Please post all anti-Polish posts here

ellies dad:
When i say change the record i mean to stop creating topics for the purpose of baiting the same users time after time.

:smiley: Itโ€™s not hard to set them off. He only has to say the words job or am Polish. :laughing:

elliies dad:
We all know what they think of any non british, so why keep asking.

:smiley: No mention of asking them the same :arrow_right: we all know what they think of any non British, so why keep saying :laughing: since itโ€™s been said long before Orys posted topic.

:smiley: Hence

ellies dad:
[AUDACITY :laughing:


You should be picking cotton or cleaning toilets,boy.
Coming on here giving us a lecture,patronising git.
While we were building an Empire and ruling half the world,you lot were working out how to feed a family of ten on a bowl of cabbage soup.

You do come out with some delusional tripe.

I used to be quite negative about the Poles comeing over here and working but since getting to know a few of them and almost dying while drinking with them they are really nice guys.

Since having the odd bottle of Vodak or 3 with them ( I wouldnt recommend it) I have been trying to learn Polish.

Excuse the spelling.

Chetracham, Tu panu rezumium pa Engelskoll.


tu Panu rezumium Popolskoll?, tag trocha rezumium popolskoll.


Its a very very hard language to learn with all that masculine and feminine stuff tomorrow im learning how to ask for directions to Castle square, but i need to leard to say Niet and whatever the word is for Vodka.

Its a very very hard language to learn with all that masculine and feminine stuff

Masculine, feminine AND NEUTER. Apart of that - masculine animate and masculine inanimate. :grimacing:

I am learning french just now and I did some tutoring of polish and I must tell, that for me polish looks much more difficult.

But you are going well - altough spelling isnโ€™t too good, if you tell me things like that, i would understand you!