Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

I noticed the Jag too.

Cheers Frangers

Never heard of it though.

Neither had I !
Google and Wiki.

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So why is Clouseau in it then?
Ders yer derg bite :joy:
Or is it the guy out of the Addams Family.:smiley:

It is the right way around, it has a cover on it


It is the right way around, it has a cover on it


sorry, dont seem to be able to attach to a post, above response is in relation to harpers 2800


It all works OK,mate.
In your responses the original post is top left, and clicking on it shows it in full.

To be fair I’ve been catching up after a couple of long days battling with holiday traffic especially Friday Southbound from Malton.The place was gridlocked which isn’t surprising with traffic having rightly given up on A1 and M1 for the A15 and all meeting at the Malton bridge and rail crossing.I thought might as well risk going via York having used A15 for the outward run what could possibly go wrong.
Gave up at Mansfield so Surrey via Nottingham Melton, Northampton and the A43 and M40 it had to be.Obviously no such issues on the Stuart or across the Nullabor.

Thanks T.B. - you’re exactly right! On closer inspection the Kysor simply has its cover on sideways :rofl: :joy:

Those place names, unsurprisingly, don’t mean a cracker to me. Is this the ‘quality distance’ work to which you so regularly allude?

Could be worse, he could be talking about places such as Fangfoss, or one of my favourites, Wetwang :grin: This is what happens when a part of England temporarily became part of Denmark a thousand years ago, whacky place names abound.

(Now anticipating a lecture on the hidden history of The Danelaw from our guru of everything :smile:)

TBH, even as a general point I switch off when other drivers start talking about numbered roads and routes as if they are revealing some mystical knowledge of the ages, I’d much rather rely on my own navigation skills. But I am concerned now that it appears CF lives within an hour’s drive of my locale :astonished: He’s even closer to Conor though

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Now that ^^^^^ made I larf :joy::joy:

In our family, anyone who goes into long descriptions of routes and numbered roads is called a ‘road bore’. I’m sure our ultracrepidarian friend will continue to amuse for some time to come yet as, like Tony Blair, he is never wrong. :grinning:

This’d make a handy motorhome or compact & bijou rally truck.

It’s like Mway junction numbers, when people ask me 
'what number junction is
Not a clue.:smiley:

I’m the same. I remember the names though. Probably because some people are slightly more dyscalculic than they are dyslexic :rofl:

I was actually describing the return run home.
No one is going to do Surrey to North Yorkshire and back in a shift driving a truck.

Really? They’re no longer restricted to 28mph you know

 so Malton wasn’t your starting location, which would have indicated you were Yorkshire-based. Fine, carry on Carryfast, proximity alert rescinded :grin: