OK .. tell it like it is

The easy to use site for a simpleton like me :blush: :blush:

:open_mouth: …Yea right, and if you’re a simpleton, that makes me a Dutchman… :wink:

makes a full inventory… Sorry, there’s neither windmills nor clogs to be found here. Oh, and BTW the tulips are also missing. :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Your case is therefore dismissed. :grimacing:

60,000 :question: :question: does that include search engines …

I first found out about this site when reading Coffeeholic’s excellent book and have been hooked on it ever since. As someone who, nowadays, only does the occasional agency wagon driving job when legal to do so from my main job as a bus driver, it keeps me informed of what is going on. The old-timers forum is also priceless, as I can relate to so many of the threads. Most of the contributors on here are genuinely happy to help others with information and advice, with even the sarcastic ones being worth reading (even if you only think “what a to**er!”) as everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just wish that laptop computers, mobile broadband and this site were around in the 70’s when I was wagon driving full - time. Maybe then I would have not spent so many of my (usually 3-5) nights out a week away from home in the pub, not that I didn’t enjoy them. I was young, free and single then.
An excellent site, long may it prosper!

I come on the forum (and another one as well) to see what people are saying and doing with regards to helping others on here such as newbies etc.

As even after driving for over 35 years and over ten years mending em before that as well to boot I still find I don,t have all the answers.

I like the wind ups from that “numptie” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: called “coffeholic” as I some time ago fell for it hook line & sinker :blush: :blush: :blush: :angry: :angry: :angry:

The only thing I have a total dislike for are the ones who treat some of the posters as idiots and talk down to the person asking the question and what really wrankles me is when someone is asking for advice and they get some smart alec giving a response that belittles the person asking the question and also the posters who resort to the use of foul language to reply to posts as this shows their lack of intelligence when they can,t put a cohesive argument or sentence to a point of view just because they don,t agree with the post concerned.

Wheel Nut:
I think it is probably Mr Vains toilet idea …

FIRST CLASS ANSWER! Top man :lol: :laughing: :laughing:

The one thing that brings us back everyday? Gotta be the fact that we behave like a fully functioning community. A sympathetic ear (sometimes)
Always a word of encouragement when needed. No matter how bad yr day, there’s always some poor sod on here had it worse.

But of course you could always take a slice of the credit for yrself Rikki? Yr a big part of this to. Cheers Dude! :wink:

So I know the date for the ■■■■■■■ :laughing:

Hi All,

I find this the best sight for a number of reasons.

The Oldies forum is fanatastic, having been linked to Transport since I was knee high to grasshopper and then took up the addictive job of truck driving myself, the stories and photos posted by all bring back so many memories that would have been forgotten had this forum not been there - Top marks to all contributors and keep the rosie tinted memories going

It also keeps me linked to the industry front line - the most important link “The Driver” now I am in a different job - Truck Sales, its great to read all the comments about what everybody thinks about the current vehicles on the market and the industry in general - If only the top boys of the manufactures read this forum !!!

Information to wanna be drivers and guys that are going through the motions is 2nd to none, as when a lot of us started, it was all word to mouth and you generally learnt the hard way !! - how many ways is there to drive a twinsplitter !!!

And it’s great to get a feel for the driver banter that I miss so much in the white collar sector !!!

And last but not least as it says on the tin - THE WEBSITE FOR DRIVERS - BY DRIVERS !!

lets all keep up the great work already done.


It stops the wife thinking I look at ■■■■ sites…


It stops the wife thinking I look at ■■■■ sites…


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I come here cos it’s cold outside.

I also come on to have a read, a moan and a general nosey.

It’s so richly full of diverse and entertaining erm…erm…erm…STUFF. :laughing:

it got me the job in iraq :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ok … tell it like it is

A once good site for light-hearted banter ruined by the pc brigade.

Bring back Neil, Luce, Jim, TC, Malc, Ken and all the others that could give as good as they got without running off crying to their mummy’s for saying something that hurt their ikkle feelings.

You can’t say ■■■■ on this site now without someone taking offence at something or jumping down your throat. WTF is wrong with people these days.

It stops the wife thinking I look at ■■■■ sites…


That’s funny, my wife thinks it is a ■■■■ site :stuck_out_tongue:

The TruckNet®UK Diverse Rounds are Able.

Biggest and Brightest for the Proffessionals

and ye can pop back to it whenever ye want!