One more string to the bow

Just had the call from Rick@Data Academy, the ADR course I sat 15-18th Feb I passed. Well chuffed :smiley:

Just had the call from Rick@Data Academy, the ADR course I sat 15-18th Feb I passed. Well chuffed :smiley:

well done mate :grimacing: :grimacing: - at least now you can legally carry ADR loads… :wink: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

oooh and now you’ll get one of ROG’s all singing all dancing posts…

Cruise Control:
oooh and now you’ll get one of ROG’s all singing all dancing posts…

■■■■■■■■ I’d forgotten about that, better pull the thread before the nurse gives him back the keyboard :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Only kidding ROG :wink:

Yay :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Well done and congratulations.

Just had the call from Rick@Data Academy, the ADR course I sat 15-18th Feb I passed. Well chuffed :smiley:

Cruise Control:
oooh and now you’ll get one of ROG’s all singing all dancing posts…

I re-sat mine on the 1-3 Feb and haven’t herd anything yet. Do you think it’s been a long time?

I re-sat mine on the 1-3 Feb and haven’t herd anything yet. Do you think it’s been a long time?

Sounds it, we were told 2-3 weeks and we’d have results then week after or so get the license through. Might be worth while chasing it up?

Nice one Jon - I got the good news too I passed as well :smiley: so we’ve just got to wait for the Licenses to come through now :smiley: :smiley:

Nice one Jon - I got the good news too I passed as well :smiley: so we’ve just got to wait for the Licenses to come through now :smiley: :smiley:

Well done mate :smiley: How’s it looking on the job front for you??

Also just want to say thanks to our very own Dieseldave the course tutor for being a bloody good tutor :smiley: and also thanks to Rick and Data Academy for putting on a great course in a nice environment for a bloody cracking price, and a nice snack van nearby too :wink:

I would thoroughly recommend anyone who is looking at doing the ADR (or any other courses) and is in proximity to Data Academy to speak to them, as I really enjoyed the course and it was a great set up, and they have the interests of the candidate first unlike some trainers who just want your money and sod getting you the results you want :exclamation: Also 21 hours towards CPC and ADR ticket bundled into one, can’t get better than that!! :smiley:

you passed then :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

you passed then :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I did indeed, told you I would :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

How much did it cost you?

Course consisted of core module, packages classes 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 and the 21 hours of cpc training/upload it was £420■■ I think. I believe the course on it’s own was £360. It was around those figures give or take a quid or two. I think the tanker module can be done for about £130.

Course consisted of core module, packages classes 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 and the 21 hours of cpc training/upload it was £420■■ I think. I believe the course on it’s own was £360. It was around those figures give or take a quid or two. I think the tanker module can be done for about £130.

That sound about right…A big congratulations to all who passed…A big thankyou to Dave for a cracking course what a star…the burger vans going bust without Dave so book for the next course lol :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I re-sat mine on the 1-3 Feb and haven’t herd anything yet. Do you think it’s been a long time?

SQA are a bit late on marking at present but I wuold have thought the training provider you used would have the results by now, contact the provider he should have them, I always ring our customers as soon as we know because we get the results before they do, good luck.

Just had the call from Rick@Data Academy, the ADR course I sat 15-18th Feb I passed. Well chuffed :smiley:

I got the good news too I passed as well

:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS to garnerlives and m4rky on passing your ADR exams :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley: :grimacing: :smiley: :smiley:

Cruise Control:
oooh and now you’ll get one of ROG’s all singing all dancing posts…

Oh yes indeed, and they got one from me too. :grimacing:

I re-sat mine on the 1-3 Feb and haven’t herd anything yet. Do you think it’s been a long time?

Hi Rew, Firstly, I’m sorry to hear that you needed a re-sit… :frowning:

Yes mate, that’s a very long time and the results should be known by now.
I agree with the advice you’ve received and I’d also suggest give the training provider a ring.

Do you know which exam(s) you failed??

Also just want to say thanks to our very own Dieseldave the course tutor for being a bloody good tutor :smiley: and also thanks to Rick and Data Academy for putting on a great course in a nice environment for a bloody cracking price, and a nice snack van nearby too :wink:

Hi Jon,
We just did our best (as always) and we’re glad you enjoyed the proceedings. :smiley:

We all take different memories from our experience… my highlight was the SQA external verifier’s face during my UN Class 5 lesson when I mentioned the ladies’ hairdresser and the bottle-blonde. :laughing: :grimacing: :sunglasses:

… getting you the results you want

Ahh, now you’ll have to consider the idea that you did that for yourself, cos I can only teach you the stuff, but it was always going to be your own efforts that earned you the exam results. :wink: