Pictures of your truck.

My steed

Needs a wash atm tho but ill do it when i return from scotland in the week


It’s clean as it is lovely scania you have mate

thats my truck if it i got this photo thing right :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

here you go joshh you ask for this photo i think mate sorry it took me so long :wink: took this photo at brands mate :smiley:


here you go joshh you ask for this photo i think mate sorry it took me so long :wink: took this photo at brands mate :smiley:

Thank you mate much appreciated haha i’ve been chasing this photo haha nice one matey :slight_smile:

And nice motor lug i think some stralis look nice

fast yes but you can go to fast mate i know a few bennet trucks have been rolled over ale and dave bennet truck’s have come to a sticky end on the new sheppy way so you can go to fast speed is only as good as the driver behind the wheel :wink: when you become a driver your self take it slow mate you are all keen mate and thats good i was from the age of 4 or5 and still am at 24 been driving 3 years now and still i still love it . just take your time mate you get there soon enuff mate .

fast yes but you can go to fast mate i know a few bennet trucks have been rolled over ale and dave bennet truck’s have come to a sticky end on the new sheppy way so you can go to fast speed is only as good as the driver behind the wheel :wink: when you become a driver your self take it slow mate you are all keen mate and thats good i was from the age of 4 or5 and still am at 24 been driving 3 years now and still i still love it . just take your time mate you get there soon enuff mate .

Yeah true, uncle works for them some really nice trucks there like i go with him when i can

my dad taut me to drive a truck in ale yard in sheppy joshh have you had a go in the yard yet ? its a great way to start backing a truck how they move a what a trun of the wheel means in a artic you will get more from shunting in a yard start young and keep it up mate you be a driver before you know it . your uncle
take’s you with him you can get alot from the time you spend in a truck just keep your eye’s open
:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

my dad taut me to drive a truck in ale yard in sheppy joshh have you had a go in the yard yet ? its a great way to start backing a truck how they move a what a trun of the wheel means in a artic you will get more from shunting in a yard start young and keep it up mate you be a driver before you know it . your uncle
take’s you with him you can get alot from the time you spend in a truck just keep your eye’s open
:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

yeah there sheppy yard big aint it :wink:
lot of bennet trucks in there some smart’ens but nah i never had ago behind the wheel haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I only been there sheppy yard few times but it is big like lol i dont think anyone but put me under a wheel id be lethal like when i drive the mini we have i reverse to fast and nearly crash Lol

ok 2nd try fingers crossed

i think i said take it slow mate TAKE IT SLOW :unamused: :wink:
master the mini then try something a bit biger driving isn’t all about speed mate you want to go fast go to a go kart track you want to drive big trucks you have to think a 44 ton truck will bite on the arse if you don’t have a respect for it
but you have time to do all this mate .

i think i said take it slow mate TAKE IT SLOW :unamused: :wink:
master the mini then try something a bit biger driving isn’t all about speed mate you want to go fast go to a go kart track you want to drive big trucks you have to think a 44 ton truck will bite on the arse if you don’t have a respect for it
but you have time to do all this mate .

Ohh im very carefull i’m also doing mechanic course at college 1 day a week to get a bit of basic knowlodge like i dont think my dad would be happy if i crashed his mini which he spent alot of money on but ay a bit of t-cut will do the job if worse comes to worse Lol

its not big or pretty but it gets me from a to b (most of the time!)


its not big or pretty but it gets me from a to b (most of the time!)

If it does the Job then who’s botherd!

Let’s see some more people :slight_smile:

We do a lot of deliveries to sites that have tight access points (narrow lanes, overhanging branches, halfway up a scottish mountain!) so a nice truck with lots of bling wouldn’t stay that way for long! i don’t worry too much when the hedges start to close in, just push through! :slight_smile:

We do a lot of deliveries to sites that have tight access points (narrow lanes, overhanging branches, halfway up a scottish mountain!) so a nice truck with lots of bling wouldn’t stay that way for long! i don’t worry too much when the hedges start to close in, just push through! :slight_smile:

Haha after all you dont pay for damage costs Lol

i don’t cause damage deliberately, but sometimes things can move while you’re checking the other mirror! repairs at our place normally involve a large hammer and a tin of paint! :wink: