Photos Older than 10 years

Big Al:

not really relevant to the thread, but we still load out of Maschinenbau Scholz, Coesfeld with the same type of vessels, but bigger these days

by the way if you think about it, 10 years is but a flash - I was going to post a photo in the ‘you and your truck’ thread and suddenly realised that it was over 15 years old :open_mouth:

how about this a guy big j fitted with a home made sleeper pod on the back

Big Al:
Maybe 240 Gardner can throw some light on these two Atkinsons reg numbers 1029 HK & 291 HK (Hampshire ? ) They were in a pile of Atkinson works factory pictures (Chris ? )

regards Big Al

CFT in Barking seemed to run a few Atkis, Al, although they were before my time. I’ve also some pics of their Mk.1s.

These two seem to be representative of the motors they ran at that time. I would guess that they have 6LW engines.

Anyway, unlike the CFT Atkis, this one did run abroad, and is definitely a photo that’s more than 10 years old!

YKE 445J was a 38 ton Atkinson Leader in service with Lowe of Paddock Wood, and us seen here in Rome. It was fitted with the first ‘official’ Atkinson sleeper cab, actually a conversion carried out by Ellis of Five Oaks Green in Kent.

Can we have some class photos of more than 10 years old for us old timers admire and comment on Thanks !

I took this in 1986, if my memory serves me right.

The lorry is not what it seems…

It actually started life as an Atkinson ‘Searcher’, a 24 ton gross 6 x 4 rigid flat fitted with a 150 Gardner, new to the fleet of Chapman & Co. of Balham.

The first conversion saw it become a 38 tonne tractor with a 240 Gardner, in fact Killingbeck’s first 38 tonne Atkinson conversion. The second bite saw it acquire an ex-Riding Mk.2 sleeper cab, and then the third and final workshop session produced this, the first of John Killingbeck’s “Mk.3” Atkinsons.

In the background is another “Mk.3” tractor, and which had previously looked like this:

Can we have some class photos of more than 10 years old for us old timers admire and comment on Thanks !

And here’s one you might especially like:

This was at the 1988 Atkinson Rally in Leyland, and I was parked next-door-but-one.

The next time I saw this motor, it was looking very sad at the bottom of the yard, near the railway line :cry:

hi,anybody remember wilkinson transport from higham ferrers ,this was driven by mick wilson (bird man).

hi, my truck in 93,

I took this picture in 1994 at Peel “B” power station on the Isle of Man regards Big Al

Taken about 1971/2 Paddy Maguire’s AEC Mandator (with sleeper cab)

Ainsworth & Martin circa 1986

I took this picture in 1980 on the Trans Sahara Desert road (I used to pull well off the road when locals were coming towards me)

hi, how about this little beauty,i believe it was built on a ford d800 chassis,pict taken at truckfest around 81.

diesel dan:

hi, my truck in 93,

Hi Is it Wrefords or Butts or someone else. I’ve been enjoying your pics United Carriers and others from Nortrhants.

hi, classicman.
the merc belonged to a company called van aid,they had two of these,my brother drove the other.i used to go from northampton to reading,tip,back to npton,swap trailer,down to southampton,tip ,back to npton.450 miles a night.after two years of this i had had enoughand was lucky enough to get my old job back at united carriers. :smiley:

Well this one is defineatly over 10 years old, The young fella sat on the bumper of his Dad’s lorry is my son Andrew who is now 45 years old. regards Big Al

diesel dan:
hi, classicman.
the merc belonged to a company called van aid,they had two of these,my brother drove the other.i used to go from northampton to reading,tip,back to npton,swap trailer,down to southampton,tip ,back to npton.450 miles a night.after two years of this i had had enoughand was lucky enough to get my old job back at united carriers. :smiley:

Thanks for that. Never knew much about Van aid except their name was on that football ground on the right as you came down from Moulton Park to the Round Spinney roundabout.

I have often wondererd where stofords had got their motors from,and I reckon from this photo it was Wilkinsons.

The number plates are pretty close. And Stofords bought second hand.
Cheers Jamie

hi, howabout this old beast :exclamation: dont know much about it ,other that it belonged to a chap from wellingborough. pict taken late 70s parked outside my house.

hi,pict taken in 91 in gasoline ally indianappolis.i wouldnt want to drive that through london :exclamation:

this what happens when you follow too close :laughing: :laughing: