Please post all anti-Polish posts here

It’s the same for the polish as it was for the english in the 80’s.
there was no work here so some of my mates went to germany to find work. when things picked up they came home. i don’t see a problem with the poles but i’ll still take the ■■■■ when i get the chance. i would expect them to do the same. so here goes.

polish bloke goes for a medical:

doc…okay, eye test first…read this


pole…I Know him. :laughing: :laughing:

I can tell you better one:

Two poles in UK are talking and one told second the story:

  • I went to the dentist yesterday and this moron pull off my two tooths: the good one and next.
  • But how it was? What had you told him?
  • I don’t speak english, so I just went there, sit on the chair, pointed with my finger and told “Tu” [Which sounds excactly like english “two” and means “here”]
  • Oh, so you are lucky, that you haven’t told him “ten”! [In polish “ten” means “this one”]


lol, it’s a good debate but Orys, be realistic mate:-

Imagine poland’s econamy was very good and britain was worse off, all of a sudden british people arrived - thousands of them, along with some asians some greeks and some austrailians - for arguments sake.

they were happy to work for less than the locals so they got jobs easier than polish people, they worked hard because to them it was a lot of money and they sent most of the money home for their family.

After a few years, poland became very poor because the money had been sent to britain by these workers so tax, booze, fuel, ■■■■, food, everything was suddenly more expensive to help the country to provide for it’s people and for the workers who were still there.

How would you have felt?

:open_mouth: :unamused: :blush:
This has to be one of the best ones yet. How much is the war in Iraq/Afghanistan costing the British public.
The fact that the Europeans send some money home has very little impact in comparison to the cost of invading a country or two :blush:
I just hope the u s of a gives you some oil back for helping them,although they will probably have used it all by the time its over.

Don’t wanted to mention that, but I think we should also notice, that Britain owes its richness and position to all overseas countries, what was ripped off their natural resources during british occupation there during colonial period and later… So talking that someone is coming here and ripping britain from it’s money seems to be slightly hipocrisy thing. Maybe I should ask you "How you would feel, if I would land my ship in Dover, then drove to London, put polish flag in the middle of Trafalgal square and tell you “this land is now belonging to president Kaczyński, you all must pay 25% taxes and you all now belonging to polish community. You all must speak polish, wear polish national clothes, drive only FSO polonez and grow cabbage for us and you there, you, you and you with this lorries, come with me, we will load all this stuff from British Museums and Queens gallery as we want to display it in Warsaw”

Please appreciate, that I haven’t asked any questions like that :wink:

And but the way: how many of you are aware, that third power in Iraq and Afganistan is Poland? Had any of you ever seen an article about some polish soldier who died there in british paper? :wink:

Don’t wanted to mention that, but I think we should also notice, that Britain owes its richness and position to all overseas countries, what was ripped off their natural resources during british occupation there during colonial period and later… So talking that someone is coming here and ripping britain from it’s money seems to be slightly hipocrisy thing. Maybe I should ask you "How you would feel, if I would land my ship in Dover, then drove to London, put polish flag in the middle of Trafalgal square and tell you “this land is now belonging to president Kaczyński, you all must pay 25% taxes and you all now belonging to polish community. You all must speak polish, wear polish national clothes, drive only FSO polonez and grow cabbage for us and you there, you, you and you with this lorries, come with me, we will load all this stuff from British Museums and Queens gallery as we want to display it in Warsaw”

Please appreciate, that I haven’t asked any questions like that :wink:

You should be picking cotton or cleaning toilets,boy.
Coming on here giving us a lecture,patronising git.
While we were building an Empire and ruling half the world,you lot were working out how to feed a family of ten on a bowl of cabbage soup.

How do you know if a plane thats just landed at Heathrow is from Poland?

The whineing continues even when the engines have stopped.

You should be picking cotton or cleaning toilets,boy.
Coming on here giving us a lecture,patronising git.
While we were building an Empire and ruling half the world,you lot were working out how to feed a family of ten on a bowl of cabbage soup.

Read some books, pal.

300 yrs ago we were a big country and Scots were coming to Poland for work - for example as mercenary soldiers… Only difference was that we don’t had slavery and religious wars this time.

But now you can see why I don’t wanted to touch this subject - it’s stil very danger to touch “british imperium” subject .

So talking that someone is coming here and ripping britain from it’s money seems to be slightly hipocrisy thing. Maybe I should ask you "How you would feel, if I would land my ship in Dover, then drove to London, put polish flag in the middle of Trafalgal square and tell you “this land is now belonging to president Kaczyński, you all must pay 25% taxes and you all now belonging to polish community. You all must speak polish, wear polish national clothes, drive only FSO polonez and grow cabbage for us and you there, you, you and you with this lorries, come with me, we will load all this stuff from British Museums and Queens gallery as we want to display it in Warsaw”

go for it :laughing:

I want to explain something to do not be wrongly understanded.

For me is just nothing like “this nation is to clean toilet and this is to be quantum electrodynamics proffesors”.

Some nations are richer and some not. That is due to many circumnstances. For example Britain is an Island so it can spend all work something different then being involved with conflicts with it’s neighbours like Poland is.

By that I don’t want to diminish Britain’ achievments, but simply to show some thing: it’s not that Brits are some übermensch, it’s hundreds of conditions and historical things brang it when it is now.

Who knows, maybe if Poland would be here, and England there things were be excatly opposite now? Or maybe we even would be better as we were doing pretty well - we even were only country ever, who had war with Russia and captured Moscow… No one knows, and no one ever will.

