Part time driving jobs - do they exist?

I re-instated my HGV and PSV licenses last year by getting a fresh medical and took a week’s dcpc course at my own expense. I was offered an extension on my temps contract doing technical assembly at more money than HGV driving (with shift allowance), which has now ended.

At moment am undecided whether just to do other assembly type work typically at a much lower rate of pay, or return to driving. Ideally I would be happy to do part time driving say around 25 hours week, as I also run a couple of internet ventures that make up the shortfall. Not really looking to do odd shifts through agencies, as they both sporadic and unpredictable. In the past when driving trucks I typically ended up doing 60 to 70 hour weeks, but don’t really want to be in that position again, as have a life outside of work.

Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions about finding part time vacancies would be welcome, as only ever worked full time before, so it a ‘closed book’ to me. :confused:

Sadly agencies are going to be your best route. I don’t know where you are or when you last drove but in a lot of places now there’s so much work at agencies that you can pick what you want and get consistent work. I don’t want to do full weeks either and I’m getting what I want and mostly where I’m wanting it as well with only this last week requiring me to go to a different client however I’ve already been booked for next week at my main one.

Probably about four years since I last drove a truck. but have held a license for over 25 years, so experienced with steel, tippers, flats, roping and sheeting etc.

Location is South Staffs, so probably looking at Cannock and Stafford sort of areas.

just gone on agency

Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions about finding part time vacancies would be welcome…



Any ideas, thoughts or suggestions about finding part time vacancies would be welcome…


See post three :wink:

There are part time driving jobs out there, I’ve got one. 3 days a week but its on zero hours so if there is no work for me then I don’t work. Been doing it for last 3 years and only not worked on 2 days. No sick pay but I do get holiday pay.

Approach some local companies. Offer them some sickness cover or if they are short to ring you. I did and work when I want

Approach some local companies. Offer them some sickness cover or if they are short to ring you. I did and work when I want

Agree with this, if anything like my place the damage done by agency staff has been horrendous over the last year.


Approach some local companies. Offer them some sickness cover or if they are short to ring you. I did and work when I want

Agree with this, if anything like my place the damage done by agency staff has been horrendous over the last year.

Careful Juddian, these agency fellas are a sensitive bunch.



Approach some local companies. Offer them some sickness cover or if they are short to ring you. I did and work when I want

Agree with this, if anything like my place the damage done by agency staff has been horrendous over the last year.

Careful Juddian, these agency fellas are a sensitive bunch.

And we’re off lol :laughing: :laughing:

If you are using your licence as a fall back then I would have thought agency is your best bet.Not sure how precious you are about weekends or nights but there is loads out there.I would be very surprised if you could not find something that suits.

Agree with this, if anything like my place the damage done by agency staff has been horrendous over the last year.

One place I’m at we demanded a wagon just for agency because we got sick of getting in trucks that were filthy with dashboards lit up like Blackpool illuminations with warning lights and a list of defects as long as your arm because the permanent drivers couldn’t be arsed to wash the motors or defect them. The only people bending wagons and trailers at that place all work for them.

Thanks for all the input and advice guys… :slight_smile:

My experience of agencies in recent times has been this. The driving jobs I see advertised appear to be ‘made up’. That is, exactly the same jobs being advertised week after week and in some cases daily. The reality tends to be more one day panic jobs when someone doesn’t turn into work, rather than regular continuous work. In contrast things like factory jobs, warehousing jobs etc. usually tend to be solid work usually for many months duration. Other drivers I have spoken to have had similar experiences with agencies, where advertised ‘vacancies’ are little more than a name gathering exercise.

I did contact one local firm last year and dropped in to see them, as they were indicating over £500 week with no nights out, delivering steel. When I got there though I was presented with figures of £7.20 hour for rigids or £8.00 hour for artics, which bearing in mind is heavy steel deliveries was a paltry offering and simply didn’t equate to earning £500 week.

I will email a few companies next week, to see if anything suitable is about though on the driving scene. Thanks again for everyone’s help.

One place I’m at we demanded a wagon just for agency because we got sick of getting in trucks that were filthy with dashboards lit up like Blackpool illuminations with warning lights and a list of defects as long as your arm because the permanent drivers couldn’t be arsed to wash the motors or defect them. The only people bending wagons and trailers at that place all work for them.

Why is agency driver extraordinaire Conor accepting being assigned to work at a firm where the wagons are poorly maintained and the full-time drivers are worse than agency drivers?

It doesn’t sound like the best of companies and certainly not befitting of the UK’s finest agency driver.

You’d think someone who bleats on about being able to pick and choose where he works would choose not to work there and pick something else.

not sure how local you are (seem to remember you’re quite local to me?) but Landrover at wolverhampton and Solihull are in the middle of a huge recruitment drive atm.

start off on 70% pay with a 6 year walk upto 100% pay. 20% in the first 2 years then 2.5% after that upto 100%. theres also a 3.5% rise for the next 4 years at least or the rate of inflation, whichever is higher.

37hr week+ OT if wanted

1st year rates
-£11.25 days
-£15.10 nights
-overtime mon-sat= £17.34
-overtime sun= £19.26

at 100% on a 3 shift pattern you’ll be looking at 36k for 37 hours.

i know it’s not driving but your assembly experience should go for you here :smiley:

I have found agencies to be a bit like my love life.You’ll get involved with a few over time before you find the one that you think is right for you,You do right by them and they will do right by you.Sometimes it does not not work out so you say your goodbyes (try to be amicable)and move on. You will find the right one in the end.

I know of at least three agencies in this area to totally avoid, as not wasting my time registering for non existent jobs… :confused:

Yep Maga in your part of the world. Jaguar at Wolverhampton not taking on any more staff till end of next year now, as they building up the production in planned stages. Been working for Caterpillar at £13.60 hour (with shift allowance), but they moving production to India. Obviously don’t want to drop on the £6.50 hour ‘work your nuts off’ crud that’s out there at moment. :open_mouth: Driving aint the fun it used to be, but at least the money is more sensible.

Is there a smallbus firm near you?I have done school transport for the last 20 years doing between 18 and 44 hours per week.I would think that a small haulage firm could use an extra driver from time to time.Agencies have given me work during school holidays ,so the bits and pieces are out there.

I know of at least three agencies in this area to totally avoid, as not wasting my time registering for non existent jobs… :confused:

Yep Maga in your part of the world. Jaguar at Wolverhampton not taking on any more staff till end of next year now, as they building up the production in planned stages. Been working for Caterpillar at £13.60 hour (with shift allowance), but they moving production to India. Obviously don’t want to drop on the £6.50 hour ‘work your nuts off’ crud that’s out there at moment. :open_mouth: Driving aint the fun it used to be, but at least the money is more sensible.

seems to be lots of that sort of work around this area. Maier and thyssenkrupp spring to mind :unamused: