
What is ?ors??

I only have a car licence, but do own a CAT! Cat ‘B’ for black (cat) Few years ago, passed Roadcraft (Rospa) gold, but nah, still not ye olde knight of the road.

Dan Punchard:
Anyone who thinks they’re better than the next man for having a class one has small willy syndrome .

:smiley: :smiley: AFTER 30 od years ill swap my class 1 for a nice 6 leger curtain sider local drops houres 8.00 5.00 :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

OMG do you have suicidal thoughts, please don’t do it as its a waste of a miraculous gift, the chances of you coming into excistence in the first place make winning the euro lottery look like a dead cert.

Hang on I have just read the thread and viewed some of your posts, so in actual fact you are more like an attention seeking drama queen similar to folks on facebook saying they are culling their friends list because so and so hasn’t spoke to them for a week and they cant function without continued positive reinforcement of their purpose in life.

Don’ worry i fall into the same demographic so dont treat this as a personal attack, more a statement of fact that I can emphasise with. [hopefully this is enough to avoid pre-mod punishment]

Anyway good luck with your future endeavors and please don’t take life so seriously and be such a precious princess that lets other folk effect them so much.

Best wishes and any other sweet words you need to move onward.



tango boy:
It may not be big but i have 20 stone to bang it in!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

20 stone tango boy? :astonished: are you sure someone wasn’t standing on the scales behind you :wink:

Na he was in the chippy an must have had his wallet on him :wink:

I wish lol :laughing: :laughing:

What is ?ors??

Old retarded sods

Now I’m confused. I drive a big wagon and I’m a ■■■■■■.

RE PAYSLIP. “But the amount in it may give it away”

Lol-good one chester!!! Apologies for not answering you last night. Needed to catch some sleep for my nice easy day today on overtime.(time and a half). And home every night through the week. If only I had my class1…

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

Speaking as somebody who was accused on here recently of thinking everybody that did not agree with me was an idiot (by an idiot :unamused: ) the only comment that I can make is that you are maybe mistaking the ‘aim to hurt’ as you put it, with people’s negative reactions to d/heads, if you see what I mean.
I will (and have) tried to help and advise on here, anybody that has asked me, but if they come across as a bit of a knob by asking bloody stupid questions, or are just plain pig ■■■■ thick :unamused: , then I can’t be arsed,…and maybe can not hide it.
Got to disagree about the tossers/HGV1 point, thing is unfortunately, a lot of tossers on here amazingly DO have Class1s :unamused: .
Re. 'The goodbye cruel world, bit, are you a bit of a drama queen? We will never know seeing as that is your last post. :smiley:

Dan Punchard:
Anyone who thinks they’re better than the next man for having a class one has small willy syndrome .

I wholeheartedly agree. All are equally valued, the guys who drive the little ones and the guys who drive the great big ones !! :laughing:

Think this has run its course… TruckNet can be a bit rough, and some of its members are a bit OTT - but on the whole it works- if its doesn’t suit you then the simple answer is don’t come here, deciding that something isn’t for you doesn’t really need a thread- so this is locked