Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

On the A66 at Stainmore September 2013.

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At Leeming Bar 2022.

Is that JK Rowling at the wheel? :rofl:

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Doohhh !

I started enlarging the image and looking at the picture! :grinning:

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Am I the only one who doesn’t get it? :thinking:

“Transex” company name and JKR being known (applauded, dare I say?) for her views on “trans people”.

In case that doesn’t mean anything, JKR has been vilified for saying what is self-evidently true: simply wearing a dress, or even cutting off your weiner, does not mean you are automatically a woman.

The Alphabet-mafia community hate JKR, but worse, the jumped up nobodies who became wealthy and famous courtesy of JKR’s stories (Radcliffe and Watson) have publically turned against JKR.

The headboard name and J K Rowlings well known feelings on this subject.

You put it a lot better than I did :grinning: :grinning: I was being diplomatic.

I’m past the point of diplomacy on this subject, my eldest is full of all this woke stuff at the moment: Teenagers… It’s not all their fault, I blame the schools for their compulsory PSHE brainwashing programme.

Any films featuring Emma Watson or Daniel Radcliffe will not be gracing my TV screen, that for sure…

I agree that it is a sad situation in schools if the PSHE dept. should ever come to teaching counter to the science dept.

My take on it is that believing that one should have been a female whilst knowing that one is a biological male are two parallel life-long experiences; which is paradoxical, not unscientific.

Things get a bit more blurry when trans-females undergo full endocrinal and surgical transformation. Likewise, trans-males, of course.

Dare I say it, the alphabet mafia lives. What the hell is PSHE? :astonished:

Personal, social, health and economic education

Which would be fine if they stuck to sensible topics, but when your kid has to write an essay on “How do we celebrate the LGBTQIA-plus community?” for me that’s gone far too far.
Note HOW do we… as in “it is expected this is something that should be celebrated, rather than simply accepted in a neutral way”

Strikes me as Orwellian Thought Police tactics when it is dictated how you should feel about an element of society.

It stands for Personal Social & Health Education. It’s called something else now.

I agree. PSHE taught like that becomes social engineering, which was never the spirit in which it was started. It used to about enhancing self-esteem in teenagers and in those about them. And adopting a reasonably healthy life-style. It was conceived to combat drug abuse.

If I’m ever asked to comment on the subject of transgender I have a very basic reply.

“If you were born with a c@ck and a pair of balls then you use the mens toilet, if you weren’t then you use the women’s”

Thank you all, very enlightening, so glad I went to school to learn useful stuff.

BTW I heard someone say to day that it is racist to use the term Anglo-Saxon, but the same person admitted when asked, that saying Celtic was ok, because the term was used all the time. So presumably, if we say Anglo-Saxon every day, it will soon become ok again, :roll_eyes:

I thought for a minute I was on the wrong thread checking the header and thought what the hell if it keeps this new not so well supported Trucknet version going, posted this earlier on the Silly Joke thread.

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Back on track with a couple of Steve Butler photos.

Meh! I’m offended by people claiming to be offended by what I say :grin:
If someone complains about my non-PC attitude being out of place in these times, I tell them I’m being “post-modern”, which is simply another way of saying you’re “traditional” or “old fashioned”. It’s less likely to get me into bother than using dennisjavelin’s approach :wink: