Petrol Tanker Drivers in West London Wanted

Not allowed to park in an MSA overnight then?

So they’re prepared to pay you a grand a week but not train you for a week?

So you could have pro’s with 30 years artic experience & they won’t take you unless you’ve done fuel before…

I have no experience :frowning:
I really want to do fuel tankers though, anyone got any advice how to get in?

ADR ticket on your own dime obv.

Then id just cold call the smaller fuel firms & offer to be trained for free for a couple of weeks.

There’s a national agency that supply the tankers, try googling them & see what they say, they may train you, I know they were looking for drivers at Kingsbury a while back, did say exp in the ad though, licence to print money.

That new passport system is in or coming in soon which will make it even harder to get in.

There are firms that will give you a shot if you have not done fuel before. They are not as glamorous as hoyer, bp, suttons but they pay enough and the jobs a doddle. Get your ADR done and hit up Tuners, Imperial Tanks. I know Turners are taking on. I got in by just phoning round. And whats funny and alot of you will we probably dislike is I had 6 months Artic experience.

Drivers have told me if they get the wrong fuel in the wrong tank at garages,it costs a small fortune.It has to be removed then the financial loss of shutting the garage.It does happen.

So they’re prepared to pay you a grand a week but not train you for a week?

So you could have pro’s with 30 years artic experience & they won’t take you unless you’ve done fuel before…

They want previous Fuel Delivery Experience so they can spend a week fine tuning your procedures not training you from the start.

Every company has their own procedures and they will want to see you doing the loading and delivering their way

Drivers have told me if they get the wrong fuel in the wrong tank at garages,it costs a small fortune.It has to be removed then the financial loss of shutting the garage.It does happen.

and your days are numbered after that…

its not that glamourous, its all rush rush rush, dire shift patterns, job times impossible to do without a blue light, not being paid delays etc etc

Drivers have told me if they get the wrong fuel in the wrong tank at garages,it costs a small fortune.It has to be removed then the financial loss of shutting the garage.It does happen.

Given there are tales on here of AdBlue getting put in washer bottles, it shows that fuel tanker work isn’t for everybody. It might be easy on the face of it, but it’s a job where you simply cannot afford to make any mistakes as errors are generally serious with huge financial repercussions. How many on here can vouch for never having made a silly gaffe at a delivery point? Dropping a cage at the wrong store is different to dropping fuel in the wrong tank. I wouldn’t want the pressure of it, so stay away. I have the upmost respect the guys that do it.

We have paperwork that declare us unclean and where we are going, providing this is all filled out and correct AND you stop somewhere OFF the road. i.e something between you and the road. I only have twice. Due to running out of hours and being the arse end of nowhere delivering to farms.

Chapter 8.4 ADR - Vehicles carrying dangerous goods in the quantities listed in ADR Chapter 8.5 for a given substance shall be supervised or alternatively may be parked, unsupervised, in a secure depot or secure factory premises.

If such facilities are not available, the vehicle, after having been properly secured, may be parked in an isolated position in :-

a vehicle park supervised by an attendant who has been notified of the nature of the load and the whereabouts of the driver, or, if not available,
a public or private vehicle park where the vehicle is not likely to suffer damage from other vehicles, or, if not available
a suitable open space separated from the public highway and from dwellings, where the public does not normally pass or assemble

Hi Jamiemufu,

What you’ve quoted from ADR is accurate, but doesn’t quite address the question of what triggers the supervision requirement.

The requirement is triggered for petrol in a tanker in excess of 3,000 litres. (ADR 8.5 S20)

The supervision requirement is best thought of as a descending order of choice, with a secure depot being the best bet and a suitable open space being the least favoured (but still legal) option.

Petrol is also High Consequence Dangerous Goods (HCDG) so there are also some extra security requirements that apply to it, again in amounts of more than 3,000 litres in a tanker. (ADR 1.10.3)

So anything that your company does as regards instructions about the parking of empty uncleaned petrol tankers is probably just a (very sensible) company policy.

Not allowed to park in an MSA overnight then?

Hi Silver_Surfer,

Yes, they can park in an MSA.

Chapter 8.4 ADR - Vehicles carrying dangerous goods in the quantities listed in ADR Chapter 8.5 for a given substance shall be supervised or alternatively may be parked, unsupervised, in a secure depot or secure factory premises.

If such facilities are not available, the vehicle, after having been properly secured, may be parked in an isolated position in :-

a vehicle park supervised by an attendant who has been notified of the nature of the load and the whereabouts of the driver, or, if not available,
a public or private vehicle park where the vehicle is not likely to suffer damage from other vehicles, or, if not available
a suitable open space separated from the public highway and from dwellings, where the public does not normally pass or assemble

The above says that supervision is a requirement, but then goes on to say that alternatively etc in a descending order of preferability.

An MSA hits the definition of a public or private park.

However, the question is academic, because (legally) supervision doesn’t actually apply to petrol at or less than 3,000 litres in a tanker. Company policy can alter this limit downwards to include empty tankers if they like.

I would never ever dream of parking a full load of petrol/derv/kero unless it was supervised. i.e 24/7 camera and gate control. At the end of the day I am responsible for what I am carrying. The company does NOT approve of staying in layby empty. Nature of the job though, especially tramping, you don’t know where you will end up, if there are delays tipping on site, or some site safety problems. As I said, I do farms and transport companys alot, which because they are ordering in bulk i.e 36000 litres they are quite often in the middle of nowhere. And we do not run bent, so if I cant tip I wont even bother making my way. Or plan it in such a way where I will make it at least to a suitable resting site. But empty its not so bad. %99 of the time I can tip and make it back. Some things are out of our control. BP and the like to forecourts and servers only. So they dont have this problem. The company are informed in advanced and know that I will be in a layby for the night, off the road of course. And because I am being empty they frown upon it but understand its legal and last resort.

I would never ever dream of parking a full load of petrol/derv/kero unless it was supervised. i.e 24/7 camera and gate control. At the end of the day I am responsible for what I am carrying. The company does NOT approve of staying in layby empty. Nature of the job though, especially tramping, you don’t know where you will end up, if there are delays tipping on site, or some site safety problems. As I said, I do farms and transport companys alot, which because they are ordering in bulk i.e 36000 litres they are quite often in the middle of nowhere. And we do not run bent, so if I cant tip I wont even bother making my way. Or plan it in such a way where I will make it at least to a suitable resting site. But empty its not so bad. %99 of the time I can tip and make it back. Some things are out of our control. BP and the like to forecourts and servers only. So they dont have this problem. The company are informed in advanced and know that I will be in a layby for the night, off the road of course. And because I am being empty they frown upon it but understand its legal and last resort.

Hi Jamiemufu,

That’s all fine mate, the company have a very sensible company policy, which is actually on the good side (over and above) of minimum legal requirements.

It’s also a good plan for preventing thefts and for your own general protection.

ADR ticket on your own dime obv.

Then id just cold call the smaller fuel firms & offer to be trained for free for a couple of weeks.

That new passport system is in or coming in soon which will make it even harder to get in.

Tried that, I have most classes ADR too (except 1&7). Personally I don’t believe in doing work for free, you screw up the industry, erode terms etc doing things like that, I go by the saying ‘if you’re good at something never do it for free’-I think i could be good.

There are firms that will give you a shot if you have not done fuel before. They are not as glamorous as hoyer, bp, suttons but they pay enough and the jobs a doddle. Get your ADR done and hit up Tuners, Imperial Tanks. I know Turners are taking on. I got in by just phoning round. And whats funny and alot of you will we probably dislike is I had 6 months Artic experience.

Tried all that even Turners a few miles away from me, nobody wants to know :frowning:

They want previous Fuel Delivery Experience so they can spend a week fine tuning your procedures not training you from the start.

Every company has their own procedures and they will want to see you doing the loading and delivering their way

I think I’m a quick learner & I’m safe, how can one get experience if nobody will give them a chance…!?


I think half the people on here, given the chance, would park full load of 1203 outside of a pub. Its good company policy yes, but I think enforcing it and not being comfortable with parking up willy nilly is a absolute must and down to the individual. Not so much the danger, because in fact as you know, its really not THAT dangerous providing your tank is in legal order, but theft. As you know its not extremely difficult to gain access.


Try Imperial Tanks or Reynolds. Keep chipping away, keep sending your CV to Turners every job opportunity, it will pay off. I know BWOC (Turners contract I am on) Are definitely going to be taking on over winter, as the fleet will be increasing with more work coming in. Hoyers prefer totally fresh drivers, I know this for a fact as a military friend of mine got his stuff and went straight to them. They like training you drive aswell as delivery the way they like to.

I have no experience :frowning:
I really want to do fuel tankers though, anyone got any advice how to get in?

Do the training then hawk yourself round the agencies.
Or join the RLC Army Reserve and get the work whilst getting paid!!
Most of the ADR Class 1/2 & 3 drivers i work with did it through the military.


Try Imperial Tanks or Reynolds. Keep chipping away, keep sending your CV to Turners every job opportunity, it will pay off. I know BWOC (Turners contract I am on) Are definitely going to be taking on over winter, as the fleet will be increasing with more work coming in. Hoyers prefer totally fresh drivers, I know this for a fact as a military friend of mine got his stuff and went straight to them. They like training you drive aswell as delivery the way they like to.

Put a CV & letter to Reynolds, nothing. BWOC was too far from me when I looked on their site (unless they have other sites I don’t know of), no vacancies advertised, no recruitment contact either. I’m tempted to walk into a (the only) Hoyer site I know 40 or so miles away & hand in my CV, not sure if it’s a good idea though, no contact or vacancies on their site either.

Do the training then hawk yourself round the agencies.
Or join the RLC Army Reserve and get the work whilst getting paid!!
Most of the ADR Class 1/2 & 3 drivers i work with did it through the military.

How do you ‘do the training’…?

The problem with Agy is…well I don’t think I need to explain, we all know the crack. One really annoyed me by circulating my CV to other agencies then I started getting calls offering me zb supermarket work :frowning:

They want previous Fuel Delivery Experience so they can spend a week fine tuning your procedures not training you from the start.

Every company has their own procedures and they will want to see you doing the loading and delivering their way

I think I’m a quick learner & I’m safe, how can one get experience if nobody will give them a chance…!?
It would appear that in this instance they want the drivers right now and ready to go ASAP

Long term, companies take on drivers without fuel delivery experience and take the time to train them their way.

Keep applying to companies local to you and you will get your chance to show them that you are the right man for the job.

BWOC are everywhere mate, I normally pull from Immingham, but now I am pulling from around Reading/Bristol all over the place. BWOC are Turners, so you wont find a contact number for them, just Turners, Its hard to explain, they recruit seperatly but go through turners. I still dont ■■■■■■■ get it. Grin and bear, you’ll get it. Once your in, don’t get out. You first job might be pants, but it pays above average, and its a hell of a stepping stone. Eventually I myself want to get the on golden side of 4on4off asda/tesco work.

And also BWOC/Turners do tramping work with fuel, Bite the bullet and commute if possible, its worth trying.

Bite the bullet and commute if possible, its worth trying.

I would do, all I want is a chance, thanks for the info on BWOC :slight_smile:

Im tempted to walk into a (the only) Hoyer site I know 40 or so miles away & hand in my cv (
daft question but have you actually rang them at Huddersfield and asked them to send you an application form??

daft question but have you actually rang them at Huddersfield and asked them to send you an application form??

No I haven’t, is that their head office, depot or something?