Betty Swallox:
Following on from another thread about truckstop toilets & the mess left behind, would you
be willing to pay 50p to use a clean toilet?
In a few countries abroad it’s a common sight to see attendants looking after the toilets, usually 50c to use but they’re always clean, sinks have plugs, soap dispensers work & actually have soap in them, & paper towel dispensers or hand driers that are fully functional.
I know a lot of people would object purely because at the moment it’s a free service, & it would no doubt attract the label ‘the poop tax’ or something similar, but, i’d happily pay to use decent facilities, what are other peoples views on this?
Here’s why i think its a very bad idea to have to pay. At the moment they have to be provided for free. If they become optional for operators or work on a have to pay for them basis then i think you’d see less of them. Also i would think if someone is of the mind to foul them up then 50 pence isn’t going to deter them. I’ve no idea how, but the focus should be on naming/shaming/complaining about the operators who have (pardon the pun ) crap facilities. They’re either providing a facility or they’re not. All paying 50p to use a bog will do is have someone creaming over the extra revenue they’ve generated from nothing.
The MSA’s that have starting charging for using the shower (unless you pay for overnight parking), have gone to amazing lengths to make sure that the facilities are clean, working correctly and suitable for use. Sorry, my mistake - actually they have just put a laminated sign on the door advising of the charge
They would do the same for the toilets. Put a lock and a sign on the door.
Yes I’d pay if they were up to the same standard as in germany for example, ie automatic seat cleaning thing etc… Only thing is that even more people would probably just ■■■■ in the lorry parks if they were going to have to pay 50p just for a wee.
Fully agree mate,best toilets and showers always spotless,hot water,and all for a nominal fee.
regards dave.
On my first trip to an overseas bike race 25yrs ago, the Le Mans 24 hour, I was slightly unnerved by the presence of an old lady in the Gents toilets, sat at a table covered in coins apparently begging for money. It’s only after the 100 000+ assorted Euro trash bikers have consumed much alcohol did I realise that these old lady’s adopt a toilet block for the event & keep them spotlessly clean & fresh for the whole weekend.
When the new services is finished on the M5 n/b i give it a week when the toilets will have graffiti and stolen items.
I bet Michael Wood bosses were pleased when they knew it was going to be built not far from their wobbly box convention centre.
As nentionex the Germans have an automatic robotic self cleaning rotating toiket seat cleaner.Each use it cleans itself unlike the user.
I’ve seen these in Holland too. The problem is they won’t remove the ■■■■, bogeys and pen marks from the walls though. The only thing I can think of is to make the whole lot out of stainless steel so it can all be washed down. And who are these animals that crouch/stand on the seat?
One thing I don’t understand is people stealing things. "I know, I’ll prize this lock off, that thousands of people have had their ■■■■■■ paws on and pop it on the bathroom door at home!
The only way is attended maintained, and away from MSA’s is to pay unfortunately.
Didn’t someone have that infamous picture of the, er full lavatory bowl posted on here a while ago. Now that was bad!
Anybody else think the state of our toilets/showers has more to do with the people using them, rather than the fact they are free to use?
A 50p toile might get cleaned more often but not after every use, chances are you will still be going in to find the last mans mess. We just don’t respect communal facilities in this country. If anything, paying to use would make people even more less inclined to clean up after themselves and/or aim correctly “Getting my moneys worth” yada yada yada