Please post all anti-Polish posts here

. For some one who was going to look into this ‘anti pole’ thread maybe once a month this was a quick reply from you.

Just for your information: I will come back once in month to posts like yours :wink:

The mothertrucker’s one was fun :wink:

Ok, Mothertrucker showed us allegory of UK economical system, but I want to be polite and want to mention, that british chaps can work hard as well.

Check these guys: how hard they worked: :grimacing:

classic that one :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Vashnoofka !!!

Thought that was a song by Kate Bush?



you have an unfortunate complaint that needs urgent attention. :blush:

Personally, I like too:-

Go to the toilet
then sleep

otherwise it gets messy!! :smiley: :blush: :wink:


the pole is breaking the law by not using 110v onsite :open_mouth: :smiley: where’s the HSE when you need them. :open_mouth: :smiley: :wink:

Wheel Nut:
Cant fault the Poles. I get on with most folks, we have some lovely Austrian neighbours, hardly see them :smiley:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: was wondering who would be first. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not sure whether this is a joke thread, but it should be.
It’s not the poles fault that there’s opportunities here and they’re filling them in,
the haulage firms have to make ends meet due to extornionate fuel duties imposed by various governments, and if that means employing cheap labour then so be it, what would you prefer to see? more lorry firms going broke by only employing british drivers?
So some of them aren’t the best drivers in the world, but every single roundabout in northampton (or maybe even northamptonshire) has ruts on the approach and exit of roundabouts where drivers go up and over curbs when there’s no reason to go within a foot of the curbs let alone over it, i doubt that they were all made by polish drivers :unamused:

If you got rid of the poles you would have no way to get rid of succesive governments causing the prolems in the first place :bulb:

Try and get used to the roundabouts on your way back home

Then they might want to ask some English people who went and lived or holidayed in Wales in the 1970’s. We have short memories here

I lived in Wales all through the '70’s and got on fine with everyone.
Didnt get my house burned down either - probably because I held the best parties in the village :laughing:

Islam is violent :unamused: whats this got to do with furniture polish?


ps. better ‘head off’ now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nice one N2N

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

Have to change the sheets AGAIN :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :wink:


Then they might want to ask some English people who went and lived or holidayed in Wales in the 1970’s. We have short memories here

I lived in Wales all through the '70’s and got on fine with everyone.
Didnt get my house burned down either - probably because I held the best parties in the village :laughing:

When I had my roof done a couple of years ago, my (very) Welsh neighbour asked me what I was doing with the old timber.

I told him, “D.I.Y. Welsh style”.

“What’s that?”

“Burning my own cottage!” :laughing:

If you’re down here to work, get on with your neighbours and don’t expect anything to happen quickly, it’s a great place to live. Best move I ever made.

not racisct and ive posted in support of orys before .
But :question: as the economy of this country declines .
its down to job availibilty ,/wages yuill and dodds find a scottish driver :question:
receptionists /security guards /office staff /plant workers
east europeans are evrey where .
orys you and youre kind can pack up and F *** off when it doesnt suit you .
us we live here ,.
and as the economic dark clouds are here.
and polands booming ,why are you still here .
but the trend off low pay .in all sectors is what you will leave behind .
you want it all orys .
and yes i am starting to hate immigrants
they are taking our jobs .
clear enough orys

scania245, I reckon your right, perhaps the Poles and the like are just here for their own benefit, but it appears that the government of this country are doing the same to you, taking whatever they can at every opportunity. That appears to be the society in England at this time, there is a lot of rot here, lack of infrastructure support in it seems all the public sector, some of the most barking mad ways of solving problems The PC thing is beyond belief, looking at the local paper over the weekend it appears you will get a bigger fine for dropping littler than stabbing someone in Calderdale. I appears that the lowlife that actually commit crimes will get off, were someone who drifts 1 mile per hour over limit gets the full weight of the law trust down on them.

What I am trying to say, the good honest worker going about their business, being law-abiding, keeping his or her noise clean, paying taxes seem to be the ones who suffer the most, all the doughnuts committing the crime or living off the state seem to be able to get away with murder.

When the majority of the Eastern chaps have gone home or elsewhere then what? Well Coffee is correct, the levels of service will go down for sure and companies will have to use workers who might be somewhat bitter or maybe they import a load from somewhere else, I guess thats what they will do actually. Perhaps an influx of Mongolian truck drivers wandering around a Tescos RDC looking for the horses.

Blaming Orys and the million others is not correct, they were given the opportunity and took it, a few bad eggs came, but 99% are hard working individuals who have left friends and family to better themselves and the folks back home. Mike C made a good comment regards them being 40 or 50 years behind and thats true is a lot of ways, but what they have not lost is respect for family and community, thats how the England was 40 years ago.

I am sure a long debate could be started to how England has over the centuries has taken what it wants from other countries when Victoria ruled the waves, at least the Poles aren’t hacking you up with swords. I have no answers to all of this, its beyond me, I came back to England for 3 years due to work and at no point during that time has anything happen that whats to make me stay, my sentence is up at the end of the year, sorry thats how it feel and me and missus are off again. I was born here, but this time leaving is going to feel good.

Blaming Orys and the million others is not correct, they were given the opportunity and took it, a few bad eggs came, but 99% are hard working individuals who have left friends and family to better themselves and the folks back home. Mike C made a good comment regards them being 40 or 50 years behind and thats true is a lot of ways, but what they have not lost is respect for family and community, thats how the England was 40 years ago.

I totally agree. The fact that there are so many East Europeans here is because our govenment opened the borders and allowed them to work, when almost every other country in Europe put a block on them for 7 years. In effect, they were funnelled to the UK by that simple fact.

The New Labour government have betrayed the British working class, as they tried to locate their nose as far up the backside of big business and global capitalism as possible. Businesses in the UK wanted cheap labour, so in it came with the blessing of Tony Blair and his lying acolytes.

I cannot blame Poles or Czechs or any other person from the Eastern European EU states - they have only done what we would do in a similar situation.

People need to stop blaming these people, it is the not-so-closet capitalists of New Labour who have driven down the wages and living standards of the working people of this land. Now I read in the media today that we will soon be the most crowded country in Europe … it just gets better and better :imp:


Blaming Orys and the million others is not correct, they were given the opportunity and took it, a few bad eggs came, but 99% are hard working individuals who have left friends and family to better themselves and the folks back home. Mike C made a good comment regards them being 40 or 50 years behind and thats true is a lot of ways, but what they have not lost is respect for family and community, thats how the England was 40 years ago.

I totally agree. The fact that there are so many East Europeans here is because our govenment opened the borders and allowed them to work, when almost every other country in Europe put a block on them for 7 years. In effect, they were funnelled to the UK by that simple fact.

The New Labour government have betrayed the British working class, as they tried to locate their nose as far up the backside of big business and global capitalism as possible. Businesses in the UK wanted cheap labour, so in it came with the blessing of Tony Blair and his lying acolytes.

I cannot blame Poles or Czechs or any other person from the Eastern European EU states - they have only done what we would do in a similar situation.

People need to stop blaming these people, it is the not-so-closet capitalists of New Labour who have driven down the wages and living standards of the working people of this land. Now I read in the media today that we will soon be the most crowded country in Europe .… it just gets better and better :imp:

Why do you need to read about in the media,living in London, I would have thought taking a walk along any street would have confirmed your worst fears? :bulb:
Red Ken,before he got booted out,stated he wanted London’s population to rise from the present 8.5 million to 10 million. :confused:
Absolute insanity. :angry: :angry: :angry:

Red Ken,before he got booted out,stated he wanted London’s population to rise from the present 8.5 million to 10 million.

Blimey that would be getting very cosy!

I was not in the UK at the time Poland and others became members of the EU, I arrived a couple of years after, so have no idea how this was sold to the general public. I got my Polish residence permit before leaving Denmark and that was a meeting or 2, had to show I had means to support myself and enjoy cabbage in its many delicious forms, nothing like my many meetings to do the same in thing in Denmark, but still some proof had to be provided. I expected the wife who is Polish to do the same here, but was somewhat surprised to hear Polish voices all over and i got the hard time from the authorities asking why I was coming back and so on, she sailed into the country without any need for me :open_mouth:

I had been away for 6 years when I came back and it was a shock to the system to see whats happen to this country in that short time, someone up top has rendered it unfit for purpose. It matters not to me, I am away again in a few months, but I hope the blinkers come off those running this country, whats happening to the UK transport industry is bizarre beyond belief that they behave this way, I read somewhere that a former transport minister when asked how much would a truck do to the gallon replied " about the same as a large car"

I am back off to Denmark for the summer, I will be back in November and gone by Christmas for good, I hope Mr Brown does not break it anymore!!!

Well i dont like non of em…theyre messing up my industry for a start, they are messing up the building trade, theyre cutting rates to suit themselves, and of course they can, because they live in hovels, they occupy 3 to a room,and more, they all share the costs, which makes it cheaper to live, and therefore undercut the rates in any industry theyre in.
How many buy a tv licence
How many pay council tax
How many claiming child benefit, even if the kids are in poland, and dont tell me they pay in for it.
How many still driving on Polish licences, thereby not being prosecuted, and also allowing themselves to break the law, cos their licences are not able to be endorced, and they do the job to an unfair advantage.
Dont forget the taxes theyve paid in, are refunded when they leave

And when i read in the tabloids, that theyre going home, because this is not a country they want to bring their kids up in, that the country is a ■■■■ hole, dirty, smelly, over expensive, and theyre only using it to buy a place back home…then theyre right…i agree…so F.R.O. and dont come back

Well i dont like non of em…theyre messing up my industry for a start, they are messing up the building trade, theyre cutting rates to suit themselves,

yesterday I had offer, 7.5 tonner, 50 hours per week, multidrop but no white goods, furniture etc, over 20 000 per year. I haven’t seen there queue of polish drivers talking “Me do this job for 2 pounds per hour! Oh you good boss, give me job!” :grimacing: In fact even I wasn’t too interested as I had better offers.

and of course they can, because they live in hovels, they occupy 3 to a room,and more, they all share the costs, which makes it cheaper to live, and therefore undercut the rates in any industry theyre in.

That might be true in some situations, but personally I don’t know any Pole who is sharing a flat whith overrated tenant’s limit.

I was doing that in the past - I had one bedroom and two other guys were living in second bedroom and living room. They both were Scottish.

How many buy a tv licence

As I haven’t seen yet any information in polish regarding tv licence (unlike of road tax for example) i guess, that’s not a problem among polish community. Most of them (like me) have polish sat TV and we paying something on the top of tv license in Poland.

How many pay council tax

Again, I think that big majority pays. It’s very often included in flat rent, when agency is letting the flat to Poles, as they know, that it can be hard for foreigner to work it out.

How many claiming child benefit, even if the kids are in poland, and dont tell me they pay in for it.

I guess not as many, as many are entitled to do that. It’s perfectly legal within EC and you can do the same if you have kid in spain, or if you will go to work to Germany and leave your kids here. And yes, i dare to tell, that we (as a polish community) are paying for that. Few facts:

  • vast majority of Poles here are between 18 and 35 years old and almost everyone are working. There aren’t too much old, ill or disabled people here, as they have no reason to come here when they can’t work. So we can safely say, that vast majority of them works here and pays taxes. From the other hand it’s not easy to claim benefits here unless you worked here two years (as I know from my own experience, as I was injured in accident and lost my job being unfairly sacked and I wasnt entitled nor to uncapacity, nor to jobseekers, nor to crisis loan). So according to british goverment 2.4% of Poles are recieving some benefits. Compare it to about 30% of british people claiming benefits and you will see that average Pole is putting to the jar much more then average Brit.

How many still driving on Polish licences, thereby not being prosecuted, and also allowing themselves to break the law, cos their licences are not able to be endorced, and they do the job to an unfair advantage

If you drive on polish licence you can’t only accept fixed penalty, that’s mean that you are going to the court at every occasion. (Unless you have british counterpart licence, like me). Of course british court can’t hold your polish license, but it can still ban you from driving in Britain. You are then in police database and when police stop you, they will find that you are banned.

There were some people who was thinking like you that they are over the law when they drive on polish license and polish plates. I heard about one case like that and now this beautifull BMW 7 on ZS XXXXX plates (from szczecin) is cubic-shaped for not paying road tax and driving on foreign plates for two years :grimacing: And I fully supporting that.

And btw: check DVLA site. Driving on polish licence is fully legal unless you are 70 or for three years from arriving to UK (whichever period is longer).

That’s mean that I can’ drive a car on my licence unless I will be 70 or, if I came here when I was 70 unless I will be 73.

As for professional HGV licence I must change it to british when I will be 45.

And regarding to polish plates: it’s perfectly legal to drive here for 6 montsh on them (unlike british insurance in polish insurance companies is no 3 months limit of driving abroad).

Some people travelling regulary to Europe and carrying ferry tickets with them to show, that they arrivied here less then 6 months ago. That’s some loophole in the law, common used by british people as well (check all these lorries and cars driving on the dutch plates for example fleet of Border Traffic Service, if I remember good, it’s all on dutch plates, altough RHD, and they travel from time to time to continent to use the same loophole, according to one of their drivers.

Dont forget the taxes theyve paid in, are refunded when they leave

…on excactly the same rules as normal tax returns are made, except that you must still pay tax in Poland.

And when i read in the tabloids, that theyre going home, because this is not a country they want to bring their kids up in, that the country is a ■■■■ hole, dirty, smelly, over expensive, and theyre only using it to buy a place back home…then theyre right…i agree…so F.R.O. and dont come back

If tabloids are your source of information, I can only feel sorry for your picture of the World. But yes, that’s true. I would never want my kids to grow up in places like Govan in Glasgow, some parts of Birmingham or London… I bet that you too.

I am not too impressed with Gordon Brown, so Orys for Prime Minister…

Oh now, you wish me so bad? :slight_smile: You must really hate me :grimacing: