Pictures of your truck.

mark h:

jessicas dad:

First Post heres mine

i got over taken by this fella today on the M180 i didnt flash os i couldnt remember who he was.

WOW now there’s a shocker JD :open_mouth:

What that i passed him or he couldnt remember ?

This is what i got this week coz scan is haveing some work done on it.

Sorry would put a picture of my new beast here but I don’t know how help :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Sorry would put a picture of my new beast here but I don’t know how help :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Upload it to photobucket or something and then use the image code here

Thanks Tony will give it a go :smiley:

This is what i got this week coz scan is haveing some work done on it.

if i was you i’d make sure scania was always having something done to it if you get real motor in its place :smiley: :smiley:

My plaything :slight_smile:

Here’s my latest ride, Give us a beep if you see us as i have never seen anyone of this forum yet lol ,
As a newby if youre in same yard as me beep if i get too close whilst reversing :laughing:


This is what i got this week coz scan is haveing some work done on it.

if i was you i’d make sure scania was always having something done to it if you get real motor in its place :smiley: :smiley:

Take it your a volvo man then lol

The bottom bunk in the one i got at the mo is so uncomfortable and the second bunk is to close to the cupboards for my likeing i keep hitting my head when i get up lol

My new toy in a previous life ! :grimacing:

One I have been driving lately :

What I am driving now:

Here’s mine.

here’s mine again now ive done the wheels.

lookin tidy there JD

did here on the grapevine ur gettin a new contract though

as a mobile roadblock :wink:

oh neil :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:imp: :imp: :smiling_imp:

this is mine tipping genral waste a smelly and dirty job got coverd in dirty nappy the other day cab still smells of it

hope i didnt put you of your tea

well heres my ride taken early morning at parcel hub.