Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

When things get heated :sweat_smile:.


Couple more of the pigeon transport dept.

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Vaux Breweries Sunderland


Livestock movers, Richard Says photos.

Livestock Richard 50824500271_bcfbdb8e5c_4k


Vintage / Veteran gathering at Sunderland over Easter

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Buzzer nmp every body likes a bit of sauce.

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I used to deliver malt and spirit vinegar into HP sauce just off the Aston expressway, 2 loads a day one of each out of Sarsons Middleton Manchester.

Early 70’s when I was working at BRS Gateshead a Mandator pulling a 40ft trailer with a mixed load of HP products came off the road. The night shift dragged the whole lot in, the unit was a write off but the trailer was put into the far end of the workshop while the insurance was sorted. Some of the bottles in the middle of the load had been smashed and the contents leaked through the trailer floor and soaked into the concrete. That corner of the workshop stank of pickle etc for weeks afterwards.

A rose betwee 2 thorns

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Been shut out for the the last few days getting an error message “trying to log on too many times” yet inviting me to give it a couple of minutes and try again.

Why do you have to log in every time you come here? I’ve never been asked to. :thinking:

Using a desktop. tablet or phone and working with Opera browser clicking on the Trucknet UK link brought up an almost blank page with a tiny message along the top " you’ve tried too many times to log on" which was crap being as I hadn’t been given the chance, googling found that this was a Discourse error thing. As to my normal procedure I log on and when I’ve done my bit on here I log out. It would seem the site works different ways for different people

I’m on a PC using Firefox and go straight in to all the forums I use, which is 4 at the moment, French, English, American and Australian. Tell a lie about the last one, won’t seem to let me sign up for some reason but I can view whatever I like.

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@Gateshead Where is this vehicle museum? Is it Beamish?

It is Bill Richardson’s, Invercargill, NZ. Was down there in February. Huge place with all sorts of displays. More info on the website “Bill Richardson Transport World”. Worth a visit if you get the opportunity.