Peterborough hauliers

Well done Bubbs. You continue to come up with everything we ask for. Thankyou.

Excellent pics again Marcus, well done.

I believe that Peterborough Engineering (the Foden & Dodge dealer) were owned by Kenny Transport’s owners at the time.

I think that under Watts, the fleet by then mainly ERF & Foden went into a white livery and were signwritten KTL in red.
The general haulage business finished a while back and now a handful of DAF CF tippers run from the yard / asphalt plant in Bardon colours.

Also, regarding an earlier post about CW Bridge of Huntingdon, they sold out to City Trucks not Turners, shortly after John Bridge took over from Cyril.
Are there any pics of the CW Bridge fleet out there?

Hello again,heres some more PHH,not got any C.W.Bridge pics RC2…sorry I cant help with that one…got loads of PHHs though :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

great photos lov the pph slot keep them coming

Hello,ok…I could put more on but they’re very “samey” i.e loads of Mercs so heres a cross section of the rest and that’ll be it .I think this thread would end up a PHH thread if I keep posting this fleet on…ok :wink:

A nice old fleet,sadly missed. :frowning:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink:

Sorry, this is the best I could come up with for Bridge’s.

Just wondering if Bubbs has any photos of the AEC Mandator (Ergo) that PHH had as a shunter?.
They bought it new and it dated back to the time they were called Contractors Limited, and was a yellow truck with a green band round the cab.
PHH kept it as a tatty heirloom, and it remained on the Yaxley site right to the end, but nobody seems to know where it went!.

Hello ERF,this is all I have of the AEC,wish I took it now :unamused:

Cheers Bubbs, :wink:

Thanks Bubbs,

I wonder where she went…?


Templemans of Stamford?

Yes, I remember Templemans. Dark-blue trucks, mostly Volvos and Mercs IIRC.
Had a lift one evening in one of their F88’s from Brampton Hut to Peterborough when on a dodgy. Don’t think i’d ever been so fast in a truck!
Also remember that some of the Mercs had the snorkal air-intake on them. Wish i’d got photos.

Just found this,one of Templeman’s Scammells on Chesterfield Road,Sheffield.

Just found this on BigLorryBlog. Anybody else remember them?
I seem to remember them being black and cream, with “KEEP SMILING” signwritten across the front.

Just found this on BigLorryBlog. Anybody else remember them?
I seem to remember them being black and cream, with “KEEP SMILING” signwritten across the front.

Hi gb1.I remember H.Musgrove just up the road at Stamford had “Keep Smiling” and “Why Worry” on the fronts of a couple of their tippers.I don’t remember Baxter and Guion though,but somebody will I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Okay Murfitts were a littleport firm

Nah, Whittlesey was centre of the universe - Littleport was just a satellite depot :laughing: You must have worked for Pete ‘Pinky’ Goodman and the lovely Janet then?

I just noticed RC2 clarified about CWBridge, as he says City took them over not too long before they went ■■■■ up themselves - John Bridge is now involved with Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce and is always blarting on about anything transport related, especially the now postponed (cancelled) A14 Ellington to Fen Drayton upgrade :unamused:

Chris Webb:

Just found this on BigLorryBlog. Anybody else remember them?
I seem to remember them being black and cream, with “KEEP SMILING” signwritten across the front.

Hi gb1.I remember H.Musgrove just up the road at Stamford had “Keep Smiling” and “Why Worry” on the fronts of a couple of their tippers.I don’t remember Baxter and Guion though,but somebody will I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Baxter & Guion were based at Eye, on the outskirts of Peterborough. Although the photo says they were potato merchants, I feel sure they also carried bricks, but then anybody in the area did at sometime. I also seem to remember them having a traction engine - or is that my imagination?

does anyone know where abouts the scotflow depot was in peterborough ?

does anyone know where abouts the scotflow depot was in peterborough ?

I think they were at Yaxley, possibly in the Peterborough Heavy Haulage yard.

you are partly correct jj but murfitts did start out at littleport the first lorries they had as far as i can remember were leyand comet 4 wheelers and later they had a couple of 2 pedal leyland beavers my mate terry legget worked for them driving one of the beavers used to work out of march on precast concrete, i think when they went on to the ferry trailers they were still at littleport , working for norfolk line.

Morning Bill, yep I was just being sarcastic; head office was always Littleport but there was quite a bit of needle between the two - all the old stagers at Littleport like Arthur Germany, Derek, Glenn and all the young (know nowt) bucks at Whittlesey :laughing:

I can’t remember now the records between the two yards in a company Ford ■■■■■■ and an unlimited unit, but I know I wouldn’t dare even try get near either these days :wink:

no sweat mate have a good xmas and will look forward to seeing your offerings at gaydon next year.
if it s as good as last year you will need a barrow to get your trophies home well done mate!

Anyone remember the Transcons Hotpoint ran out of Pboro.?