When we first got CB radios at Swifts, back in the early 80’s a lot of us had a PA set up with a speaker under the grille, they were often a source of amusement when we got bored. 
One sunny afternoon a group of us were in the truck park at Rockware Glass in Knottingley, Yorks, we all used flat beds then and the loads were sometimes 15 ft off the ground
We had all finished sheeting our loads and as we usualy stopped for a night out, about four of us sat chatting in an F10 cab waiting for the pubs to open. Across the compound an ‘Onward Transport’ driver was struggling with his sheets with a very high load, the fork lift driver had put them on top but he couldn’t get up there, he tried every way and eventually after gripping the shrink wrap he pulled himself on top and started to roll the back shhet out. My mate picked up the CB mike and switched to PA mode “Onward driver to the office please” he said. The driver slethered down to the ground, moaning as he did it and walked about half a mile toward the office, 10 minutes later he came back shaking his head and looking puzzled, he struggled to get back up again and after about 5 minutes which had almost most of the sheeting spread out, my mate called “ONWARD DRIVER TO THE OFFICE -------- URGENT” He slid down again, cursing and ran off to the office once more only to return again, this time in a very bad mood, he looked up and his sheet had blown on top again, so once again he struggled to get on top, as he reached the top my mate said once more "ONWARD DRIVER TO THE OFFICE ----- IMMEDIATELY " he kicked the sheets off and jumped down, kicking everything in his path.
When he came back in a rage, we owned up and shetted the load for him

Once the CB thing had been in motion at Swifts, one bright spark in the office decided it would be a great idea to fit them in all the trucks at company expence
which naturally we we all for, … THEN
they put a home base in the trafic office
which we were NOT all for 
One night as I started my shift I sat in the cab filling out a tacho chart when I heard the idiot in the office calling for any Swift driver, just to test the range of the CB
I answered and told the guy I had left the yard 5 minutes ago.
“Can you check in every few miles to see how far we can get ?” he asked.
“Of course I can” was my reply, and sat grinning at the possible outcome, meanwhile a few had head and gathered around my cab to listen to the idiot. About an hour was srent with me telling him “I think I’m loosing you now, I must be 30 miles south, I’m near Milton Keynes”
“This is amazing !!!” said the idiot "I nover knew they had such a clear and perfect reception at such long ranges. Some times I would turn the mike gain right down followed by switching to low power after I had suposedly passed the 40 mile marker, all that stood listening were urinating with laughter.
“I gotta go now, I don’t know if you can hear me but I think I’ve lost you”
He carried on calling me over the radio as I got out of the cab, walked round to the office and stood at the counter watching him, the depot manager, the company chairman and Rick Swift himself with their backs to me looking at the home base with amazement
, then Rick Swift turned and saw me and burst out laughing, which made all the others turn, the only one who didn’t laugh was the idiot who had been shown up
He made my life hell from then untill the night I left, when I got back at him… he sent me to Blowmocan in MK to await a load for Maidstone in Kent.
“Is it ready ? because I ain’t running late for it”
“It’s ready, but just in case you will have to wait” said the idiot.
“Take it from me, I won’t be running late” I said,
I waited 5 hour as they loaded that trailer. the phoned him to say I was bringing it to the yard, “NO ! NO ! you must take it to Maidstone”
“I don’t have time” I said.
“Take it or your fired” said the idiot.
“Check the sheet mate, this is my last night” He went very quite… “See you in an hour the [ZB]” … I laughed all the way back

If it needs stars it’s not allowed.L.