Pictures with naughty words in

If you post a picture that contains a swear word, is that ok?


read the forum rules :wink:

If you post a picture that contains a swear word, is that ok?


Forum Rule #3 contains the answer to your question.

To see whether the word is allowable, simply type it and check whether the auto censor ‘catches’ it.
The same applies to words contained in pictures.
(The prieview feature is your friend. :smiley: )

The outcome of posting a banned word in a picture is that either… the picture gets deleted from the post, OR one of the Mod team may edit it in photoshop and repost it as an edit back in the OP.

Of course, one would be chancing one’s arm with the TN sanction system if one were to post banned words too often. :wink:

If you post a picture that contains a swear word, is that ok?

Translates to:

“In order that I may circumvent the forum rules is it OK if I post pictures containing banned words instead of typing the words”

WTF did you expect the answer to be :laughing:

Actually it translates to:

Harry Monk has posted a picture containing a naughty word. I have grassed him up but nothing has been done about it. Is Harry Monk exempt from abiding by the TNUK rules?

Thanks for coming though tachograph.

Actually it translates to:

Harry Monk has posted a picture containing a naughty word. I have grassed him up but nothing has been done about it. Is Harry Monk exempt from abiding by the TNUK rules?

Thanks for coming though tachograph.

No one is exempt ! where is this picture ?

It’s gone now Dennis, but it was up for about a week and had a naughty word in it that sounded a bit like sheet.

It’s gone now Dennis, but it was up for about a week and had a naughty word in it that sounded a bit like sheet.

that will be because nobody (except you) noticed it :wink:

if you see something that needs attention you could always click the report button

That’s exactly what I did about fifteen times. I also tried to post on the topic in question to highlight it to the Mods, nothing worked. I kept getting emails saying Report Closed. It was a couple of days later when it was finally took down.

My cat saw the naughty word and he’d never seen a naughty word before that. I think I’m due some compensation.

That’s exactly what I did about fifteen times. I also tried to post on the topic in question to highlight it to the Mods, nothing worked. I kept getting emails saying Report Closed. It was a couple of days later when it was finally took down.

you didn’t report it fifteen times , we have mod logs :wink: you reported it twice !

Reported Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:35pm
Reported Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:41 pm

it wasn’t there for a week either ( as you said the first time you mentioned it ) it was edited on Jan 1st

Fifteen times, two times, what’s the difference? Thirteen times.

Being a pre-mod criminal like I am, I posted on the topic in question several times pointing out the error of Harry’s ways. All the posts were denied, someone in a position to be able to remove the offensive picture knew about it but did nothing about it.

My cat saw it and I think we should talk about how I’m going to be compensated. I’m not looking to make a quick buck, just take me off pre-mod and we’ll leave it at that.

just take me off pre-mod and we’ll leave it at that.

Whats that word I am looking for ?

got it… NO :imp: :smiling_imp:


just take me off pre-mod and we’ll leave it at that.

Whats that word I am looking for ?

got it… NO :imp: :smiling_imp:

I thought the word might be ■■■■■■■■! :smiling_imp:

The Sarge:


just take me off pre-mod and we’ll leave it at that.

Whats that word I am looking for ?

got it… NO :imp: :smiling_imp:

I thought the word might be ■■■■■■■■! :smiling_imp:

i thought it might be… hahahahahahahahahahaha

That’s lots of words - you just didn’t bother putting spaces in :wink:

The Sarge:
That’s lots of words - you just didn’t bother putting spaces in :wink:

therefore, the lack of spaces makes it 1 word with lots of syllables :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


just take me off pre-mod and we’ll leave it at that.

Whats that word I am looking for ?

got it… NO :imp: :smiling_imp:

Excellent! I personally hope that pre-mod life sentence stays in place for this member (possibly the most annoying, immature poster on this site) - without parole!

What’s it to do with you what others post? (Or me for that matter!) :blush:

Excellent! I personally hope that pre-mod life sentence stays in place for this member (possibly the most annoying, immature poster on this site) - without parole!

Some of his posts are quite funny, he’s just got a few more ‘problems’ than the rest of us.

I don’t know the actual posts that got SCF in trouble, so I’m not saying his being on pre-mod is right or wrong. I saw a few where was going at it with other members, but he was getting as much as he was giving, he was getting a little personal, but so were the others, to be honest I quite enjoyed them all, I could tell right away that he was winding them up and could’ve skipped them had I chose to, but then I would’ve missed a bit of entertainment :laughing:

I understand that the mods have a job to do, one which they do in their spare time for free, I just think that it sometimes gets out of hand, not the likes of SCF, but the whinging little faggots who hit the report button when they don’t like something :unamused:

The world is going PC mad, poor old Paul Jewel is labelled a sexist because he mentioned that a woman never saw anything, some ponce from one of the papers was on Talksport saying that is was disgraceful, he shouldn’t have mentioned her gender, even though she was the only one in the ground that never saw the offence, so by saying it was a female he was pointing the finger, but not pointing the finger, if you know what I mean :confused:

TV shows like Love thy neighbour were funny, as were Jim Davidson and Bernard Manning, but if somebody told one of their jokes on Britain’s got talent they’d be locked up, the PC Mullahs are turning us all into sour faced misery guts, it won’t have a happy ending, because that’s the point, they don’t want anyone to be happy :unamused: