because it is only there to see if drivers are using pc’s etc.a rmal traffic car will get you for any other infringment

Have you never taken a bite out of a sandwich on the motorway? or glanced at your paperwork/ map etc? That’s the sort of things they’re nicking you for nowadays.

I only do road tests as I am a tech ,but if travelling a distance in my car as I will be tomorrow ,god bless holidays :smiley: :smiley: ,I will no doubt have a snack or a drink of water ,map wise if travelling to somewhere I don’t know…prior to sat nav I would look at a map and wite down directions …Dates back to my days in the army plan ahead …If I get pulled for having a sandwich at the wheel,then fair enough …Once got done for no seatbelt coming back from MOT my fault lesson learnt ,I don’t blame he police

3 wheeler:
Can someone sneak up to the unit and put a small “e” after the P with a black permanent marker ?

Just my twisted sense of humour !

Nice one!

since they started being sneaky barstewards I look in my mirror all the time now,if I see a unit approaching I normally check that everything is correct,i will not give them buggers a reason to pull me,

It’s doing it’s job well then.

Hard to understand really. If you’re doing nowt wrong, they can’t touch you can they, so why get wound up over it. Even at the relatively low speed of 50 odd mph a lot can happen when you’re “glancing” at a map.

Nothing to worry about, my vice is a swig from my water bottle (small flip cap nalgene type) and a munch on an apple, so I check my mirrors as you should :wink:
And crack on :stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno why people have such a disregard for the police. They’d be one of the first you call if your cars been nicked or your daughters been ravished.
They have the thankless job of knocking on someones front door at 2 am to tell some poor sod that their loved one ain’t coming home because their dead.
The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the ■■■■… So who’s fault is that…

I saw the Metropolitan Police tipper the other week - just outside Nuneaton :open_mouth: :confused:

Dunno why people have such a disregard for the police. They’d be one of the first you call if your cars been nicked or your daughters been ravished.
They have the thankless job of knocking on someones front door at 2 am to tell some poor sod that their loved one ain’t coming home because their dead.
The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the [zb]… So who’s fault is that…

I spent 1:45 mins with an officer on Wednesday evening when i was hoping to have an early finish (not 12 hours), and ended up doing an even longer day… :cry: But an officer has a job to do, and can’t clock a shift where he has nothing to show other than kipping in a layby… Hence I had a full ADR shakedown, and he didn’t like the look of a “limited quantities” pallet I had. You just help the officer the best you can and not get lippy, as you can’t win an argument with the police…

I just wish they will pull over some of the cars you see using their mobile below steering wheel height! :smiling_imp:

Dunno why people have such a disregard for the police. They’d be one of the first you call if your cars been nicked or your daughters been ravished.
They have the thankless job of knocking on someones front door at 2 am to tell some poor sod that their loved one ain’t coming home because their dead.
The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the [zb]… So who’s fault is that…

Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


since they started being sneaky barstewards I look in my mirror all the time now,if I see a unit approaching I normally check that everything is correct,i will not give them buggers a reason to pull me,

It’s doing it’s job well then.

yeah, when you think about it you are right,never thought of it that way