Can someone please explain the rules aroung patheticism and what might be included in being pathetic?.

Now that posts can be removed for being pathetic I just wondered what might pathetic be.


This thread!!!

ā€œPatheticā€ is the word of choice for the Admin or Moderator who has spent all day dealing with random rubbish that neednā€™t have been posted in the first place if brain were engaged before posting buttonā€¦And who has reached the end of her tether. Modā€™s are human too, you know! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hell, Iā€™ve ripped into people because Iā€™ve simply had enough on many occasions, but people generally have the sense to realise that and leave me be when I do it. :blush:

So come on guys, afford poor old Pam - whoā€™s been bearing the brunt recently because me and Rik have been ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  with family stuff (funeral next Wednesday) - the same slack you give me. She sure as hell deserves it. :wink:

We did it Guys, 3 out of 4 Adminā€™s buttons pushed in the right order.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sweepstake on the last one, anybody? :stuck_out_tongue:

i think what some people dont realise on this website is that they picked the website to join, the website didnt pick them. if you cant handle being told what not to do then [zb] off! there are plenty on here that get told off and just shrug thier shoulders and get on with life, if all you have to worry about is what is being removed and what is being called pathetic then you need to get a life outside of the keyboard warriordom that seems to be your reality.

FFS get over it, there will be another crisis along in a minute, like someone will post a joke thats offensive and it wont get seen by the mods and the gaza strip conflict will pale into insignificance!

blah blah blah Gibslaā€¦I think you must have a few template posts that you use quite a lot,get off your horse mateā€¦lately since a certain member was ā€˜made upā€™ the amount of threads edited,moved,removed,censored or locked seems to have increased rather a lotā€¦little bits of power seem to swell in certain peoples heads and they think that they own the site.
most of the mods are sound and seem to use common sense,I dont think iā€™ve ever had a run in with any of them anyway,but being a little hitler and putting his initials in most of the threads i think maybe has got a few peoples backs up. :wink: ā€¦use a bit of common sense ffs,yeah of course weā€™ve ALL read the rules havenā€™t we :unamused: ā€¦I can understand swearing and NASTY personal attacks being edited,but try not to censor everything as it stops jokey banter and healthy arguement IMHO.

We did it Guys, 3 out of 4 Adminā€™s buttons pushed in the right order.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

what do we get for a full house ? :wink: :laughing:

Denis F:

We did it Guys, 3 out of 4 Adminā€™s buttons pushed in the right order.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

what do we get for a full house ? :wink: :laughing:

Probably suspended, or put in the stocks :sunglasses:

ā€œPatheticā€ is the word of choice for the Admin or Moderator who has spent all day dealing with random rubbish that neednā€™t have been posted in the first place if brain were engaged before posting buttonā€¦And who has reached the end of her tether. Modā€™s are human too, you know! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hell, Iā€™ve ripped into people because Iā€™ve simply had enough on many occasions, but people generally have the sense to realise that and leave me be when I do it. :blush:

So come on guys, afford poor old Pam - whoā€™s been bearing the brunt recently because me and Rik have been ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  with family stuff (funeral next Wednesday) - the same slack you give me. She sure as hell deserves it. :wink:

Or, how about, if the mod is having a bad day or an off moment then they stay clear of the extra buttons they have. Then leave it to someone who is level headed and sane to decide what to do.

Do you not think that would be a better idea?

In theory, yes. In practice, it isnā€™t always quite that simple. After all, I canā€™t think of anyone I know who is always 100% aware of when theyā€™re in a stinking mood, before itā€™s pointed out to them. Which brings us back to the ā€œhumanā€ thing. :wink:

Yes your right all 2 of you who are bothered by an inappropriate photo being removed. we should shut down the website and lash our selves in public.

You seem to be saying that only 2 complained then it canā€™t be a valid complaint. It seems to have passed you by that the original offence was deleted and the subsequent explanation was censored and thus many of us cannot know what it isall about.
If we knew, more of us might complain too.

Thewre was actually only one complaint and that weas from mrs mixā€¦

Her choice of words were innapropriate for a moderator as she shoed personal feelings in her complaint n ot really as good idea.


i think what some people dont realise on this website is that they picked the website to join, the website didnt pick them. if you cant handle being told what not to do then [zb] off! there are plenty on here that get told off and just shrug thier shoulders and get on with life, if all you have to worry about is what is being removed and what is being called pathetic then you need to get a life outside of the keyboard warriordom that seems to be your reality.

