
What about us medically retired old ■■■■■ …with no truck licence at all now.
Are we to be cast aside from here too, banished then branded with a crude epitaph in your mind, and no longer wanted by you because you do not like our opinions ?
That I find harsh when all we do is try to pass on our depth of knowledge and experience and memories.
With this in mind I have decided that we should happily wave you off on your travels to happier and better pastures for you and your ilk, to websites new.
Farewell and Enjoy your new experiences.




in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

So the guys with JUST cat C are tossers that don’t drive HGV ?
Or am I reading it wrong ?

opened a can of worms there :imp:

Don’t think so, just want to know what camp I’m in.
I have C so was just wondering if that means I’m a ■■■■■■ by default, or is the implication directed at certain individuals that shake has decided ARE tossers that have no right being on here anyway because they only hold cat C.
Although I personally can’t see what license people hold has anything to do with it…

I don’t mean any of my posts on this thread, just joking around this time. dose’t matter to me a hoot what anyone drives. I don’t have a class one ither.

Dan Punchard:
Anyone who thinks they’re better than the next man for having a class one has small willy syndrome .

Chin up, it might still grow.

Own Account Driver:

Dan Punchard:
Anyone who thinks they’re better than the next man for having a class one has small willy syndrome .

Chin up, it might still grow.

No it really won’t… :smiling_imp:

No it won’t it’s like a salmon it’s done it’s job now it’s dead .

Its what you do with it that counts :wink:

Heh :smiley:
I’m quite happy with my puny C to be honest, very comfortable in it’s usage as well :wink:
If I do decide on an extension to a larger weapon it will only be just so it’s there “in case I need it” in the future :stuck_out_tongue:

Dan Punchard:
No it won’t it’s like a salmon it’s done it’s job now it’s dead .


It may not be big but i have 20 stone to bang it in!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

If you can’t stand the heat…

I’m guessing this won’t be your last post though; drama queens like you who make a point of flouncing away from the forum always come back.

See you soon soft lad. :laughing:

That is a wicked sense of humour Contraflow !
Keep it up.

3 wheeler:
Keep it up.

Tell that to Punchy Dan, he’s the one with a dead salmon in his pants. :laughing:

Shake, you are a sensitive soul, nothing wrong with that. The problem with forums, e mails and to a certain extent texts, is it makes people lazy.
Forums are 2 dimensional, and do not allow for tone and pitch to be conveyed like it is with speech, so dry humour can appear insulting.
Like others have said, there are good people here and good, sometimes entertaining threads, you just filter out the ones that do not interest you, or those that develop into personal slanging matches.
A bit like going into a pub, you gravitate to the interesting people with interesting views!

tango boy:
It may not be big but i have 20 stone to bang it in!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

PMSL :grimacing: that’s a bloody Good un Tango :wink:

bye looser :smiley:

bye looser :smiley:

When referring to somebody as a loser, it’s always best to make sure you know how to spell loser, otherwise you risk looking like a loser yourself. :wink:


3 wheeler:
Keep it up.

Tell that to Punchy Dan, he’s the one with a dead salmon in his pants. :laughing:

Do dead Salmon get Rigor Mortice and go stiff ?

Well he aint logged back in yet

Mummy must have told him it was past his bed time :unamused:

3 wheeler:


3 wheeler:
Keep it up.

Tell that to Punchy Dan, he’s the one with a dead salmon in his pants. :laughing:

Do dead Salmon get Rigor Mortice and go stiff ?

Whoa ho …that was my thousandth post !
Not many by some standards I know, but 1% must have been sensible !

Just checked my payslip. Doesn’t say anything about which class of vehicle I drive!

But the amount in it may give it away :laughing:

tango boy:
It may not be big but i have 20 stone to bang it in!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

20 stone tango boy? :astonished: are you sure someone wasn’t standing on the scales behind you :wink:


tango boy:
It may not be big but i have 20 stone to bang it in!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

20 stone tango boy? :astonished: are you sure someone wasn’t standing on the scales behind you :wink:

Na he was in the chippy an must have had his wallet on him :wink: