Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

Never thought of Oily being quite that old. :rofl:
I was going to ask him how are his ears, mine were severely bruised, and I need hearing aids now, since my experience in a Commer Knocker. :roll_eyes:

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A couple from tonite


In what way? I mean I gather they were popular and powerful for the engine size, IF A BIT NOISY. :wink:

He’s gone round the block more times than I have, I do know that :wink:

Is that top photo legal I wonder?

A lot of unknowns but,
A breakdown being recovered?
A running vehicle being delivered?
Is it braked? Weight?

The photo doesn’t tell us if the driver has his card in or if the company have an O-licence, or if the driver has C+E, without knowing those it’s impossible to say if it’s legal or not.

There’s lots of misunderstandings in the recovery sector, and the utilities sector too.

Very true.
Some of it being telescope up to a blind eye stuff.

Same with ultilities: Recent discussion with an operator:

A: All our guys are on log books 'cos we do utilities

Q: Is it only maintenance or do you install new drains/cables/pipes etc

A: It’s utitlities, they’re on log books

Q: But do they install any new infrastucture at all?

A: It’s log books cos we’re doing utilities…

(repeat ad nauseum)

For the curious:

Never thought of Oily being quite that old.
Yes spardo back as far as horse and cart :rofl:

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At Muir of Ord MOT Station last month and still going strong.

One question - WHY ■■?

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Possibly didn’t like the forward control position of the Leyland :thinking:

Stealth. 10, 9, 8…

I used to think that those headlight cowls were unique to Albion, they featured on my first haulage wagon, but I later saw that they appeared on Leyland versions of the LAD as well.

The original caption mentioned that it was an Albion chassis cab but a Leyland radiator cover

Is that Jim Clark in the Lotus Cortina ? Jimmy could make 'em go a bit.

Wilson’s Motors. I remember seeing all those cars when I was young not necessarily all the models, but L-R front row Zodiac (or a Zephyr not sure), Ford Prefect and Austin Cambridge. Second row: Humber?, Standard 8, dunno. Looks like some early black cabs at the back.

Maggie 232D, photo taken 1991 courtesy Alain Mugica

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MK 1 Zodiac at the front, the two tone paint differentiates it from the Zephyr. Behind the Prefect is a Mk 1 Consul.

First artic I ever drove was a Maggie Deutz, the 310 version.
Well ahead of it’s time in those days…even a night heater. :flushed: