OI- to the numpties out there

Over the last couple weeks we have had to remove posts relating to companies for the protection of those posting.

Obviously some of you are unaware there is a big difference between chatting to your mate and PUBLISHING your thoughts…

here is a tip… what you say with your mate- is between you- what you write on here is published and no longer just between you and your mate- you have deliberately opened it up to a wider audience- you have PUBLISHED your comments

I have highlighted PUBLISHED because that’s the important bit- the bit that can lead you into problems- under the law now, if anyone can show your comments has damaged their business, YOU are liable for those losses.

Think before you post because one day someone will sue

So with the changes and the onus on the OP instead of the forum are you going to let negative comments stand and stop removing them?

I doubt the mods would leave ill judged comments in place, they are probably implicated by being responsible for the site’s content.

But i suspect the long suffering mods also try, and it must be bloody trying at times, to protect some of these people from themselves.

I doubt the mods would leave ill judged comments in place, they are probably implicated by being responsible for the site’s content.

But i suspect the long suffering mods also try, and it must be bloody trying at times, to protect some of these people from themselves.


Perfectly sensible in my opinion.

Out of interest, what’s the difference between the posts that you have removed, and someone posting a review on TripAdvisor?

Not trying to be awkward Rikki-UK, I am genuinely asking the difference.

Not trying to be awkward Rikki-UK, I am genuinely asking the difference.

Quite a reasonable question and I’d be interested to see what differences there are (if any)

I guess the difference is between “I stayed at XYZ, and in my opinion it was ■■■■!” and “I’ve heard that XYZ is ■■■■!”
HTH :wink:

The Sarge:
I guess the difference is between “I stayed at XYZ, and in my opinion it was [zb]!” and “I’ve heard that XYZ is [zb]!”
HTH :wink:

But there’s been plenty of posts by exemployees speaking from first hand experience that have been removed.
I can understand the MMTM ones being deleted but not first hand.

You can be sued on tripadvisor too

tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowTopic- … pport.html

That is in the good ol’ USA, does the same hold in GB?

That is in the good ol’ USA, does the same hold in GB?

Easy answer… if the company can show that your comment was untrue- or made with malicious intent and has caused them damage. yes they can sue you , you have published the comments

But there’s been plenty of posts by ex employees speaking from first hand experience that have been removed.

Explain to me how , as the web site hosts, we can tell if those comments are true, and not just an anonymous person on the internet making up stuff an ex employee with a grudge?? If you can show me a fool proof method to ensure that the posts are just not idiots trying to stir manure then we can let them stand and I probably have a job for you.

May be this should also be in the main PDF forum for a short time as it will be seen by more posters as a lot dont go any further down the page

But as Rikki said if you write it you are liable for it this has been about for a while now

You are supposed to have read the rules before posting


That is in the good ol’ USA, does the same hold in GB?

Easy answer… if the company can show that your comment was untrue- or made with malicious intent and has caused them damage. yes they can sue you , you have published the comments

But there’s been plenty of posts by ex employees speaking from first hand experience that have been removed.

Explain to me how , as the web site hosts, we can tell if those comments are true, and not just an anonymous person on the internet making up stuff an ex employee with a grudge?? If you can show me a fool proof method to ensure that the posts are just not idiots trying to stir manure then we can let them stand and I probably have a job for you.

However as the poster is now liable for what they post, it shouldn’t matter to you one way or the other?

Just be honest and say that CM are ■■■■ scared of upsetting operators and that’s why the negative postings about most big companies get removed…except for Stobarts…apparently it’s open season on them.

However as the poster is now liable for what they post, it shouldn’t matter to you one way or the other?

We don’t have the full procedures in place to gain the full protection of the new law yet, its something that is being worked on… :bulb:

Just be honest and say that CM are [zb] scared of upsetting operators and that’s why the negative postings about most big companies get removed

What gets removed are allegations or comments that could be damaging - AND that the poster hasn’t provided any proof of In the 13 + years these forums have been around that has always been the case- way back before we had any involvement with CM :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

However as the poster is now liable for what they post, it shouldn’t matter to you one way or the other?

Just be honest and say that CM are [zb] scared of upsetting operators and that’s why the negative postings about most big companies get removed…except for Stobarts…apparently it’s open season on them.

There are new laws in place, that make the hosts liable if they do not remove potentially libellous or damaging content. Aside from the original poster being liable. There is no requirement here to give your name and address, so there is an expectance that posters will follow the rules they agreed to.

But to go further with what you said regards big companies and Stobarts…lets get something straight. And i’m speaking personally as someone who posts and who also has to moderate. There is no subversion of free speech, which is what i think you are alluding too.

If you wanna say Wincantons(example) is a crap firm to work for, you hated the planners they where crap and they couldn’t organise a ■■■■ up in a brewery, then there’s no problem. You’d have got over your point you didn’t like working there.

If on the other hand you wanted to say…“I’ve heard Wincanton have lost 75% of their container work from next week (just an example and obviousy not true)” then that is without proof just a rumour, and potentially damaging.

Fortunatley knowing what to post and when, requires thought. That makes my job easy :laughing:
Usually the whingers have not thought it through. It is of course possible to start off the worst rumours with no come back if you’re clever enough.

And Stobarts are a brilliant company !! :smiley:

I thought XYZ were too !

I thought XYZ were too !

Really? I thought they were a right bunch of self abusers tbh :laughing:

You are supposed to have read the rules before posting

IMHO, this cannot be improved upon ^^^

There’s no excuse for anybody who has newly joined TN because everybody who joins TN gets a message that refers them to the forum rules.

There’s also no excuse for anybody who has been a member of TN for any time before the last revision of the forum rules (in 2012) because there were board-wide announcements about the changes to the forum rules.

Sorry guys, but “I didn’t know” simply won’t cut it, because TN rules and the law says that posters ARE responsible for what they post.

:bulb: Just like in many other circumstances, it’s always best to ask if you’re not sure.