Police Daf


Dunno why people have such a disregard for the police. They’d be one of the first you call if your cars been nicked or your daughters been ravished.
They have the thankless job of knocking on someones front door at 2 am to tell some poor sod that their loved one ain’t coming home because their dead.
The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the [zb]… So who’s fault is that…

Don’t get caught if you can’t do the time.

Edited for accuracy :smiley:

Dunno why people have such a disregard for the police. They’d be one of the first you call if your cars been nicked or your daughters been ravished.
They have the thankless job of knocking on someones front door at 2 am to tell some poor sod that their loved one ain’t coming home because their dead.
The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the [zb]… So who’s fault is that…

I do because all 3 times I’ve been stopped whilst driving my car I’ve been treated like a criminal until they’ve found nothing to do me for.

Due to the nature of my work, I’m usually driving home from the depot in Mansfield back home to Ipswich in the early hours. Every time I’ve been stopped has been for no reason other than “we saw a 25 year old driving a 20 year old BMW and thought it’d be worth a tug”.

It would’ve already showed up in their computer that it’s taxed, MOT’d and insured. I service it regularly and generally look after it as I value my licence so it doesn’t look like a 20 year old heap. But every time, I stand on the side of either the A1 or the A14 while they double check through the radio, then search both me and the car for drugs. Then I’m asked “when did you last have a drink”. Regardless of the answer I’m breathlysed anyway even though I quite obviously don’t stink of drink.

Then after all this messing about I’m just told to get on my way.

One time I was stopped and they were checking over my details and said “Ipswich? That’s a fair way home from work isn’t it!” To which I replied “yeah, and the longer you keep me here the longer it takes to get home!” This officer then checked every tyre and light in my car before reluctantly letting me go.

Guilty until proven innocent every time.

Go catch some real criminals.

Sorry for the rant!

When I was a yoof I had a copper pull me over ,he came to my window which I had wound down and said to me that he was looking for stolen cars to which my reply was “tell me what you want and I’ll get it for you within 48hrs”…I thought that was quite funny,he didn’t :smiley:

over here if you get a tug and the cop wants you to blow in the bag,then its usually cos his chips are too hot… :unamused:
and if you don’t want the unparked pigpen overtaking you,then its best to apply some welly assuming you can hit the must make boat button and using that logic,they will have crept up on some other Herbert to amuse themselves with before they’ve caught up on you…i think they can only tweak it to a Cpl of miles over the 56…so there hardly relevant if your sitting at a healthy 64 or thereabouts…works for me??

i remember a tv program with angus extolling the virtues of the camera that could see inside the truck cab…“we caught one bloke changing a cd last week”…says it all really…tossers.

Nothing to worry about, my vice is a swig from my water bottle (small flip cap nalgene type) and a munch on an apple, so I check my mirrors as you should :wink:
And crack on :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s the way.

Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

I thought it was “Don’t do the time if you can’t do the crime” :laughing: :laughing:

just a quick question. is the police unit still restricted to 56■■ my truck runs flat out at 56 and keeps up speed even going up hill. not many trucks overtake me


The only reason you have a disregard for them is because if you break the law and get caught your in the [zb]… So who’s fault is that…

Exactly. All the posters on here bleating on about “scameras”. In all the years and mileage I’ve done I’ve only ever contributed once when I was on my way to watch the WRC and doing well over 60 through the 50MPH section of the A40 at Pencraig where the cafe is and where there’s usually a camera van. Saw the van, said to my mate I bet I get a letter in the next 14 days. Got a letter, paid fine, moved on with my life.

Due to the nature of my work, I’m usually driving home from the depot in Mansfield back home to Ipswich in the early hours. Every time I’ve been stopped has been for no reason other than “we saw a 25 year old driving a 20 year old BMW and thought it’d be worth a tug”.

It would’ve already showed up in their computer that it’s taxed, MOT’d and insured.

But it doesn’t show them who is driving it, they can’t see the condition of the tyres as its bombing down the road at 70MPH, they don’t know if you’ve had a drink.

Guilty until proven innocent every time.

If you hate them that much then don’t phone them when someone has broken into your house, nicked or damaged your car etc etc etc.


Due to the nature of my work, I’m usually driving home from the depot in Mansfield back home to Ipswich in the early hours. Every time I’ve been stopped has been for no reason other than “we saw a 25 year old driving a 20 year old BMW and thought it’d be worth a tug”.

It would’ve already showed up in their computer that it’s taxed, MOT’d and insured.

But it doesn’t show them who is driving it, they can’t see the condition of the tyres as its bombing down the road at 70MPH, they don’t know if you’ve had a drink.

Guilty until proven innocent every time.

If you hate them that much then don’t phone them when someone has broken into your house, nicked or damaged your car etc etc etc.

Mixed experiences with Police. I think they’re fairly good at attempting to find misdemeanours themselves by driving about- parking, social order stuff, spotting road offences by sifting over roadside checks, but not very great if you call them to “crime” that has taken place and hand it to them on a plate. I think that’s down to their lack of resources and being strangled by endless red tape, so for the figures it’s easier to go looking for work as its an easier prosecution perhaps? Don’t know.

like a car that’s been broken into with the thief inside. A neighbour rang to report my car was being broken into. It was outside a police station :grimacing: . One legged it, one was detained (thieves, not coppers). It was a right ■■■■ up. Funny if it were not 2 am. They didn’t even prosecute the bloke. Must have had a hell of an alibi. A friend of mine was punched on a night out in front of a bobby car in Lincoln. The copper didn’t even get out of the car. His response “everyone’s had a few haven’t they”. Maybe he meant himself.

I think these small offences they spot themselves and prosecute for nicely bump up their “we have solved” crime figures whereas if you ring them up and report a crime the solved rate would be a lot lower.

Hi Guys first time posting on here so it’s probably been said before. White DAF police lorry reg PN15 HKR,

The following vehicle is NOT a police vehicle. PN15 HKR. According to another forum it actually belongs to a film crew who are creating a new series called ‘Britain’s Ugliest Driver’…

m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5 … 3&tn=E

I just wish they would put as much effort into solving petty crimes as they do catching drivers eating sarnies or drinking coffee.[emoji36] [emoji36] [emoji36]