Got some more dodgy photos. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Now these were taken by Paul from his sisters house
which was over a mile away from the Golden Valley road,Cheltenham. Therefore they are a bit iffy as he
had to zoom in.

You can make out some of the hauliers but some are impossible. :unamused: f86 with the load of straw is martin raven from kempsford.



F86 Volvo tipper.



Another F86 well loaded with timber.


Blue Circle Cement Foden possibly ■■


Shell Scammell Routeman.




Seddon,look like a new trailer.


Bejam Scania.


Delapena Commer with shiny wheel trims.


Now then Harvey i ws only a kid when these were running about. I was always under the impression that
the same fella owned Dorchester ,Wareham and Blandford Transport but sounds like that was not the case
then ■■ :unamused:
Hi Dean, Cant remember the name of the younger man who ran Dorchester transport but Harry could have been involved with Blandford, to long ago to be 100% sure.
Harry centre middle row, I have put this on before of hauliers arround the time the F10/12 was introduced to the Uk ( your area ) but you were far to young eh !! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Harvey

Blue and White Daf is one of Crockertons Haulage from Barking

Redland Marathon. Pic taken about half a mile from where there depot was in Parkstone,Poole.


Geo l Cooper Scania in Poole.


L.Poole Haulage Foden bulker.


James McBride DAF.


Clive Pinfold Foden bulker.


Morfair Haulage ERF. Pretty sure Buzzer said they were Southampton based.


Ingrem Marathon from New Milton. I think someone on here used to drive for them ■■


W.O.Sheeran Foden.


Williams Bros DAF from Wales.


County Packaging Bedford from Skelmersdale.


Hello DEAN ,lovely shots Sheeran from Middlewich ,and good to see Williams bros ,dont seem to see many of them ,thank you Trevor


Fine Fare Leyland with a Cormar Bedford parked up.

Cracking picture that Dean, thanks for sharing! Any clue as to when or where (looks like back of a shop whilst delivering) this was please?


Hi Dean. Gary Talbot driving his new lorry subbing for Waters.I have shown him Pauls pic.,and he was well chuffed. He went back onto their own work the oil job and steel after a while,but when they finally called it a day he drove for Waters until he retired. He is finding some pics.,of their AECs and the ERFs and I will put them on,he isn’t computer wise. :frowning: Thanks again for a great site. Mike

Does it say Dronfield on the side ?

Punchy Dan:

Hi Dean. Gary Talbot driving his new lorry subbing for Waters.I have shown him Pauls pic.,and he was well chuffed. He went back onto their own work the oil job and steel after a while,but when they finally called it a day he drove for Waters until he retired. He is finding some pics.,of their AECs and the ERFs and I will put them on,he isn’t computer wise. :frowning: Thanks again for a great site. Mike

Does it say Dronfield on the side ?

Yes Dan they were from Dronfield.They had a Scania 111 and an ERF “A” Series on a drummed oil job out of Trafford Park int 70s.The ERF driver was an ex A E Evans driver called Joe Charlesworth and I had several lifts back over Woodhead in a morning when on the occasional dodgy :laughing: Joe used Woodhead and Gary used t’Snake.

Hi Chris thanks thought it did / he was from ,Steve Talbot drives a 4 wheeler for Waters .


Got some more dodgy photos. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Now these were taken by Paul from his sisters house
which was over a mile away from the Golden Valley road,Cheltenham. Therefore they are a bit iffy as he
had to zoom in.

You can make out some of the hauliers but some are impossible. :unamused: f86 with the load of straw is martin raven from kempsford.

Cheers Bob,you did well to spot that ! :laughing:

Now then Harvey i ws only a kid when these were running about. I was always under the impression that the same fella owned Dorchester ,Wareham and Blandford Transport but sounds like that was not the case
then ■■ :unamused:

Hi Dean, Cant remember the name of the younger man who ran Dorchester transport but Harry could have been involved with Blandford, to long ago to be 100% sure.
Harry centre middle row, I have put this on before of hauliers arround the time the F10/12 was introduced to the Uk ( your area ) but you were far to young eh !! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Harvey

Thanks for the info and pic Harvey,i will have a word with my uncle and see if he can remember . :laughing: :wink:

Blue and White Daf is one of Crockertons Haulage from Barking

Thanks for confirming that “Dieseldog66” :wink:

W.O.Sheeran Foden.
Williams Bros DAF from Wales.

Hello DEAN ,lovely shots Sheeran from Middlewich ,and good to see Williams bros ,dont seem to see many of them ,thank you Trevor

Thanks for the comments Trevor. :wink:

Fine Fare Leyland with a Cormar Bedford parked up.

Cracking picture that Dean, thanks for sharing! Any clue as to when or where (looks like back of a shop whilst delivering) this was please? Cheers,Tony

Hello Tony, Paul is away this week but i will see if he can find out for you from Mark when he gets back. :wink:

Chris Webb:

Punchy Dan:
Talbot Transport.
Does it say Dronfield on the side ?

Yes Dan they were from Dronfield.They had a Scania 111 and an ERF “A” Series on a drummed oil job out of Trafford Park int 70s.The ERF driver was an ex A E Evans driver called Joe Charlesworth and I had several lifts back over Woodhead in a morning when on the occasional dodgy :laughing: Joe used Woodhead and Gary used t’Snake.

