Can someone please explain the rules aroung patheticism and what might be included in being pathetic?.

Now that posts can be removed for being pathetic I just wondered what might pathetic be.


It wasnā€™t just the picture that was pathetic it was the inane comments that went with it as well as the fact it broke the rules

Please tell me how asking a question of a moderator break the rules?

I never once said he was two burgers and a hotdog I asked him if it was offensive as he seems to be fairley sensitive.

Or are we not allowed a sense of humour anymore.

I explained via pm why it was removed

mrs mix:
I explained via pm why it was removed

No you didnā€™t, here is your explanation.

Removed private messages are not to be posted on the forums- Rikki

That is not an explanation, that is someone trying to use their position to silence someone else.

And yet another answer by PM, stating that I broke a rule.
I still canā€™t see what rule I broke unless I offended somebodies sensitivities, we canā€™t do that can we.

What is life without humour, boring if you asked me.

If Mrs Mix and Dennis F had seen the origanal post that started this, they probably would have laughed in the context that it was posted.

Or are we still using our position to supress members

The picture you posted was inappropriate for these forums and was removed.

end of story.

Fair enough it was removed becuase it was inappropriate but who said the mods can use pathetic as an excuse ive never seen that in the rules will you be issueing new rules now to say the mods can pick and chose what they remove due to personal preferences?.

Mods im sure you well know are NEVER ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  EVER wrong but maybe this is the first?.

NAH CANT SEE IT they have a licence to do what they want any old time.

The picture you posted was inappropriate for these forums and was removed.

end of story.

That says it all, the headmaster as spoken and we must all sit down at our desks and be good little boys and girls, and remember never question a mod or admin.

And still no-one as said how 2 beefburgers and a hotdog is inapropriate.


The picture you posted was inappropriate for these forums and was removed.

end of story.

That says it all, the headmaster as spoken and we must all sit down at our desks and be good little boys and girls, and remember never question a mod or admin.

And still no-one as said how 2 beefburgers and a hotdog is inapropriate.


Itā€™s pathetic how they do not answer questions, when asked.

Itā€™s pathetic when they say it was inapropriate and thatā€™s it.

I know ā€œitā€™s your site and you can do whatever you wantā€.

Well this site is nothing without itā€™s members and if members keep being alienated with pathetic rules it will become nothing.

Yes your right all 2 of you who are bothered by an inappropriate photo being removed. we should shut down the website and lash our selves in public.

Or you can accept that some people spend a lot of time ensuring this website continues to run as well as it does, and some people make that task harder deliberatly by constantly pushing the boundaries of the site rules.

You want to do excatly what you want on a website? go to one of the others with less rules or start your own. because if you cant follow simple rules your on the wrong website for you.

If you feel you need some help to stop using this website and resist the tempatation to come here even though you dislike it so much I will be more than happy to make your account inactive for you.

If you dont iike the rules here go elsewhere, no-one making you come here, :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Put up and shut up in other words.

It appears the mods can now remove a post because they PERSONALLY dont likt it this has got to be the first time ive seen this on ANY forum.

You know very few people read these threads so there will only be 2 people bothered.

When I have my answer I will be going somewhere else, but I donā€™t think I will be getting one. Not a reasonable straight forward answer.

Itā€™s pathetic how you interpret the rules to suit yourselves.

I will not leave but if you want to ban me go ahead but please have the courtesy to do it in the truckers talk forum and explain exactly why I am being banned.

To be honest, I have wasted enough time on this, you have had your reply, you now know why the picture was removed.

The HUGE majority of people using this website have no problem following the rules, or understanding if they post something that goes a little too far if gets removedā€¦ It a shame that a tiny minority have trouble understanding that concept.

fill me in by pm someone iā€™m lost i saw that MM took a post away for being pathetic etc but iā€™m intrigued now

To be honest, I have wasted enough time on this, you have had your reply, you now know why the picture was removed.

The HUGE majority of people using this website have no problem following the rules, or understanding if they post something that goes a little too far if gets removedā€¦ It a shame that a tiny minority have trouble understanding that concept.

I know why it was removed, the explanation confuses me!

Also why the first 2 were removed, when they were no more offensive than the first pic in the thread.

i think what some people dont realise on this website is that they picked the website to join, the website didnt pick them. if you cant handle being told what not to do then ā– ā– ā– ā–  off! there are plenty on here that get told off and just shrug thier shoulders and get on with life, if all you have to worry about is what is being removed and what is being called pathetic then you need to get a life outside of the keyboard warriordom that seems to be your reality.

FFS get over it, there will be another crisis along in a minute, like someone will post a joke thats offensive and it wont get seen by the mods and the gaza strip conflict will pale into insignificance!

ā€¦And still no-one as said how 2 beefburgers and a hotdog is inapropriate.

FPMSL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I wish I knew WTF you lot were arguing about!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The mind boggles!!! :laughing: :laughing:

i think what some people dont realise on this website is that they picked the website to join, the website didnt pick them. if you cant handle being told what not to do then [zb] off! there are plenty on here that get told off and just shrug thier shoulders and get on with life, if all you have to worry about is what is being removed and what is being called pathetic then you need to get a life outside of the keyboard warriordom that seems to be your reality.

FFS get over it, there will be another crisis along in a minute, like someone will post a joke thats offensive and it wont get seen by the mods and the gaza strip conflict will pale into insignificance!

And there are plenty on here who have pushed the boundaries in the past to make sure that there is fair play for all who use the site, if you want to be a sheep go to a farm, drivers by their nature are independent and as such donā€™t normally follow the crowd.

If there are rules then they are there to be followed by all, that includes site admin and mods, not to used by some and abused by others, that makes a mochary of them in the first place otherwise.