Part time driving jobs - do they exist?

Yep did four months work at Thyssen Krupp when this downturn first kicked in - never again !!! :angry: Now the downturn has eased, they really struggling to get people to work there now - not helped by them wanting to pay monthly in future instead of weekly. Boogie that :open_mouth:

Alamcculloch : Think the school bus idea would be a non starter for me, as you’d really have to love other peoples kids to do that job… :wink: As captain of the bus, I’d probably have them walking the plank by day three :slight_smile:

I have found agencies to be a bit like my love life.You’ll get involved with a few over time before you find the one that you think is right for you,You do right by them and they will do right by you.Sometimes it does not not work out so you say your goodbyes (try to be amicable)and move on. You will find the right one in the end.

Good comment; totally agree with you.

I also do school transport, I didnt think I would take to it but did it out of necessity as my son was in danger of getting banned from the bus. (so I got a job where I could keep an eye on him) I have been doing it for 2 years now and really enjoy it. All bus companys local to me that do school runs seem to be constantly looking for reliable drivers. I also do odd weekend shifts and occasional daytime shunting for a small local haulier. I haven’t done any agency shifts for over 2 years as I just got fed up of dealing with ■■■■■■■■. Most of what I do is paid per run or for the job but it works out at 12 to 13 per hour.
Out of the last 16 years I have worked full time for 4 (my kids are 14 and 16), the rest have been part time with some really good weekend work in the past. Most of my part time work has been in direct employment with small to medium companys with agency work when needed or in between jobs. Agencies were OK 16 years ago but now the majority are just penny pinching liars.

Conor,you have more than enough people on here bashing you and I’m not one for jumping on the bandwagon but I have to ask…

One place I’m at we demanded a wagon just for agency.

How did that work out for you?

It’s all fantasy. It never happened outside of Conor’s deluded mind. He’ll be along shortly to tell you otherwise of course. Just humour him.

Agency, Demanding :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I have no delusions about agencies. I recently declined long term electrical fitting work because they said customer would only take people through one of those Mickey Mouse Umbrella Schemes, so definitely wouldn’t entertain ANY driving work unless it through regular PAYE scheme. Yep it might close a few doors, but don’t want a huge payback to HMRC in the future, as they have been challenging these schemes with many declared illegal recently.

Many hauliers wouldn’t want part time income for themselves or their trucks standing unused, which is an extra challenge for getting part time driving work, so will just have to look around and ask. Certainly no plans to go back to 60 hour plus weeks driving though.

Approach some local companies. Offer them some sickness cover or if they are short to ring you. I did and work when I want

Good advice this, particularly own account firms who might have wagons but not out on the road 24/7.

Casual,I know a lot of retired ( 70 +) drivers who just do a day / two a week as they get bored at home 7 days a week .

I am pushing 72 and have been lucky enough to have been working two shifts a week since I retired 12 years ago.
I am on a zero hours contract, but I’ve never had less than my two shifts a week. It is a night shift on Friday and Sunday but that suits me as it pays the best and it fits in with my lifestyle. I usually get some extra shifts in at Christmas and New Year when the men with young families would rather be at home.
There are some firms who advertise for drivers, full time or weekends or casual, S.J.Bargh for one.