Peterborough hauliers


Keep them coming Andrew. Its nice to have some fresh imput.

dixies erf big 465 e14 ■■■■■■■ in this one it was one of a kind


my early days drove horrells eggs wagon & drag the merc was mine thats the drag next to it, the ford cargo was aubreys it pulled a drag as well.

f597 aww new to nestle air removed prior to it being painted because i had a flat trailer

scan0028.jpg loaded & ready for belvior castle tractor show

andrew knighton:
my early days drove horrells eggs wagon & drag the merc was mine thats the drag next to it, the ford cargo was aubreys it pulled a drag as well.

I’d forgotten about Horrells Dairies. Are they still about? IIRC they were based at Westwood.

no long gone charles horrell owns a farm over at thorney but no trucks any more

this is me dad ( grey knight) when was both workin for peter c tack

andrew knighton:

us at truckfest about 1990 me woody frank ( mister kipling) tully, thats frank next to his truck

05-01-2011 22;43;42.JPGFirst vehicle issued to me was a 180 gardener atki seen here leaving Blackstones Stamford with what looks like a 16 cylinder engine

Atki’s in the depot at Yaxley

After Atki took over F88 UEW 856N seen here unloadig a traverser at British Railway workshops Milton Keynes with the same sixty foot trailer I had behind C.A.Whites 86

Then came my first new volvo F10 AEG766T seen on maiden voyage to Portsmouth to collect cat D8 for delivery to A66 Appelby and ibelieve it was first item of plant to build the bypass second photo is parked at Brough with Lefty green and 86 with the scraper box

at Brough

Then came triaxle King trailer bought second hand from a firm in Ramsey

After 5 years of heavy work 766 cracked her chassis and was replced by F12 A834 PFL and king trailer was sold to Lyon’s of Lincoln. I then took over triaxle Transquip trailer and a bonusloader axle which was built by transquip and first used on 766 refitted to 834. this axle could be unhitched from unit as it only hooked on like wny trailer as you will see by following photo’s

834 without third axle moving 85ft piling beams for anchoring old warship near H.M.S. Victory working for Dawson’s of Luton

834 without third axle moving 85ft piling beams for anchoring old warship near H.M.S. Victory working for Dawson’s of Luton