Pictures with naughty words in

Imagine being at a truckstop, where taking the ■■■■ never happened? Or a bar where blokes never called each other names and claimed bragging rights. Doesn’t happen in the “Real world”
But on here it is a bit nanny state. And yes I know…“If you don’t like it”…
But taking the ■■■■ occassionally lifts moods. And like some say…There are too many who prod on the “grass” button. These are the types who give, but can’t take the flack. All’s fair as they say.

^^^^What he says +1^^^^

Wasn’t that smart, not. Not what he ^^ said, but what newmercman said

Imagine being at a truckstop, where taking the ■■■■ never happened? Or a bar where blokes never called each other names and claimed bragging rights.

But your not at a bar or Truckstop where such comments are transient , you are publishing your comments. A very different situation,

However to use your analogy, If the Landlord of the Pub or Bar doesnt like the tone or content of your discussion for whatever reason, he can ask you to either stop or leave.

While it is rare for comments in a bar to get people into court… it has happened.

While a passing comment in a bar will probably only be heard by a few people, so the chances of upsetting someone by a slightly (or very )poorly judged comment is small. a published comment stays around and can be read and judged by a far higher number of people.

A comment in a bar once spoken and not heard has gone, A published comment can be read days , months or even years later by many people, some of who, you might not have felt it appropriate to make a certain comment in front of if they had been there at the bar with you for a chat .

A comment in one bar , may not be welcomed in another, that is why there are a number of websites catering for discussion among truck drivers, allowing people to choose which venue suits them the most on a particular evening.

People come here knowing we are tougher on the trolling and personal attacks than other websites. Its what makes each website different and gives each one its own character.

While a passing comment in a bar will probably only be heard by a few people, so the chances of upsetting someone by a slightly (or very )poorly judged comment is small. a published comment stays around and can be read and judged by a far higher number of people.

The thing is, in a bar, the judging is usually done by a punch in the face, on the internet that doesn’t happen so people get a bit more brave/gobby, what the internet needs is an electric shock system so that anyone who gets a bit lippy gets a few hundred volts through their fingertips, that would control the internet rambos :bulb: :laughing:

The Crabs posts were initially quite humorous but for me the novelty soon wore off and they became a nuisance that just disrupted threads unnecessarily which is why I stopped reading them.

On a more serious note, three posts above in this thread do show a problem with the way pre-mod is implemented, I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong but I think dinosteveus1s post was supposed to be agreeing with what newmercman said, but because bigvern1s post was inserted later it now looks like dinosteveus1 was agreeing with bigvern1s.

In this case it makes no noticeable difference but had the pre-moded post been different it could have ended up looking like dinosteveus1 was agreeing with something he’s in total disagreement with (hope I’ve explained that right :confused: ).

I can see why posts should be inserted into the thread in the order that they were made but surely in order to avoid confusion there needs to be a way to show the time the pre-moded post was actually inserted into the thread.

The Crabs posts were initially quite humorous but for me the novelty soon wore off and they became a nuisance that just disrupted threads unnecessarily which is why I stopped reading them.

On a more serious note, three posts above in this thread do show a problem with the way pre-mod is implemented, I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong but I think dinosteveus1s post was supposed to be agreeing with what newmercman said, but because bigvern1s post was inserted later it now looks like dinosteveus1 was agreeing with bigvern1s.

In this case it makes no noticeable difference but had the pre-moded post been different it could have ended up looking like dinosteveus1 was agreeing with something he’s in total disagreement with (hope I’ve explained that right :confused: ).

I can see why posts should be inserted into the thread in the order that they were made but surely in order to avoid confusion there needs to be a way to show the time the pre-moded post was actually inserted into the thread.

Agree 100%
Quoted your post, it’s ‘safer’!!

I can see why posts should be inserted into the thread in the order that they were made but surely in order to avoid confusion there needs to be a way to show the time the pre-moded post was actually inserted into the thread.

I agree, but unfortunatly with this software there is no way for that to happpen at this time. :frowning:

the best suggestion is to quote the post you agree with…

edit: see Steves post above posted at the same time :blush:

I understand that the mods have a job to do, one which they do in their spare time for free, I just think that it sometimes gets out of hand, not the likes of SCF, but the whinging little faggots who hit the report button when they don’t like something :unamused:

No offence intended mate but you may want to re-read this thread :wink:

Harry Monk has posted a picture containing a naughty word. I have grassed him up but nothing has been done about it.

Denis F:
if you see something that needs attention you could always click the report button

That’s exactly what I did about fifteen times. I also tried to post on the topic in question to highlight it to the Mods, nothing worked

I’ll chuck my twopenneth in, for what it’s worth…

I found SCF very amusing, quick witted and definitely a wind up merchant. Random doesn’t even begin to cover some of his comments… :smiley:

While I agree with most of what NMM has said, and many of the other comments, it is quite obvious what the rules are (if we’re not sure, it’s soo easy to find out… :unamused: ) and I feel that we should abide by them or suffer the consequences. If said consequences mean that any one of us should end up on premod for a length of time, so be it!

Any rules are never going to please all of the people all of the time. You will always get some people who want to push the boundaries, be it on here or not. Sometimes the rules may get relaxed, sometimes not - such is life! Don’t do the crime if you don’t want to do the time… :wink:

I would like to see SCF off of premod because I do find him very funny but I don’t know the full facts of why he is there, and nor do I want to. Likewise, I’m not going to argue with Rikki or any of the mods because they may, or may not, have reached a decision that I don’t agree with. We all have a choice, use the forum properly or go and find another one…

Don’t think there’s a danger of you ending up on pre-mod. Crawler! :wink:

Don’t think there’s a danger of you ending up on pre-mod. Crawler! :wink:

If thats how you see it… :smiley: :smiley: :wink:

The difference would be that I would know full well why I was there (as I presume you do, from reading your later posts) and I wouldn’t be making such a bloody fuss about it, I would either be behaving or I would be somewhere else! I cannot see how all this beating of chests and wringing of hands is going to make anyone change their mind… :unamused:

For what its worth, I don’t know the whys and wherefores of your premod either but I do enjoy your posts. Sometimes you just need to curb your unnatural urges is all… :wink: :smiley:

The flip side to that is that I haven’t got yours or SCF’s quick humour. I wish I had but it is that which takes you close to the edge and sometimes over… You can’t have it all… :wink: :smiley: :smiley:


I understand that the mods have a job to do, one which they do in their spare time for free, I just think that it sometimes gets out of hand, not the likes of SCF, but the whinging little faggots who hit the report button when they don’t like something :unamused:

No offence intended mate but you may want to re-read this thread :wink:

Harry Monk has posted a picture containing a naughty word. I have grassed him up but nothing has been done about it.

Denis F:
if you see something that needs attention you could always click the report button

That’s exactly what I did about fifteen times. I also tried to post on the topic in question to highlight it to the Mods, nothing worked

Yes but since then it has gone off course a little, as threads tend to do and if it hadn’t gone off course by then, it will have after my post :wink:

I just want to clear a few things up before the old SmashedCrabFace leaves and his new toned down replacement arrives. I’m still going to post here if the mods will allow it but I’m not going to try and make my posts entertaining, interesting or funny anymore. The SmashedCrabFace you all know and love (or hate if you’re a bit boring) has gone.

Firstly, this thread. I only grassed Harry up because of the frustration of having posts that didn’t break the rules disallowed while other people were making posts that clearly broke the rules and were getting away with it. Normally I wouldn’t care if someone else breaks the rules.

Secondly, I’ve been labelled a troll and looking back at some of my previous posts maybe that is justified. I never set out to be a troll though, I didn’t even know what one was until I started being accused of being one. Anybody who looks back at my earliest posts will see I started off like everybody else, I think I made my first post on the day I passed my Theory, HP and Mod 2. This is the first forum I’ve ever contributed to and perhaps I became a bit too confident and got carried away, for that I apologise.

Thirdly, things have been going downhill for me since the end of November when a particularly unpleasant night at work changed everything. I don’t mean just on here, it’s affected every aspect of my life and is something I’m currently struggling to deal with. Have a look in the Health & Family Forum and my thread about Post Traumatic Stress, it might give you some idea of why I’ve been a bit crackers lately.

Goodbye everybody, it was fun while it lasted.
Peace & love,

Stop being a drama queen and take it on the chin blad :wink:

Yeah…Relax bud. It’s only a forum. This life we are given can be a PITA at the best of times.
How we deal with it, is what makes us all unique. Me? I am a ■■■■ taker…Always was. Even at school from an early age, I was a little gobby [zb]. But I am not malicious or nasty. I have a quick wit too, but usually at the wrong time/place.

So don’t be disheartened by being pre-modded. It’s an inconvenience yes. But not worth getting upset about kiddo.
Relax,take a breath. Hell, even have a few days off this madhouse…It’s only a forum chap!!
Im trying to take the ■■■■ now when appropriate, and add valid points where they are required. I have said my sorry, and can do no more. Stick around Mr Crab. :sunglasses:

Goodbye everybody, it was fun while it lasted.
Peace & love,

Goodbye, don’t forget to close the door, if you do leave.



I’ve been in the naughty corner for what seemed like ever.
He’s a valuable member of this site, if only for his bs and weird sense of humour, he ain’t going anywhere.

We ALL ■■■■ about and make mistakes.It’s human nature. I am the worst probably. Everything I touch turns to crap. But I NEVER kick a man when he’s down. He’s down, he needs to get up. Help him up. :wink:

We ALL ■■■■ about and make mistakes.It’s human nature. I am the worst probably. Everything I touch turns to crap. But I NEVER kick a man when he’s down. He’s down, he needs to get up. Help him up. :wink:

NO, we all have problems, REAL life problems. Wanna hear one of mine, no work cos of the warm Weather and nobody is buying Oil. No work, no money.
Best I can do I’m afraid:-