Please post all anti-Polish posts here

just ignore them mate,i do and when they start giving me some stick about being a "polish driver taking our work! its then i actually tell em i was born and bred in England even tho my name ends in SKI

gezSKI ?

And i thought you had the same name as me :unamused: :wink:


just ignore them mate,i do and when they start giving me some stick about being a "polish driver taking our work! its then i actually tell em i was born and bred in England even tho my name ends in SKI

gezSKI ?

And i thought you had the same name as me :unamused: :wink:

lol nah my names a mixture of all sorts lol :smiley:


I like the Polish
all christians are welcome

i agree but so are mulims atheists budda etc :smiley: :open_mouth:
as long as “anyone” dont wanna blow us all up

excellent, mothertrucker!

Now you can see what you will do without all poles :slight_smile:

Some English people don’t like Poles, but then some Poles don’t like English people. Same as.

Personally, I’ve spent a lot of time in Poland and I like the place and the people.

If anyone really wants to see violent racist anti-English sentiment, just wait 'til that football game takes place in Moscow.

Well, without poles, every bit of scaffolding would collapse, right? :open_mouth: :smiley: :laughing:

Ok, Mothertrucker showed us allegory of UK economical system, but I want to be polite and want to mention, that british chaps can work hard as well.

Check these guys: how hard they worked: :grimacing:

Knocking off time comes…

“Right mate… we’re done here… let’s get the van out”


cillit bang wasnt she muslim not polish

have you ever seen an ugly polish bird coz all the ones i’ve seen are gorgeous.

Cant fault the Poles. I get on with most folks, we have some lovely Austrian neighbours, hardly see them :smiley:

cillit bang wasnt she muslim not polish

Harry Monk:
If anyone really wants to see violent racist anti-English sentiment, …

Then they might want to ask some English people who went and lived or holidayed in Wales in the 1970’s. We have short memories here :wink:

Come home to real fire

Buy a cottage in Wales :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’ve had English friends driven out of Wales by the racist fanatics, and I have to say that they disgust me (the fanatics, not my mates :open_mouth:

I hope the poles make a stand at he Olympics - where will the vaulting be without them??

Seriously, the world is getting smaller due to technology and I think we just have to learn to live with it.

excellent, mothertrucker!

Now you can see what you will do without all poles :slight_smile:

I’ve enjoyed some of your informative threads. I’ve enjoyed your ‘baiting’ of other members too. For some one who was going to look into this ‘anti pole’ thread maybe once a month this was a quick reply from you. Just for your general information of what ‘we’ can do without all Poles…make almost half the world speak English, colonise more of the globe than anyone else, become the country that most people aspire to come to and live and work.
You can shove your Polish work ethic up your arse, if it was that good half the world would be going to Poland. As it is, they are coming here. We didn’t get this good by not having a work ethic contrary to what newspapers may say. If we are all lazy and benefit scroungers it sort of makes you wonder how we ever got off the ground hey? The one and only reason you and anyone like you got the chance to come here is so you could be exploited, just like the rest of us working classes, so get off your high Polish horse. You’re no better than us, you’re just about 50 years behind us. And, just like we seem to follow America culturally, look forward to that cosy Polish Catholic family ethic break down just like ours, only thing is Poland has a high percentage of drunks ta boot !!! God help ya!! Or rather Mohammed help ya, which is what it will be when we are all Muslim !!!
Vashnoofka !!!

Then they might want to ask some English people who went and lived or holidayed in Wales in the 1970’s.We have short memories here :wink:

I thought you were from Liverpool?


have you ever seen an ugly polish bird coz all the ones i’ve seen are gorgeous.

got to agree with this, all the ones working at our place are blond and gorgeous,why didnt they come in the 80s before i got married. :laughing: :laughing:

Harry Monk:

Then they might want to ask some English people who went and lived or holidayed in Wales in the 1970’s.We have short memories here :wink:

I thought you were from Liverpool?


I know its bizzare. Forget the Campbell bit in my name, i am from Irish/ Welsh parentage. As is almost all of Liverpool !! The Welsh actually built almost all of the current terraced houses here, and settled here. Many of the streets have welsh names etc…i could go on about more stuff !!! But in the 70’s if you dared to venture off the Rhyl promenade you could and would be subject to as much racial abuse as is possible to get. If you went to Angelsey, well in the villages theywould not even speak English even though they could, it was quite bad. Going on a holiday to Spain then wasn’t really an option. The only thing worse than a scouser going to Wales (which was where we all went) was to be a black scouser.
Oh, BTW i am from Liverpool !!! Times change hey !!