Brilliant work ‘ranger’. I note that the Transcon is the same one as earlier shown plain white.
A couple here from Bradshaw Plant Hire.
Found this today, elsewhere on t’internet.
MRM are based at Yaxley, Peterborough, and run a fleet of low-loaders.0
Often seen (as above) subbing to Witham Specialist Vehicles at Colsterworth who have the MoD disposal contract.
Whilst I continue my search for pictures of Perkins Engines Seddons, here’s a couple of others.1
I am surprised Perkins ran an EC11 and not a EC12.
Great thread and very interesting as I am often around Peterborough.
Anyone remember Ivor Slaughter from Warmington? He ran a couple of ERFs including this KV pictured below and later this A Series both with Gardner engines. Before his yard was cleared I took a few pictures of some of his past motors dumped in the field next to his house.
Ivor’s 4 wheel ERF KV has been restored in its original livery.
His 6 wheel LAD Dodge has also been restored by Rob Lea.
His eight wheel KV and his eight wheel LV (…not A’ Series) ERF tippers are both safely stored.
I’d just like to take the opportunity to thank those of you who have allowed me to use photos from their own personal collections, most notably
‘ERF’ (Martin Wilcox) and ‘leadfoot’ (John Thomas). Please accept my apologies for any photos I’ve used that haven’t been credited, but please feel
free to add any that may be of interest. I’m sure there’s lots more out there!
ERF operated by Chas. W. Shelton, Peterborough based building contractor.
Sheltons also owned what was, in its day, the largest department store in the City.
I have a few more pictures of R&H Lewis
These photo’s were lent to me by John Groom the former transport managerOne of Thory’s, taken from ‘’ website.