Paying to use MSA toilets

Following on from another thread about truckstop toilets & the mess left behind, would you
be willing to pay 50p to use a clean toilet?

In a few countries abroad it’s a common sight to see attendants looking after the toilets, usually 50c to use but they’re always clean, sinks have plugs, soap dispensers work & actually have soap in them, & paper towel dispensers or hand driers that are fully functional.

I know a lot of people would object purely because at the moment it’s a free service, & it would no doubt attract the label ‘the poop tax’ or something similar, but, i’d happily pay to use decent facilities, what are other peoples views on this?

I would but they’d have to be absolutely spotless…

For 50p I would want them to wipe my arse when I’m done as well.

Yes I’d pay if they were up to the same standard as in germany for example, ie automatic seat cleaning thing etc… Only thing is that even more people would probably just ■■■■ in the lorry parks if they were going to have to pay 50p just for a wee.

Why pay ten bob, when you can do what nursery children have to do eg (they also are not potty trained) so it’s sort of accepted that you can wee anywhere out of sight.

Or you could wee in a bottle and throw it Into hedgerows perhaps?

To the op Betty,

I have been known to pay myself and the wife at gigs £2.00 each for a clean decent toilet facilities.
And it’s a pretty lucruitive business from what I could see.

If you have ever used a festival thunder box then £2.00 for a private loo with sanitisers, loo roll, and deodorants is dam good value.

But Iam still rock’n’roll through and through :neutral_face:

To the op Betty,

I have been known to pay myself and the wife at gigs £2.00 each for a clean decent toilet facilities.
And it’s a pretty lucruitive business from what I could see.

If you have ever used a festival thunder box then £2.00 for a private loo with sanitisers, loo roll, and deodorants is dam good value.

But Iam still rock’n’roll through and through :neutral_face:

Did you hear about the girl that fell through the toilet at a festival and drowned in the pool below??
It’s sort of like your average RDC story but for festival goers :laughing:

I dump in the woods. Its free and clean. Only downsides are pine needles getting in your crack, nettles, thistles and midges.

But, motorway toilets churn my stomach, so yes 50p for a decent dunny would be fine by me.

Trouble is there’s always that time when your desperate and have no money on you. :blush:

To the op Betty,

I have been known to pay myself and the wife at gigs £2.00 each for a clean decent toilet facilities.
And it’s a pretty lucruitive business from what I could see.

If you have ever used a festival thunder box then £2.00 for a private loo with sanitisers, loo roll, and deodorants is dam good value.

But Iam still rock’n’roll through and through :neutral_face:

I’ve done plenty of festivals myself mate but don’t remember having to pay for the toilets though. Them portaloos can get quite ripe by day 3 or 4 though, I’d happily pay for a good decent 1.

In Germany and Belgium you pay for a clean loo and you get a voucher to spend in the cafe.You can use the voucher anytime afterwards.Some have big Mammas guarding the loo against free loaders.
They are built like wrestlers.You would not want to mess around with them.
Some loos have aftershave and toiletry sales men.
Why do the sink plugs get stolen in the UK.Are artic loads being shipped out at night for the black market in some far flung country.
A new website maybe.Sink
We deliver any size to any place.Place your plug order.?


This world has gone completely off its axis !!!

before long (hopefully not in my lifetime but who knows) you,ll have to pay a charge to breathe fresh air. :unamused:

Only on this site can you have one thread about drivers peeing in bottles and then another about paying to use a toilet. if anyones that tight to start charging for you to have a pee you can use my toilet for free !!


To the op Betty,

I have been known to pay myself and the wife at gigs £2.00 each for a clean decent toilet facilities.
And it’s a pretty lucruitive business from what I could see.

If you have ever used a festival thunder box then £2.00 for a private loo with sanitisers, loo roll, and deodorants is dam good value.

But Iam still rock’n’roll through and through :neutral_face:

Did you hear about the girl that fell through the toilet at a festival and drowned in the pool below??
It’s sort of like your average RDC story but for festival goers :laughing:

My mate once tipped a portaloo over at a concert thinking one of the lads was in it. The look on his face when the door of the one next to it opened and he strolled out buttoning his flies up! :grimacing:

Do any of you find the smell of over powering stale urine bad in all UK Msa’s.What is happening and why.Is it the drains below the urinals or the drainage in the block.What to foreign visitors think of the smell.?When they loos are far more superior.
Why are the bosses of Uk Msa’s hard to get in contact with.You see a photograph of a smiling manager with a mobile phone number that you never get a response from.?
For a parking voucher for a tenner at Strensham i got a wafer thin steak ciabata abd a “homemade” bannofee pie.I think it came in a food van from a factory where they are "homemade’.



To the op Betty,

I have been known to pay myself and the wife at gigs £2.00 each for a clean decent toilet facilities.
And it’s a pretty lucruitive business from what I could see.

If you have ever used a festival thunder box then £2.00 for a private loo with sanitisers, loo roll, and deodorants is dam good value.

But Iam still rock’n’roll through and through :neutral_face:

Did you hear about the girl that fell through the toilet at a festival and drowned in the pool below??
It’s sort of like your average RDC story but for festival goers :laughing:

My mate once tipped a portaloo over at a concert thinking one of the lads was in it. The look on his face when the door of the one next to it opened and he strolled out buttoning his flies up! :grimacing:

:laughing: quality!!

It wasn’t for the poor lass who was sat in the one he tipped over though! :blush: :grimacing:

That’s one job I couldn’t do, delivering portaloo’s. I think the reason some toilets stink is no just the drains, but people ■■■■■■■ all over the show. Ever been to the toilets by a beach in the UK? You walk in barefoot at your peril :laughing:

No i wouldn’t pay at an MSA, nor anywhere else where people are shopping/eating or other pursuits where profits are made and toilets are required, and are after all a basic human requirement.

In our town they have refurbed the toilets and now charge 20p, thats not a problem for us as we use the town ever less now and further increased our online shopping.
Whilst councils shop and retail park operators continue down this road of reaping only profit whilst providing decreasing service and making life as difficult and expensive as possible for the solvent shopper (car access and parking), i for one will correspondingly use their facilities less and the High Street can go bloody bust.
By the way 20p isn’t the problem, its the principle, i pay £1740 per year in rates alone i’m buggered if i’m paying to use the toilets i helped refurb.

Indeed toilets in this country are a national disgrace, McDonalds etc do not provide facilities for the whole bloody town but one could be forgiven for thinking so.

It ain’t the Council or the MSA’s fault the toilets are wrecked. It’s US…Brits. We have no respect for anything. FACT.

For 50p I would want them to wipe my arse when I’m done as well.

+1 - id pay 20p no problem i mean there are some in skipton town centre and on scarborough front that are about 20p there always clean 20p isnt really that much i mean we pay 20p to read the ■■■■■ in the paper when we can all get it on our smart phones