
I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

Bye then :confused:

Tra then Tra :astonished:

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

So the guys with JUST cat C are tossers that don’t drive HGV ?
Or am I reading it wrong ?

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

I don’t think I’ll be far behind you to be honest - I too get sick of the rubbish posted :imp:

97 posts—you,ll hardly be missed,bye

He has a point to be fair. I only have cat c and im a complete ■■■■■■.

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help

Possibly so but, even though I’m relatively newly passed etc I do my research first when I can before posting .

If you look at a lot of posts its stuff that should be basic 101 and it wouldn’t harm to look for yourself first before asking to be spoon fed.

So no some answers are sarky, but it’s because some posts are pure laziness!

What’s having a class 1 got to do with anything ?

Dan Punchard:
What’s having a class 1 got to do with anything ?

Don’t pretend not to know ! :smiling_imp:

Just checked my payslip. Doesn’t say anything about which class of vehicle I drive!


in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

So the guys with JUST cat C are tossers that don’t drive HGV ?
Or am I reading it wrong ?

opened a can of worms there :imp:

Anyone who thinks they’re better than the next man for having a class one has small willy syndrome .

Just checked my payslip. Doesn’t say anything about which class of vehicle I drive!

that’s besides the point :open_mouth:

I can create just as much chaos in my tiny car. Putting me in an HGV, because some men want to see this world burn.

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

You’re right, some people post some really hurtful, nasty or in bad taste stuff.

Here’s an example of such a post from a thread about a woman who suffered an attack at the hands of a truck driver.

Assuming I am just a typical driver I do know that when I park up for the night I go through my usual routine.

Tidy cab, think about food, ■■■■ up the wheel, count any vouchers, contemplate dragging females to my cab, stand in line at burger king, eat, pack up the food stuff so no smell, get ready for bed , kick out dragged female, listen to radio for a bit, hope to get some sleep, worry about next day route/load/ put light back on read a bit, try to go back to sleep, shower, walk back to wagon, step over dragged female, drive off. just an ordinary night out.

:unamused: :unamused:

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

If you can’t stand the heat…

I’m guessing this won’t be your last post though; drama queens like you who make a point of flouncing away from the forum always come back.

See you soon soft lad. :laughing:



in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

So the guys with JUST cat C are tossers that don’t drive HGV ?
Or am I reading it wrong ?

opened a can of worms there :imp:

Don’t think so, just want to know what camp I’m in.
I have C so was just wondering if that means I’m a ■■■■■■ by default, or is the implication directed at certain individuals that shake has decided ARE tossers that have no right being on here anyway because they only hold cat C.
Although I personally can’t see what license people hold has anything to do with it…

I look at this forum and I see the aim is to hurt rather then help and i want nothing more to do with it.

in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

Some guys are good buit some are not.

Good bye cruel world. I will never see you again

Hi Shake sorry you feel the need to leave the forum because of a minority of so called tossers, for what its worth id like to thank you for your posts on Ltd company matters i found them very useful.
Many thanks.
Jeff :sunglasses:




in fact most of the tossers on the site do not even have a HGV1 (C+E).

So the guys with JUST cat C are tossers that don’t drive HGV ?
Or am I reading it wrong ?

opened a can of worms there :imp:

Don’t think so, just want to know what camp I’m in.
I have C so was just wondering if that means I’m a ■■■■■■ by default, or is the implication directed at certain individuals that shake has decided ARE tossers that have no right being on here anyway because they only hold cat C.
Although I personally can’t see what license people hold has anything to do with it…

Its what you do with it that counts :wink: