Pictures of your truck.

bloody hell mad monk, i know they are very powerfull cars but i’d say you need to take more care loading and unloading them!!! you’ll never hit bonus like that (i like the "hit bit!! :laughing: )

This is my old (and grubby) truck - new one is identical (except for having the smaller fuel tanks) and is just as dirty much of the time. Don’t get much chance to clean it on nights :blush: :blush: Usually to be seen on between M4 J49 and M42 J6 between 1800 and 0330 and not to be confused with the second trunk which looks the same but has bertie basset on the front (don’t ask :wink: ) and is about 3 hours behind :laughing: :laughing:


little enis:

Daz 585:
oh christ little enis, you with have shuttlespanker going all goey eyed now with that saying daf on the thing, he will be wanting it painted red aswell :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to upset him but Mr Vain has shown a keen interest in the little wonder!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

come on enis where is ur motor post up :smiley::smiley:

OK Josh her she is my pride and joy the best and most reliable truck I have ever owned, dont let the Magnum knockers grind you down they know not what they say!!!


I got stuck in the ferry blockades of 87/88 (whenever it was) in Dunquerque with one of your blokes, he was some kind of Prince in one of the old Jughead republics according to his passport, Prince Nicholas or a slavic version of it IIRC, he had one of them half sleeper Mercs then. It wasn’t a wind up as I saw the AKA in his passport, do you know anything about him?

I used to drive this

Then I drove this

Now I drive this

There were others in between but these are the ones that were my trucks.

pics resized…Denis F

Willy Gofar:
I used to drive this

Then I drove this … 070017.JPG

Now I drive this

There were others in between but these are the ones that were my trucks.

Thanks for posting and ur XF is nice and clean good job :smiley:

little enis:


little enis:

Daz 585:
oh christ little enis, you with have shuttlespanker going all goey eyed now with that saying daf on the thing, he will be wanting it painted red aswell :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to upset him but Mr Vain has shown a keen interest in the little wonder!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

come on enis where is ur motor post up :smiley::smiley:

OK Josh her she is my pride and joy the best and most reliable truck I have ever owned, dont let the Magnum knockers grind you down they know not what they say!!!

cheers enis looks clean and very tidy u must take care well done! :smiley:

newmercman , no idea who it is your talking about but its a dead small firm so i will find out who it is

heres my old one in the snow :exclamation:

little enis:
Sorry guys Im ■■■■■■ I just had to do it :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

wooooooooowwwwwwwwww thats cool where can i buy one :open_mouth:

and would defo have the cavvy in the rear still got one infact well the cavalier convertibe anyway

Quick question for The Highway Man, i’m not a great fan of HATO’s i’m afraid however I do agree that dead rabbits and things do need swept off the motorway and I suppose the Police shouldn’t have to deal with mundane tasks like this… But, why do you need to do this in 58 plate Mitsubishi Shogun’s and 58 plate Land Rover Discoveries @ circa 35k each all being funded by the tax payer?? Why can’t you get little corsa vans or even like they have up here in Scotland Mercedes Sprinters? There really is no need for the flash motors you guys drive, I dont think the dead rabbits need conveyed in such expensive cars :smiley:

Do you really think the HA pay 35000 for there cars. Have you ever seen a corsa van pull a truck, they also come in very hany in bad weather like picking up people that get stuck in snow :exclamation:

heres mine

and heres my old one

This is me, but there are 60 of these and we’re not allowed names or flags or stickers so impossible to tell us apart!!!

Nice volvo and man guys i see alot of them boughey trucks and obvisouly a veryyyy lot of stobarts haha

any one wanna ake some of the pictures smaller please
I only have a 3rd of me screen

I like the look of those big yank tanks!

Got any pics of the interior?

Would love to see the space in those big cabs!!

one of 15 identical motors i drive

any one wanna ake some of the pictures smaller please
I only have a 3rd of me screen

Me …too :laughing: :laughing:


They look very tidy matt.Much better than those 55plte cf’s
You’ll get noticed with those,