We must live in world as it is, as we can’t change history or nothing. But people are people, no matter if they are from Poland, Britain or Zimbabwe. Everywhere are some smart people and some stupid ones. Every nation have its heroes and ■■■■■■■■■

Just stop talking like that as we know all that it’s ■■■■■■■■. There is no something like “good driver becouse british” or “poor driver becouse polish”. There is no “smart scottish” and “stupid pakistani”.

They are just good and bad drivers, smart and stupid people.

So I am wide open for discussion based on facts, not on stereotypes :wink:

My only gripe with immigration as i am sure it would be anywhere in the world, is people moving to another country to sponge, Britain is to much of a push over i have met a few polish drivers and found them all to have a good command of the english language and work hard for their pay, its the immigrants who come here just to claim benifits and take atvantage of the NHS who i cant tolerate, if your able to contribute to society then happy day. we should have the same system as australia you need to have a skill they require to emigrate there.

GSM31 its comments like that, that can start wars, i dont feel it has a place on this forum but thats my opinion, i am all for free speech but to a point.

if you dont agree with that then maybe this is the site for you

Orys why dont you stop yourself next time you feel the urge to start another topic. The same stuff will only resurface time after time,and although you seem innocent to start off with we both know you are only baiting the same people each time.
In a nutshell change the record. :bulb:

My only gripe with immigration as i am sure it would be anywhere in the world, is people moving to another country to sponge, Britain is to much of a push over i have met a few polish drivers and found them all to have a good command of the english language and work hard for their pay, its the immigrants who come here just to claim benifits and take atvantage of the NHS who i cant tolerate, if your able to contribute to society then happy day. we should have the same system as australia you need to have a skill they require to emigrate there.

I want add something on the top of that.

I fully agree, that people who comes here to sponge are bad. But I want you to notice fact, that I don’t like them even more then you as they don’t only are the waste of MY TAX MONEY, what I pay as well as you all, but also they destructing a good opinion about my nation!

I think that this skill program should be good - you should not be allowed to move until you can speak this country language and/or you have some skills really needed.

On the top of that it should be families allowed, but again not to milk benefits.

I bring my girl with me. She’s a french teacher, but she wasn’t speaking any english on arrival. So she were sitting at home, then she have some part-time housekeeping job and she is learning language pretty fast, spending as much time as she has on that. I hope that in few months she will be able to get some proper job and earn some serious money, and then I will quit my full time job and i’ll go to university.

But I want to make that clear: We were never asked no-one for any money, any benefits etc. All what we have here is mostly my own hands work. And even if I recently felt in trouble due to car accident and unfair employer I wasn’t entitled to any help altough I am paying taxes here two years.

(this last thing is in my opinion not fair to the end. I think I should be allowed to get some financial support and then, if I haven’t paid enaugh to the jar, some part of my compensation could be taken back from me. But I think that only becouse it was something what I cannot afford and that are scottish people who bring me there when I am now. But even without any financial help (only with huge overdraft and credit card limit) i managed and it seems that I am back on track, so altough that would be helpfull I still think, that it’s better when I can’t get benefit for first two years even if I really need then if everyone can claim even if they don’t need)

ellies dad:
Orys why dont you stop yourself next time you feel the urge to start another topic. The same stuff will only resurface time after time,and although you seem innocent to start off with we both know you are only baiting the same people each time.
In a nutshell change the record. :bulb:

You know, I started this topic and I was expected that all morons will have their kids play area here and I will be able to speak with the rest of you about other subjects with peace.

It turned that it’s interesting discusion started there, and altough most of that subject we were already through, some things still are new and interesting for me and as I can see from size of this thread for others as well.

Bad news are that morons are too stupid to write something smart here, so they keep attacking me in other topics.

At the end I decided that I will keep this interesting discusion here and NOT START any new topics regarding my nationality and simply ignore them no matter where they are.

ellies dad:
Orys why dont you stop yourself next time you feel the urge to start another topic. The same stuff will only resurface time after time,and although you seem innocent to start off with we both know you are only baiting the same people each time.
In a nutshell change the record. :bulb:

:smiley: After the sheer volume of anti-Polish grievances on this site over the years…and you have the audacity to tell Orys to ‘change the record’ as he retaliates. :laughing: If you fairly penned the same to each of the anti- Polish Tourette Syndrome sufferers, you’d still be [zb] typing. :laughing:

I do not retaliate nothing!

I am fully aware that someone can have his opinion. I am only trying to do my best if he have this opinion based on myths, stereotypes or gossips.

If he will know the truth and still keep his opinion - I am ok with that.

Orys, what a ridiculous thread to start! Are you trying to stir up anti Polish feelings! There is a saying here in the UK, it goes like this LET SLEEPING DOGS LAY, if I was a foreigner in another country I would be doing my best to integrate, not spend my time stirring things up. Here’s another one WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO. Are you getting the idea? if not, then shove off.


Orys, what a ridiculous thread to start! Are you trying to stir up anti Polish feelings! There is a saying here in the UK, it goes like this LET SLEEPING DOGS LAY, if I was a foreigner in another country I would be doing my best to integrate, not spend my time stirring things up. Here’s another one WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO. Are you getting the idea? if not, then shove off.


you’d be one of the few brits that do :laughing:

I do not retaliate nothing!

:smiley: Ok I’ll just poke them in the eyes for you. :
Ok, ok love and peace :laughing:

When i say change the record i mean to stop creating topics for the purpose of baiting the same users time after time.
We all know what they think of any non british, so why keep asking.

AUDACITY :laughing:

As I told: I wasn’t asking.

I tried to integrate and discuss normal topics, but they were still coming back with their stupid posts, so that’s why I created this topic as a place for all this stupid posts.

But then it turned that most of you writing clever things here so I am here to read and speak.

Believe or not, but that can be also road to integrate - if you know where your place is in other’s eyes it help you to find a compromise between when you want to be and when you will not be beaten :wink: