OK .. tell it like it is

This is a request for infromation…

today for the first time ever this website had over 60,000 page views, tomorow I have to announce that the the owners, a fantastic achivement. but there must be somethimg that is bringing you guys here?

and that is the question I am going to be asked, and only certain people can answer that question… you guys !!!

so please give me some answers, with 60,000 page views we must be doing something right.give us the good news and help us make sure that what you want is what you get

Principally I enjoy TN because of the nostalga from the 70’s 80’s 90’s.
The present day diaries and pics.
The modelling thread :wink:
UK pro drivers to see whats current, I only check a few threads.
Bullies and feedback get a quick glance.
The ex-pat feed occasionally.
I never look at newbies unless someone suggests I check it.
Health, I checked it for the first time in months today…I am booking prostate
exam tomorrow!
Overall certain posters will catch my eye.
To me TN is a link, to the past, and occasionally to the present.
That’s it Rikki

Echo trubrits comments as an old git enjoy the oldtime threads and pics,unfortunately some wind up threads and idiots but you get them everywhere unfortunately, but a wee mouse click gets rid of them,Great Forum.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks and regards derek

I think it is probably Mr Vains toilet idea or little Enis with those girls in the cab of the Magnum.

It may be that people just come for the arguments like Monty Python. Do you want a 5 minute argument or one that continues for weeks?

Maybe it is the humour although I havent spotted any yet :stuck_out_tongue: or maybe it is the fact that there are still lying toerag agencies offering 900 quid a week to drive a truck but neglecting to mention that to do that you will need 30 years experience, a great grandfather and a page 3 model to bathe him.

I would also like to think that it is other, less experienced drivers trying to learn from us, about the correct way to use our roads.

Racing finished so got a bit of time on my hands and going out costs money.
Always in the PDF, just to keep in touch and find what’s going on in the haulage world. Pretty much the same as normal :laughing:
Check the Euro Forum for info on driving over the water, got a lot of good information from there.
Really getting into the Old time truck forum, love the pics of old trucks and the tales of getting to far flung places.

Ok then; from the opposite end of the spectrum to ‘Trubrit’.

As a ‘Newbie’, ‘Numbnuts’, Know-nothing’, changing careers mid-life; what attracted me to the forum was the immediate welcome.

My posts were met with friendliness and total openess and support from people that would not know me if we were to pass in the street. The tolerance and encouragement for my rather long-winded ramblings has been incredible.

I read all the forums right the way through from Newbie/Wannabe (Me in a nutshell) to the Old Timers (Remember the good old days) stuff.

In addition as a newcomer to the industry, the wealth of information that can be gleaned from the site is nothing short of phenomenal! I have yet to see a question; be it about Tachos or Tyre pressure, that has not been answered (usually with relevant regulatory or documentary support).

In short; the site is a literal ‘goldmine of information’.

All of this is helped considerably by the humour/banter between contributors, both new to the job and experienced.

A cracking site. Long may it continue.



Blimey, where do I begin…

  1. The way that the site is run must be a factor, otherwise people would vote with their feet.

  2. The warm welcome and encouragement to newbies must be high on the list of plus points.

  3. The quality of the available advice on many diverse transport subjects.

  4. The stunning quality of the diaries. (In all forums.)

  5. Euro drivers who weren’t one trip wonders, who all help each other.

  6. We have engineers, linguists, TMs, planners, O/Ds, fitters and mechanics, tyre fitters and wrecker drivers,
    STGO and livestock specialists. There’s also a DGSA who hangs around now and again too (the list goes on… )

  7. Instructors in LGV, CPC, HIAB, FLT and ADR (Sorry if I’ve missed any.)

  8. The nostalgia and pics forums.

  9. The technology expertise in the techy forum

Where else would you find 1-9 above??

  1. Shhh… Then there’s our secret weapon, we have a ROG.:grimacing:
    :open_mouth: :wink: Where else can you see somebody posting who’s got more holes through them than a Swiss cheese? :laughing:

So Rikki, when they ask you the question, please ask them how long they’ve got to listen to the answer. :wink:

In the nicest way, IMHO, the question is actually a no-brainer.:grimacing:
Perm any of 1-10 above and you’re on a winner. :wink:

Oh, and I almost forgot the (mostly) good natured banter that is served in large portions. :smiley:

What brought me here? Ummmm that was my better half. I’ll explain:-
I was up North (Wakefield) staying with my Mum and doing C&E training in Pontefract. I was having big problems reversing (the problem was ME not the instruction) and Naomi (O/H) Googled for advise/help. Rogers name (Rog) came up with one of his many helpful links to this site. Once I started to read, it became impulsive. Did his link help, Yes cos I passed. Hehhehe

When I log on I read:-
Very interesting, you have a few ‘trolls’ but…

I wish…

Yes please…


The Monthly Question:
Interesting and I’ve only just subscribed to the mag…

George, what a guy. A real fighter, I have the utmost respect for him. (sorry to everybody I’ve not mentioned)

I must say, apart from the ‘Trolls’ everybody is so friendly and very helpful. I have learnt loads just by reading other peoples experiences. In my eyes, this is what ‘truckers’ are all about. Nice down to Earth people who are willing to help. Like Big enis or whoever he/they are. Eastcoasttrucker guys.

Anyway, it’s a real pleasure to be part of this community, thank you. :smiley:

1: We have a great mob here, Coffee, Rikki, Lucy, Si, DD, Rog, Brit-Pete… And many, many more.
2: So much information!
3: The welcome has always been good.
4: The guys in the Euro forum have looked after me very well in my newby numpty status.
5: Last, but in now way least, it’s here I got my current job as a non-one-trip-wonder Euro driver! :smiley:

In my opinion we have here a site which allows people to
exchange Question & Answers and help one and other so that we
as National or International Logistic Operators can
carry out our employment to the best of our ability,We
read about the various types of work be it parcel delivery ,
RDC work, Tipperwork, log hauling, tankers, be it Food,
Chemical, or Silo work to name just a few, we have the
pages where the talk and photos is about the early days
in haulage, or the health site ,bullys site to name a few
Rikki this site is worth a seven star rateing , and i am
proud to be a member,

Well now, where to start…

I came to this site with preconceptions as to the ‘mind set’ of the average Uk truck driver - see my first posts :blush: :blush: - but soon had my eyes opened to reality.

I have been very happy to find (on this site) that the greatest majority are sensible, safe, thinking drivers who are against the numbnuts on the roads out there and will not be shy about saying so.

The wealth of experience from those that have ‘been there, done this & done that’ is second to none as far as trucker websites go.

The ‘expertise’ given freely by members that have ‘expert knowledge’ in various areas is another real bonus of this site.

The jokes and banter (especially the ‘P’ taking when I get something wrong :laughing: ) is another reason for being here - and the fact that you lot put up with my crap puns :exclamation:

The site is very well run with issues like personal attacks and extreme bad language being dealt with quickly and efficiently.

From my personal perspective it has been useful for me as ‘something to do’ & an avenue to get my grey matter (what there is of it :unamused: ) working whilst I am unemployed.

I have enjoyed giving advice on the newbies forum which, so far, seems to be endorsed by others in the same field as me - I assume that as no-one has openly criticised my general info yet - feel free to do so though :slight_smile:

The only regret I have is that we cannot warn others of some of the pitfalls either with the initial training bookings or as to how difficult it is, especially now, in getting that first foot on the LGV driving rung ladder.
I suppose the only way this site could resolve that is to get more to visit this site first - not a practical and cost effective thing to do I’ll bet.

Finishing now with a big THANK YOU to Site Admin, mods and all the members on here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

As someone who has only been in the industry for 2 years this website has been one of the best sources of information for me. Its great to read the diaries, look at other peoples trucks and learn about other parts of the industry. What i think is great is that there is a broad spectrum of drivers on here from people who are very new (me) to very experienced drivers who have travelled all over europe and beyond. The amount of experience that the drivers on here have is better than any book and can never be taught in a classroom. You can ask any questions, as there is normally a driver who has been in that situation and they are willing to pass on their knowledge.
A great site with a great group of drivers!

What makes me keep coming back?

the fact that all the information you want for anything, and I do mean anything, to do with wagon driving is here at your finger tips (or someone else’s). it has helped me so much in my training and so far very short career.

The advice for trainees is second to none; it helps so much when you can confer with people that are in the same situation or recently done it and then again you have numerous instructors to help you and then again you have the ‘old’ hands that know the tricks of the trade and can give you pointers.

Then you have the legal section for the mine field that is the drivers and tacho regs, if someone hadnt had the time to explain things to you in simple terms it would practically be impossible to understand it all as a newbie. once you ask a question and read others peoples questions it makes a hell of a lot clearer.

Plus the banter makes a difference, you can be reading a serious thread and some clown (and most of you know who you are (Shrek) will post a hilarious one liner that will just brighten it all up. It does make a difference.

And it truly does help when you are on the road if you come across a problem you can normally deal with it, as has been said before, someone is bound to have had it before and posted it up on here.

Long live TruckNet


I keep coming back cause I’m a mod, so I have to. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Seriously though I have met a great bunch of people through this website, at Truckfest and other events.
There is a huge amount of information on the forums and some great banter.
I enjoy reading the diaries. I’d post one myself but the diary of an IT Consultant would be very boring. :laughing:

*cough … Cough
maybe if the owners are impressed by the volume of internet traffic, they could reflect this in the size of the contribution behind the bar at the forum xmas party :wink:

Gwon, Gwon they know they want to

When i started taking my lgv tests just over 2yrs ago i stumbled upon this site by accident. I’ve been hooked ever since.For information its better then any book you could ever read & no matter what it is you want to know there’s always someone who knows the answer or can point you to someone who does. Doesnt matter how stupid i think some of the things i’ve asked are, not once has it been met with anything other then total respect. I have learnt so much from other drivers on this site & i’m always learning something new every day.

I love looking at all the forums looking at pics & reading diaries.

Thanks to everyone who runs the site & for all the members on the site, Keep up the great work.

I have had great information from the other users, they are helpful and most are genuine. Also some good is done by advising young ones, then we have the charity activities. A all round good site

For me, it started as a search for advice before and during training and to find something that supported the so called driver shortage that some national training providers spew. anyhow here are some points I think are relevant:

  1. As a trainee/newbie driver, the wisdom of Rog, DeiselDave, Tachograph, Coffeholic and many others is priceless, (literally) :smiley: .

  2. The site runs at a decent speed, a few forums I belong to do not and have consequently suffered immensely :frowning: .

  3. Everyone seems approachable, and given the broad spectrum of members, you will always get an answer to any query posed (even if it’s an answer you don’t like!).

  4. The moderation isn’t heavy handed. :wink:

  5. The diaries and photo sections are brilliant, giving a real insight into our profession.

Keep up the good work guys and gals, this site has made my change of career a little easier.

Well where do I start with this

Once upon a time a long long time ago I was “introduce” to this site by another member and kind of stayed and became part of the fixtures and fittings like so many others

This is maybe due to the fact of all the help and support over the years :wink: you know who your are many thanks the wealth of information that can be found on here

The fact that over the last 18 months or so has kept me sain and in touch with the industry the help and support over these mouths of being on the sick :wink: :wink: thank you for putting up with me

The many members who I have met and made some very good friends

The many “discussions” that go on on the forums

The easy to use site for a simpleton like me :blush: :blush:

Thank you