Thanks for the comments Chris and Dan. :smiley:

@ Dean Crusader vs DAF

I am sorry to post this late but what a cracking read and surprising result.

Many thanks for sharing - can’t wait to get mine finished and give it some beans up the Brenner pass.

Working on my “will breakdance for diesel” sign for the shopping centre when I get some time off work.

Cheers all

Dean that picture of Morfair Haulage brings back memories they had a little yard just off the Tesco roundabout J8 M27 and did a lot of strawberries to markets in the season, mostly four wheelers IIRC and when you drove past you could guess the cargo as the smell gave it away, Buzzer


Some odds and sods.

Click on pages once or twice to read.

1973 three way tpt1.PNG

1974 ellis leyland ppg.PNG

Alfred Hymas Volvo F7.


Volvo F10.


Click on pages twice.

“GCR2ERF” Tony heres a pic of the Cormar Bedford that was parked behind the Fine Fare Leyland. :wink:

Cormar Bedford.JPG

Harvey,one of Wareham Transports ERF’s leaving Poole docks.


“Buzzer” this is the F88 that was parked next to the Keelhaul Scania,dont know if it rings any bells ■■ :unamused:


Ferrymasters Volvo F86.


Peter Green Maggie,still going today.


Masons Garage ERF, strange name ?


Anyone recognise the Scania Bulker ■■


Anyone recognise the Seddon Atkinson. Has the initials RL on the front ■■


Carters Volvo F10.


Manchester Liners ERF.


Dean I would hazard a guess that it is E.F.Philips Sons as it has the right colours and a Bourne mouth reg, Buzzer.


Cormar Bedford.JPGStill family owned Comar Carpets factory is just up the road from me at Brookhouse Mill, Holcombe Road, Greenmount,

For over 60 years they been making carpets at two mills Brookhouse Mill, in Greenmount and Holme Mill in Ramsbottom. (Click image for wide screen version)

In January 2018 they opened a brand new £15million southern Regional Distribution centre at Hemel Hempstead.

Cormar Carpets Greenmount.jpgToday they run a virtual all DAF fleet consisting of four wheelers, draw-bars and artics.

In March last year they ordered 8 new CF75s with specialist draw-bar chassis to cover the “trunking” of trailers with loaded boxes.

Dean I would hazard a guess that it is E.F.Philips Sons as it has the right colours and a Bourne mouth reg, Buzzer.

Strickly speaking PR is a Dorset reg, Bournemouth was EL, RU & LJ, but as said very likely E,F,Phillips.

Stacked it:

@ Dean Crusader vs DAF
I am sorry to post this late but what a cracking read and surprising result.
Many thanks for sharing - can’t wait to get mine finished and give it some beans up the Brenner pass.
Working on my “will breakdance for diesel” sign for the shopping centre when I get some time off work.
Cheers all

Glad you liked it chap ! :laughing: There will be some more Scammell stuff going on soon on other models. :wink:

Dean that picture of Morfair Haulage brings back memories they had a little yard just off the Tesco roundabout J8 M27 and did a lot of strawberries to markets in the season, mostly four wheelers IIRC and when you drove past you could guess the cargo as the smell gave it away, Buzzer

Thanks for the comments Buzzer,looks like he has boxes of fruit on in the pic. :wink:

Dean I would hazard a guess that it is E.F.Philips Sons as it has the right colours and a Bourne mouth reg, Buzzer.

You could be right chap,looks like an early 88 on the H plate with the wipers mounted up top. I will see if
i can tie that reg up with any pics of phillips motors i have. :wink:

Cormar Bedford.JPG[/attachment]Still family owned Comar Carpets factory is just up the road from me at Brookhouse Mill, Holcombe Road, Greenmount,
For over 60 years they been making carpets at two mills Brookhouse Mill, in Greenmount and Holme Mill in Ramsbottom.
In January 2018 they opened a brand new £15million southern Regional Distribution centre at Hemel Hempstead.
Cormar Carpets Greenmount.Today they run a virtual all DAF fleet consisting of four wheelers, draw-bars and artics.
cormar-carpets-expand-fleet-of-trucks-001.jpg[/attachment]In March last year they ordered 8 new CF75s with specialist draw-bar chassis to cover the “trunking” of trailers with loaded boxes.

Thanks for your input Paul,ome good info and photos,nice to see an old company still going ! :laughing: :wink:


Dean I would hazard a guess that it is E.F.Philips Sons as it has the right colours and a Bourne mouth reg, Buzzer.

Strickly speaking PR is a Dorset reg, Bournemouth was EL, RU & LJ, but as said very likely E,F,Phillips.

:smiley: :wink:

Thermo Freight F10.


ECC Quarries ERF in Parkstone.They had a quarry in Worth Matravers,near Swanage.


“windrush” How about this one Pete !


Anyone recognise the bulk powder ERF ■■ Trailer looks a bit like it could be Febrys,but not the unit ■■


TNT Marathon.


ICI Bedford TM.


Upton Oil Company Leyland as its base.


“moomooland” Paul like these ! :wink:


Mac Markets DAF.


Anyone recognise the GUY ■■?


“GCR2ERF” Tony heres a pic of the Cormar Bedford that was parked behind the Fine Fare Leyland. :wink:


Cheers Dean, nice to see that Cormar are still going too!

Note the Fine Fare driver to the left of the picture in his grey uniform :wink: