Please post all anti-Polish posts here

One way or another ,European drivers were gonna arrive on my and your shores one day.
Be thankful they did and drove our trucks and other less desireable jobs.
For if they didnt your hauliers would not have been able to survive as these immigrants most likely would have arrived anyway,only this time in a Hungarmonica truck and if you think about this things could have been alot worse.

ellies dad:
One way or another ,European drivers were gonna arrive on my and your shores one day.
Be thankful they did and drove our trucks and other less desireable jobs.
For if they didnt your hauliers would not have been able to survive as these immigrants most likely would have arrived anyway,only this time in a Hungarmonica truck and if you think about this things could have been alot worse.

Hey, don’t come in here talking sense. Do you realise that you could spoil a good debate and a rant !!!

Orys…what is the point of this thread?? Do you like having confrontations with British drivers? Looks like it to me.
I assume that you will have a full time well paid job soon as you seem to be getting lots of offers of work paying more than 20k. If you decide not to take the job can you let others know so they can apply for it.

Orys…what is the point of this thread?? Do you like having confrontations with British drivers? Looks like it to me.
I assume that you will have a full time well paid job soon as you seem to be getting lots of offers of work paying more than 20k. If you decide not to take the job can you let others know so they can apply for it.

Its a pointless thread, Orys is extolling the virtues of having drivers like him, who are needed and …erm, can’t actually find a job !!

Accualy I had three offers and I choose one, starting tommorow :stuck_out_tongue:

But point of this thread was to give you space to write all this hate-stuff to clear other threads.

Sorry that I came back to here, but discussion went interesting :wink:

Orys…what is the point of this thread?? Do you like having confrontations with British drivers? Looks like it to me.
I assume that you will have a full time well paid job soon as you seem to be getting lots of offers of work paying more than 20k. If you decide not to take the job can you let others know so they can apply for it.

yes off course. But I don’t want to spread people’s mobiles over the internet. If anybody is interested please PM me, and then I call this guy and give him your number.

Can you let others know of the 2 that you declined?

Can you let others know of the 2 that you declined?

As I told, I am not sure if I shall spread this guy mobile, as it might be his private number and I don’t have his landline, as he called me to my landline…

If you are interested, please PM me and give me your number and I will pass it to this guy.

Job is located in Cambuslang near Glasgow. Local multidrop over Ayrshire.

The tabloids are not my only source of information…i also work with poles, in fact it was them who told me they took their test on a tractor anfd farm trailer, and swapped it for a HGV licence…
My main argument is the fact that only the brits should claim benefits…not foreigners…wish my smilies worked…
The child benefit debate !!! yes its true that we can claim this benefit in other countries…but who in their right mind would want to claim benefit much lower than the british one…
I wonder if when the foreigners go home, they will give up this benefit…for if its paid directly into a bank account, who will ever know…
the rest of your answers are being probed at the moment, and i will get back to you on that one.
Whilst i must commend you for your command of the English writing structure, one must assume that your command of the English language is also to be commended, but may i add that seeing as you are living in bonnie Scotland. you might at least use some of the following words …Wee…Bairn…Och Supper…and refer to them as Jocks…

still anti polish but i am anti evreyone.
so ,
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It seems to me that there are 1 or 2 people on here who don’t agree with immigrants coming to this country.

Are British immigrants in Canada treated the same over there (Bloody English coming here and pinching our jobs and women :angry: :angry: :angry: )
Are there any threads to this affect on Trucknet Canada■■?

At the end of the day we are all working to the same ends

I.E. To make money to support our families or selves

The sooner that everyone realises this the better we’ll all get on.

All nationlities should be treated the same and be given jobs on ability and nothing else

The tabloids are not my only source of information…i also work with poles, in fact it was them who told me they took their test on a tractor anfd farm trailer, and swapped it for a HGV licence…
My main argument is the fact that only the brits should claim benefits…not foreigners…wish my smilies worked…
The child benefit debate !!! yes its true that we can claim this benefit in other countries…but who in their right mind would want to claim benefit much lower than the british one…
I wonder if when the foreigners go home, they will give up this benefit…for if its paid directly into a bank account, who will ever know…
the rest of your answers are being probed at the moment, and i will get back to you on that one.
Whilst i must commend you for your command of the English writing structure, one must assume that your command of the English language is also to be commended, but may i add that seeing as you are living in bonnie Scotland. you might at least use some of the following words …Wee…Bairn…Och Supper…and refer to them as Jocks…

:laughing: :laughing: And some people on here didnt take a test at all,and seem to think they are better than others.Old school my arse,just another old timer who probably bent plenty of rules,but being a Brit it was ok then. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hey Sweetleaf…if only the majority of drivers knew as much as me, for i`ve forgotten more than what the majority know…ha ha (still no smilies)…and as for saying i used to run bent…god forgive you…for you have sinned…i only ever carried 2 log books anyway.

lol, it’s a good debate but Orys, be realistic mate:-

Imagine poland’s econamy was very good and britain was worse off, all of a sudden british people arrived - thousands of them, along with some asians some greeks and some austrailians - for arguments sake.

they were happy to work for less than the locals so they got jobs easier than polish people, they worked hard because to them it was a lot of money and they sent most of the money home for their family.

After a few years, poland became very poor because the money had been sent to britain by these workers so tax, booze, fuel, ■■■■, food, everything was suddenly more expensive to help the country to provide for it’s people and for the workers who were still there.

How would you have felt?

No matter what happens Orys is going to encounter some negitivity, snide comments or what some people could even class as racism. HGV driving is a profession that is especially suseptible to foreign migrants adding to competition and possibly even putting British drivers out of a job, its only natural that the workers already here would be suspicious or bitter about whats going on. Looking at the posts on this thread its clear to see what most have an attitude of “live and let live” which can only be seen as a positive thing. This thread could have been full of hate filled bile but it isnt.

I find that one of the biggest gripes U.K drivers have with migrants coming here to work is they rarely speak english. The foreign drivers I have worked with that CAN speak english have all been pretty good to get along with, when the foreign workers cant speak english a “them and us” atmosphere forms.

i love dust


Ok, Mothertrucker showed us allegory of UK economical system, but I want to be polite and want to mention, that british chaps can work hard as well.

Check these guys: how hard they worked: :grimacing:

that one :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

ive just got me ruler out and you can just about get that van out between the bollards!!! :laughing: :laughing: if you fold your ears in! :laughing:

The tabloids are not my only source of information…i also work with poles, in fact it was them who told me they took their test on a tractor anfd farm trailer, and swapped it for a HGV licence…

Ehm, and if I will tell you, that I passed my bus licence on the moped, will you believe me as well? It’s not legal, and it wasn’t legal, unless he did his licence in fifties or something. But then, you can meet some british people, who haven’t passed any driving test, never, as in old times it wasn’t required.

My main argument is the fact that only the brits should claim benefits…not foreigners…wish my smilies worked…

My argument is that if I am paying taxes here, I should be allowed to benefit from this, what are my taxes going for. I completly agree, that it should be some regulations to block people, who are coming here ONLY to live on benefits. But that it’s some kind of madness in UK: tell me how it’s possible (I just heard this in radio somewhere on the way) that some ILLEGAL MIGRANT from Africa was having benefits? How some ILLEGAL MIGRANT can claim benefit, if I am legal and I am not entitled to nothing after over two years of paying taxes here?

The child benefit debate !!! yes its true that we can claim this benefit in other countries…but who in their right mind would want to claim benefit much lower than the british one…

But live costs in other countries are also lower…

I wonder if when the foreigners go home, they will give up this benefit…for if its paid directly into a bank account, who will ever know…

That’s very easy to check: if they stop work here, they will stop paying their NIN and taxes every week or so…

the rest of your answers are being probed at the moment, and i will get back to you on that one.

I really enjoying our discussion, as at least is one based on argumentation, not on offending me :grimacing: And I will be really happy if I will be able to explain you some things what you wasn’t aware about.

Whilst i must commend you for your command of the English writing structure, one must assume that your command of the English language is also to be commended, but may i add that seeing as you are living in bonnie Scotland. you might at least use some of the following words …Wee…Bairn…Och Supper…and refer to them as Jocks…

Aye, beggie :smiley:

lol, it’s a good debate but Orys, be realistic mate:-

Imagine poland’s econamy was very good and britain was worse off, all of a sudden british people arrived - thousands of them, along with some asians some greeks and some austrailians - for arguments sake.

they were happy to work for less than the locals so they got jobs easier than polish people, they worked hard because to them it was a lot of money and they sent most of the money home for their family.

After a few years, poland became very poor because the money had been sent to britain by these workers so tax, booze, fuel, ■■■■, food, everything was suddenly more expensive to help the country to provide for it’s people and for the workers who were still there.

How would you have felt?

I wish that Poland have such problems as being so rich that everyone would go there :wink:

But i know your problem in micro-scale as my polish city is one of the fastest growing economies in Poland and people from all over the country moving there. Flat prices went crazy, city is overcrowded and everywhere are some construction works. But I still prefere this city now then 10 years ago…

This thread could have been full of hate filled bile but it isnt.

Excactly! I am really positively suprised and I am really appreciate that !

I find that one of the biggest gripes U.K drivers have with migrants coming here to work is they rarely speak english. The foreign drivers I have worked with that CAN speak english have all been pretty good to get along with, when the foreign workers cant speak english a “them and us” atmosphere forms.

Yeah. I hate people like that.

Check one guy, whom I know: He’s working in factory, when 95% of staff are eastern europenians. He’s driven to and from work by van with polish driver, then he’s going arround the corner to polish shop to buy polish food, then he’s going home to seat on the sofa, dring polish beer and watch polish sat TV. And then he dare to tell me “What a stupid nation are this Scots!”.

I asked him if he knows any and he told me “off course I know, I live here 3 years but they are stupid. They speak so funny”. I asked him who is stupid if that’s he, who came here 3 years ago, still working in the same stupid factory, didn’t made any progress and even can’t speak single word in english and pays others to trasnlate him every stupid document…