FFS get over it, there will be another crisis along in a minute, like someone will post a joke thats offensive and it wont get seen by the mods and the gaza strip conflict will pale into insignificance!

blah blah blah Gibslaā€¦I think you must have a few template posts that you use quite a lot,get off your horse mateā€¦lately since a certain member was ā€˜made upā€™ the amount of threads edited,moved,removed,censored or locked seems to have increased rather a lotā€¦little bits of power seem to swell in certain peoples heads and they think that they own the site.
most of the mods are sound and seem to use common sense,I dont think iā€™ve ever had a run in with any of them anyway,but being a little hitler and putting his initials in most of the threads i think maybe has got a few peoples backs up. :wink: ā€¦use a bit of common sense ffs,yeah of course weā€™ve ALL read the rules havenā€™t we :unamused: ā€¦I can understand swearing and NASTY personal attacks being edited,but try not to censor everything as it stops jokey banter and healthy arguement IMHO.

i only posted tht becauise it seems that a few people on here just do things to raise an argument and stir things up. why? do they go off on one when they get stopped for something mundane and pointless by vosa. do they have a go at the wife if she is having a bad day and has a go at them for no reason? or do they just put it behind them and get on with life because there are bigger things to worry about?



i think what some people dont realise on this website is that they picked the website to join, the website didnt pick them. if you cant handle being told what not to do then [zb] off! there are plenty on here that get told off and just shrug thier shoulders and get on with life, if all you have to worry about is what is being removed and what is being called pathetic then you need to get a life outside of the keyboard warriordom that seems to be your reality.

FFS get over it, there will be another crisis along in a minute, like someone will post a joke thats offensive and it wont get seen by the mods and the gaza strip conflict will pale into insignificance!

blah blah blah Gibslaā€¦I think you must have a few template posts that you use quite a lot,get off your horse mateā€¦lately since a certain member was ā€˜made upā€™ the amount of threads edited,moved,removed,censored or locked seems to have increased rather a lotā€¦little bits of power seem to swell in certain peoples heads and they think that they own the site.
most of the mods are sound and seem to use common sense,I dont think iā€™ve ever had a run in with any of them anyway,but being a little hitler and putting his initials in most of the threads i think maybe has got a few peoples backs up. :wink: ā€¦use a bit of common sense ffs,yeah of course weā€™ve ALL read the rules havenā€™t we :unamused: ā€¦I can understand swearing and NASTY personal attacks being edited,but try not to censor everything as it stops jokey banter and healthy arguement IMHO.

i only posted tht becauise it seems that a few people on here just do things to raise an argument and stir things up. why? do they go off on one when they get stopped for something mundane and pointless by vosa. do they have a go at the wife if she is having a bad day and has a go at them for no reason? or do they just put it behind them and get on with life because there are bigger things to worry about?

Yes I do argue back when VOSA pull you for something mundane, because some people take their power to serious.

And yes I do like to stir things up, it makes life more fun. Some people take life to serious.

most of my posts are tongue in cheek, what started this was 2 pictures were posted and 1 of the mods, not the mods who the picture were aimed at, removed the pictures. The pictures where in noway offencive they were quite amusing, if the people in question had taken offence and removed them I would have understood but it was deleted by a new mod showing his muscle.

peopkle need to lighten up

The pictures where in noway offencive they were quite amusing, if the people in question had taken offence and removed them I would have understood but it was deleted by a new mod showing his muscle.

Actually, we have policy of not removing stuff posted against ourselves, getting one of the others to review it instead. Just soā€™s you know. :wink:


The pictures where in noway offencive they were quite amusing, if the people in question had taken offence and removed them I would have understood but it was deleted by a new mod showing his muscle.

Actually, we have policy of not removing stuff posted against ourselves, getting one of the others to review it instead. Just soā€™s you know. :wink:

As I said earlier, the mod who as deleted more text than tipex :sunglasses:

Thatā€™s because we seem to be going through a stage where people are breaking more rules than insert your own cliche here! Itā€™s always the way at this time of year, and some buggerā€™s got to deal with it. JD just happens to be the nearest. :wink:

In other words, heā€™s doing his job.

It is a trucking forum after all and the posts should bear some relation to trucking not cartoon comedy willy sketches by the sound of it. I come here for truck related threads. On a certain car forum the post just gets removed if it isnā€™t car related. Some people just donā€™t like being disagreed with.