Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

The beauty of age is that you can morph into full Victor Meldrew mode whenever you need to and have a ready made excuse. I have no problem telling those ambulance chasers who call you up to “go and ■■■■ yourself” (and I do use those exact words).

There is so much truth in that, in so many different ways.

Personally I don’t gaf who I offend.
Nowt to do with age either, I’ve always been like that.
I aint 2 faced, if I dont like somebody I can not pretend that I do,.so at least people know exactly where they are with me…(although I do catch a bit of flak off my lovely Mrs for it at times) on the other hand if I like somebody they know I do.

As for the gay thing, I have zero problem, it aint an issue, and why would it be?..
As for them promoting it, ‘Pride’ etc, …why?
If I started a ‘Straight Pride’ movement I’d be more than likeley labelled homophobic.:roll_eyes:

As for Trans…You have got to empathise with somebody who looks like a big butch bloke, but feels in his own mind he is genuinely a woman,.easy to laugh at em I know, but live and let live I say.

Most of em don’t do themselves any favours the way they dress,.and only draw more attention to themselves by wearing stuff like crop tops, and mini skirts, instead of being a bit more conservative…unfortunately but realistically, it just invites ridicule.

That is my take on it anyhoo…(but wtf it has to do with past present and in between’ beats me.:smiley:)

I have a friend who started life as Graham, but has had the full change with the external bits turned inside out and very s@xy she Is too.
One night in the local night club, another friend, a h@rdcore local fisherman, who went to school with Graham was transfixed by her @rotic dancing. In spite of still calling her Graham he did his best to take her home and give her a good ****ing

EDIT: Another friend who went out with her for a while commented "Those surgeons do a pretty fine job, but not as good as God"

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Jeez H…I dont think I would/could do that.:flushed:
As for looking ‘s@xy’…I think you can always tell.
Anyhow Mr Smith, who am I to judge …‘‘your friend’’.:smiley:

I wouldn’t either Rob, but if you didn’t know you wouldn’t find out until you were at a point of no return

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I think you would know WELL beforehand tbh mate.
I have never been THAT desperado in my life, but there ya go.

I mean for example, look at that Jonathan Willoughby who became 'India Willoughby …(not to be confused with the lovely Holly Willoughby btw, I dont think any surgery is THAT good. :joy:)… he/she still looks like a bloke in a dress, lets not mince words.

The lady doth protest too much methinks…

Protest too much Frangers ? :joy:.
Nah, …it’s just that there are just some things that you feel the NEED to clarify, if only for sake of reputation mate. :smiley:

I know you are joking,.but you are implying basically I would sha9 what is essentially a bloke.:flushed:

I apologise in advance, but you leave me no alternative here Frangers to come accross as a right smug big head now.
(Yeah I know, out of character and NOT like me at all eh ? :joy:)

So to analogise…
I dont know about you mate but…
When I was in my teens I always managed to eat full dairy butter, …never margarine.
In 20s,.drove a few Ferraris, never crappy Mr2 replica lookalikes.
When I finally settled down managed to get top quality rib eye steak, not imitation quorn meat.
Get my drift?.
What about you?:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Sorted…now we need some 'past present and in between! truck pics seeing as that is put to bed.:grin:

If you want to look at “in between” pictures carry on.


You know what:?
I’ve just thinking about that…
‘Past, present, and in between’.
Surely the ‘in between’ bit is still the ‘past’.
These things need investigated.:joy:

Talking of ‘in between’ pictures; many years ago I saw an advert for some slimming treatment which showed a triptych of pics of a woman. The first one was marked ‘before’ and the third was marked ‘after’. To my immense amusement, the middle one was marked ‘during’. :grinning:

Conversation is getting way above my head !! Couple of sea coal collectors to start with.

Twin engine design from the USA



Do you think Carryfast could give a hand to unload this lot !!

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Cheers :clap: to you Gateshead for the transformation back to what this thread is really about, …jeez is transformation the right word :thinking:

A John Wakely photo of a Mandator P reg so '76 I’m guessing.
Jempsons to close after 150years of trading June 30th I read.

Couple more Jempson wagons, credit to Richard Says for the photos.

Good pics Gateshead, particularly that twin engine job, never seen anyhing like that before :flushed: was it a one off or a standard model?

I love my present high cab Renault, buy I’d sure as hell swap it for that Argyll Scania, you could have a party in that cab…(said swap it, didn’t say TRANSfer to it btw.:smiley:)

The old green Dodge is a blast ftom my past,.I took my training course and test in one of those bloody things, and it was an old motor even at that time,.and well worn with the ‘stick in a bucket/in there somewhere’ gearbox.:joy:

Is that YOU stood by that Berliet?
Looking cool and trendy if I may say sir.:grinning:


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Whoops! Sorry - I’ll get my hat and bid you good day…

At least you shouldn’t have to rearrange the furniture before going to bed.

Where did that cloud of dust come from?