One more string to the bow

I passed as well

Well done mate :smiley: How’s it looking on the job front for you??

Not too bad thanks mate :smiley: I’ve signed with 1 agency so far and they have given me work every day ranging from class 2 to multi drop work in a transit :confused:

I’m just taking what they can give me at the moment to get as much experience as possible and I’m quite enjoying it at the moment. I spoke to Manpower today and they think that they can get me an assessment with the Royal Mail for class 1 so fingers crossed that they can.

Still looking for that all elusive permanent class 1 job but I’m sure that it will come with a bit of effort and determination

Thanks to everyone too that helped me get my ADR :smiley:

Got my license through today from the dvla. All info looks to be right, hard for them normally to do that I know! They didn’t give me a free tankers category though :frowning:

I overheard a conversation in the office last night because I heard my name mentioned :wink:
It was something to do with pushing me forwards for the ADR and delivering something direct to Southend on Sea :confused:


I re-sat mine on the 1-3 Feb and haven’t herd anything yet. Do you think it’s been a long time?

Hi Rew, Firstly, I’m sorry to hear that you needed a re-sit… :frowning:

Yes mate, that’s a very long time and the results should be known by now.
I agree with the advice you’ve received and I’d also suggest give the training provider a ring.

Do you know which exam(s) you failed??

When I said re-sit I meant refresher cores because it runs out in April. Sorry for the confusion.

I overheard a conversation in the office last night because I heard my name mentioned :wink:
It was something to do with pushing me forwards for the ADR and delivering something direct to Southend on Sea :confused:

I’m now on the system at work to get my bonus for having my adr. Get a coupld of hundred quid each year before Christmas mate, get on to them to get you on it!

When I said re-sit I meant refresher cores because it runs out in April. Sorry for the confusion.

Hi Rew, Thanks for the extra info. :smiley:

Yes mate, you’re spot-on cos a refresher is very different to a re-sit.

Once it comes to the marking of the exams, the results are coming out after about three weeks after SQA receive your papers. The ADR licence normally follows about a week later, but that comes from DVLA, Swansea.

Between them, SQA and DVLA are contracted to the DfT to get ADR licences issued to successful candidates within four weeks, so if you’ve waited longer than that, I’d certainly be phoning the training provider by now.

The person designated as “exams secretary” at the training provider has access to that provider’s part of the SQA website and can tell you your result if you can get them to look at it for you. :wink:

Go on mate, make that cal!! :smiley:

I’ll ring them tomorrow, thanks for the info.

I’ll ring them tomorrow, thanks for the info.

Good luck mate. :smiley:

Let us know how you did in the exams??


I overheard a conversation in the office last night because I heard my name mentioned :wink:
It was something to do with pushing me forwards for the ADR and delivering something direct to Southend on Sea :confused:

I’m now on the system at work to get my bonus for having my adr. Get a coupld of hundred quid each year before Christmas mate, get on to them to get you on it!

I keep asking them about it and all I get told is “theres a course coming up soon” but all the day drivers who wanted to do it have done it already… :unamused:
It just seems that depot revolves around the day drivers - “get back as early as you can so we can load it for days” “we’ve changed the runs so weve got space for the day stuff” and they even load the trucks for the day drivers when the night drivers are still in… :unamused:

get on to them to get you on it!

After the bollocking I got when I got back to the yard this morning (Garnerlives and Mr V know about it!), the depot manager said that the night manager has asked if I could do the ADR and am I interested (despite having continually asked myself since before Christmas :laughing: ), anyways, Im on the next ADR course in April :grimacing:

why were you pestering mr V at that sort of time this morning■■?

Just had the call from Rick@Data Academy, the ADR course I sat 15-18th Feb I passed. Well chuffed :smiley:

Good one mate on the ADR pass! :smiley:

So by doing your ADR course that counts for 21 hours off the 35 hours needing to be completed for the CPC? So you only have to do 14 hours class room stuff to get your CPC?

So for someone that hasn’t done ADR and is just doing CPC, what will they do in those 21 hours that you have done by doing ADR etc? If this makes sense :grimacing: Are there specific modules that you now dont need to complete?
…I’m confusing myself now!!! :laughing: Any ideas? Cheers.

So by doing your ADR course that counts for 21 hours off the 35 hours needing to be completed for the CPC?


So you only have to do 14 hours class room stuff to get your CPC?


for someone that hasn’t done ADR and is just doing CPC, what will they do in those 21 hours that you have done by doing ADR etc?

Tha basic ADR course is extended by 1 hour each day from 6 hours to 7 hours for the first 3 days so as to comply with the Dcpc - I’m not sure exactly what is done in that extra hour - dieseldave, our resident ADR intructor, can tell you that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I’ll ring them tomorrow, thanks for the info.

Good luck mate. :smiley:

Let us know how you did in the exams??

It eventually came today 7 weeks and 2 days after I sat the exams.

Anyway all OK now back to normal for another 5 years. :sunglasses:



I’ll ring them tomorrow, thanks for the info.

Good luck mate. :smiley:

Let us know how you did in the exams??

It eventually came today 7 weeks and 2 days after I sat the exams.

Anyway all OK now back to normal for another 5 years. :sunglasses:

Hi Rew, Thanks for letting us know. :smiley:

There are a several possible reasons that your ADR licence took so long to arrive…
Do you live at the same address as the one on your driving licence?? (If not, enquiries would have to be made.)
They temporarily ‘lost’ your exam papers (or even just one of them.)
The training provider (or the instructor) may have made an administrative error of some kind.
You failed an exam, but the provider (or instructor) didn’t expect a fail, so they asked for a re-mark, then SQA found that you had really passed. (The exam marking people can sometimes make a mistake.)

I can honestly say that over seven weeks is truly exceptional, because the normal turnaround time is up to four weeks.

All’s well that ends well. :smiley:

Hi Diesel Dave , over here we get to know if we have
passed or not on the day,of the exam, and we get the ADR
licence within a week ,also just to keep the people who run
the courses on their toes a official from the Town council
will pop round and they may just put some one in the course
to check that it is being run 100% correct,as a driver of course.

brit pete:
Hi Diesel Dave , over here we get to know if we have
passed or not on the day,of the exam, and we get the ADR
licence within a week , …

Hi Pete,
That wouldn’t be possible with the paper system that we’re using in the UK mate, because we don’t do the marking of the exam papers.
Marking is done by SQA in Glasgow, and the ADR certificate is issued to the driver’s name and address as per DVLA records, usually within four weeks.
There’s an online system being trialled here at the moment, so those candidates are getting their results ‘live’ on the day of the exams, but they still have to wait for the paper certificate from DVLA.

brit pete:
… also just to keep the people who run
the courses on their toes a official from the Town council
will pop round and they may just put some one in the course
to check that it is being run 100% correct,as a driver of course.

We also get inspected, but it isn’t somebody from the town council.
Our inspectors are all properly qualified external verifiers (EVs) from SQA.
Each ADR provider will get at least three visits per year.
1.) Verification visit. This visit usually lasts all day and amounts to a full inspection of: Classrooms and facilities, equipment and training aids, tutor qualifications and course paperwork and lastly, which the inspector does during lunch and tea breaks, but the main purpose is to check the quality of the tuition which may also involve the use of a stopwatch for checking timings are correct. :open_mouth:

  1. Exam invigilation visit. This visit takes place on exam day and involves the inspector running the exams as a quality control check. If the tutor had taught the course to a particular set of exams, then the class would all get the same questions wrong when they faced a random set of questions drawn from the whole syllabus.

  2. Admin visit. As a freelance instructor, I’m not involved in this kind of visit, cos it’s the providers’ paperwork systems and record keeping that are being checked.

There is also the possibility of a ‘plant,’ who attends the whole course and reports back to SQA, but that wouldn’t bother me and it may simply be a rumour. Mind you, there have been times when I’ve spotted a non-driver, cos they don’t speak ‘driver language.’ All folks are welcome anyway, cos I’ve nothing to hide. :smiley: