Petrol Tanker Drivers in West London Wanted

Its their Headquarters. All support runs through there.

Also pimp where abouts are you? I will try to help you out (As in point you in the direction of companies near you). Also thought about trying the 6 wheelers? only class 2, but they pay more than most class 1. Just to get you in. Most who operate the 6 wheelers often have artics. Just a case of going up the ladder.

Its their Headquarters. All support runs through there.

Ok, it’s not quite my corner of the country but I’m willing to travel there & ask. PM me please drive.,

I allways liked the idea of doing fuel tanker
big job lots of work hummping big hoses around are yes hear comes big oiler Jim!
But must have experance and no room for newbiees
To many Russian coooows doing it on out land with a polish equiverlent of the ADR in drivers CPC attent thing
and too many agencies in the pie saying drivers seriusly urgently majorly require with belowny adds of £18/hr
Sorry once ■■■■ on twice shy


ADR ticket on your own dime obv.

Then id just cold call the smaller fuel firms & offer to be trained for free for a couple of weeks.

That new passport system is in or coming in soon which will make it even harder to get in.

Tried that, I have most classes ADR too (except 1&7). Personally I don’t believe in doing work for free, you screw up the industry, erode terms etc doing things like that, I go by the saying ‘if you’re good at something never do it for free’-I think i could be good.

There are firms that will give you a shot if you have not done fuel before. They are not as glamorous as hoyer, bp, suttons but they pay enough and the jobs a doddle. Get your ADR done and hit up Tuners, Imperial Tanks. I know Turners are taking on. I got in by just phoning round. And whats funny and alot of you will we probably dislike is I had 6 months Artic experience.

Tried all that even Turners a few miles away from me, nobody wants to know :frowning:

They want previous Fuel Delivery Experience so they can spend a week fine tuning your procedures not training you from the start.

Every company has their own procedures and they will want to see you doing the loading and delivering their way

I think I’m a quick learner & I’m safe, how can one get experience if nobody will give them a chance…!?

I appreciate that & I’ve never made anyone work for free to train them, I’ve paid new blokes for a week before with me training them.

All’s I’m saying is if I was you & wanted to do petrol tankers, I’d just get it done by whatever means necessary, if that meant working for free for a week or two then I’d do it. Means to an end.

I appreciate that & I’ve never made anyone work for free to train them, I’ve paid new blokes for a week before with me training them.

All’s I’m saying is if I was you & wanted to do petrol tankers, I’d just get it done by whatever means necessary, if that meant working for free for a week or two then I’d do it. Means to an end.

No worries, I understand where you’re coming from. As a last resort & only if offered then you do what you have to do but I don’t think it’s a good idea to sell yourself cheap, who knows what the potential employer or the shop steward would think of you…


I appreciate that & I’ve never made anyone work for free to train them, I’ve paid new blokes for a week before with me training them.

All’s I’m saying is if I was you & wanted to do petrol tankers, I’d just get it done by whatever means necessary, if that meant working for free for a week or two then I’d do it. Means to an end.

No worries, I understand where you’re coming from. As a last resort & only if offered then you do what you have to do but I don’t think it’s a good idea to sell yourself cheap, who knows what the potential employer or the shop steward would think of you…

True enough but sometimes the last resort to better yourself may take a slice off your soul through necessity.

Does anybody know what Suttons are like to work for, is it all trampers, do they do fuel & do they take inexperienced?


My ADR trainer was an ex-Shell bloke from Stanlow.

Back in the day, anything North of Carlisle was classed as a 3 day run.

Thats an actual FACT. Its easily explainable too. The further North you go and the higher altitude you get to, then the engine performs less. Due to the thinner air. So they get slower the further North they get. The same oxygen depletion makes people a bit whacky. Was he grinning when he told you this?

We’re talking Scotland here - not bloody Macchu Picchu! :open_mouth:

Does anybody know what Suttons are like to work for, is it all trampers, do they do fuel & do they take inexperienced?

Suttons is dead men’s shoes & possibly the best payers in the country for haz.

Suttons is dead men’s shoes & possibly the best payers in the country for haz.

You’re joking, mmtm this morning that they’re advertising, not sure what for though.

Sorry Pimp

Been busy as hell lately, living the dream;)

BWOC are taking on in Immingham in the next coming weeks. Might be too far for you though. Suttons are good to work for, brutal though, we had a guy now with Murco, who was with suttons for 16 years, Got sacked for small contamination. That ■■■■■:p BUT very well paid. And decent firm.

Sorry Pimp

Been busy as hell lately, living the dream;)

No worries mate, check your PM please :slight_smile:

Im tempted to walk into a (the only) Hoyer site I know 40 or so miles away & hand in my cv (

daft question but have you actually rang them at Huddersfield and asked them to send you an application form??
I work for Hoyer at Purfleet. The LTM has just told me that we are about to start recruiting tanker drivers for a new contract, and he WOULD consider drivers with no tanker experience. All of the training is top notch and will be carried out in house. He said the money is going to be good as well as it will involve shift work including weekend nights…which is what all the Purfleet drivers do on Esso anyway. I think a phone call to Huddersfield would be well worth a shot, I’ve worked for Hoyer for 15 years and always found them a really good company …provided you do the job correctly.

alright now:
daft question but have you actually rang them at Huddersfield and asked them to send you an application form??

Yes I have, rang the recruitment answer phone thing 4 times, we’re into the 2nd month now & I’ve received nothing:(


alright now:
daft question but have you actually rang them at Huddersfield and asked them to send you an application form??

Yes I have, rang the recruitment answer phone thing 4 times, we’re into the 2nd month now & I’ve received nothing:(

They used to have a recruitment line but I don’t think it’s still in use, which might explain the lack of response! Try ringing in to the switchboard at Huddersfield and ask to speak to someone in recruitment. As I’ve said, these jobs are in Purfleet, but all recruitment is controlled from Hudds which is handy because they will know about all vacancies, not just the ones in Purfleet.

alright now:
They used to have a recruitment line but I don’t think it’s still in use, which might explain the lack of response! Try ringing in to the switchboard at Huddersfield and ask to speak to someone in recruitment. As I’ve said, these jobs are in Purfleet, but all recruitment is controlled from Hudds which is handy because they will know about all vacancies, not just the ones in Purfleet.

Ok thanks for the heads up, I’ll try again tomorrow, every time I’ve asked I’ve just been put through to that answer machine, never been given the option to speak to anyone:(

Is “becoming a fuel tanker driver” like “becoming a train driver” - ie, no entry for anyone who’s not already been doing it for years…

With no full time jobs anymore - how exactly does one get into this side of the driving industry?

I asked a few months back if "doing a full-package with tanks ADR would “teach me how to operate tankers”. I was told “No. It’s just for regulation, and that you know how to do the paperwork”. I’ve decided therefore that forking out around £650 for the course wasn’t worth it, since it wouldn’t actually teach me to become a tanker driver FFS! :frowning:

Is “becoming a fuel tanker driver” like “becoming a train driver” - ie, no entry for anyone who’s not already been doing it for years…

With no full time jobs anymore - how exactly does one get into this side of the driving industry?

It looks like it is, near impossible, like a Flexigrid driver once told me ‘it’s dead mans shoes’, shame really:(

forking out around £650 for the course wasn’t worth it(

Its only worth it if you end up earning from it, otherwise it’s a waste. £650 is a drop in the ocean for me…:open_mouth:

Hoyer Purfleet if anyone is interested: … ID=8959685

(Please delete if it’s against forum rules)


Is “becoming a fuel tanker driver” like “becoming a train driver” - ie, no entry for anyone who’s not already been doing it for years…

With no full time jobs anymore - how exactly does one get into this side of the driving industry?

It looks like it is, near impossible, like a Flexigrid driver once told me ‘it’s dead mans shoes’, shame really:(

forking out around £650 for the course wasn’t worth it(

Its only worth it if you end up earning from it, otherwise it’s a waste. £650 is a drop in the ocean for me…:open_mouth:

Remind me to sit down and play some stud with you at some point. :wink:

Seriously though, one would have thought that forking out £650 would actually teach one a trade rather than a load of bully that, like dcpc one very likely knew already. :open_mouth: