
Won’t make any difference, but you never know…

I can’t add my name. It says the site is too busy !!! :open_mouth:

mines been added

added for what its worth

might go into bookies tommorow see what the odds on diesel reaching 135 before the end of the month too late already has

I can’t add my name. It says the site is too busy !!! :open_mouth:

keep trying then :smiley:

i’ve just added mine with no problems as far as i know it’s gone through ok. This fuel price is getting to far out of hand, how much longer can we survive?

I’ve added my name to the petition, may not do any good but it can’t do any harm either.

Signatures: 25,418

added for what its worth

might go into bookies tommorow see what the odds on diesel reaching 135 before the end of the month too late already has

Diesel was 136.9 at the garage closest to my girlfriends house last Friday - I even took a pic I was so astounded!


I dont want duty lowered I want it raised, maybe then peope will see haulage companies closing daily and start to think that they actually need lorries on the road.

Thought they were closing daily, so added mine and forwarded link on to everyone I know.

Done! totally pointless but you have to try.

It makes me laugh about the 2p thats going to be added later in the year under the duty esculator. Why are people worrying about that?? :laughing: My new game is to guess the price at the petrol station next to J17 M6 each time I finish my shift. They have one of those nice expensive digital price displays so they can add 2p every week(day) without any fuss.

it probably wont do any good in fairness but if we dont shout we wont be heard,

if every member signs it and then passes it onto every person they know then it will do more good than harm.

Whether u drive for a living or not , everybody is affected one way or another now

You would think this is from a year ago wouldnt you?.

Try February THIS year.

Signing stupid petitions wont do anything, blockading ports and petrol stations wont do anything its all been tried before.

NOT DELIVERING GOODS TO THE SUPERMARKET SHOPS WILL !!! its the only way anyone will take notice in this country when they are deprived of services they seem to stand up and listen.

[…] if we dont shout we wont be heard,

if every member signs it and then passes it onto every person they know then it will do more good than harm.


You could have the entire world population’s signature on a petition, but it wouldn’t make any difference whatsoever. All that happens when they arrive on the PM’s desk is he glances it, says “yeah, okay, whatever”, screws it up into a ball and chucks it in the nearest bin.


You would think this is from a year ago wouldnt you?.

Try February THIS year.

This is NEXT February. It’s all gone a bit MAD MAX.

ive put my name down

Rob K:

[…] if we dont shout we wont be heard,

if every member signs it and then passes it onto every person they know then it will do more good than harm.


You could have the entire world population’s signature on a petition, but it wouldn’t make any difference whatsoever. All that happens when they arrive on the PM’s desk is he glances it, says “yeah, okay, whatever”, screws it up into a ball and chucks it in the nearest bin.


but wouldnt it be ironic that his bins dont get emptied because the trucks dont have diesel to run all week only once a blue moon

shares in hand carts anyone :smiley:


You would think this is from a year ago wouldnt you?.

Try February THIS year.

This is NEXT February. It’s all gone a bit MAD MAX.

I’m that old I remember when diesel was less than 2p per litre :

Well,I’ve added mine. You never know! Frankly I’m apalled at the arrogance of the current administration as well the nonchalont attitude of the unions. The news is full of scaremongering i.e,the cost of a barrel of crude,which is being kept artificially high so as the city intitutions can make huge profits at the cost of businesses,repossesions etc. If only we,as an industry,would take the lorries off the road for a week,with the exception of supplying heating oil/diesel for the hospitals and emercency services,as we do not wish to be portrayed as ogres which is what this government would relish. I am proud to be a driver,regardless what “Joe Public” thinks. We,as an industry,are an integral and essential part of this country’s economy.Does the non democratically elected PM not realise that if he does not relent or aquiesse to our request(s),there will,at somepoint in the not too distant future,serious ramifications.

I added my two pence worth to the petition!