NVQ level 2 ??

Morning all, ive got a driving assessment for this level 2 nvq thingy next tues followed by a 2 hour training thing on thurs when i get my certificate. My question is, is it worth me bothering with it?
Drivers direct have insisted all new drivers on there books do, it cost me nothing but wot are the benefits for me.
Im with 6 other agency’s and none of them have insisted i do it, manpower have never even heard of it, so do i bother or not?
Cheers guys

If it costs you nowt then do it - always good for an independant to observe your driving - they may give some useful info - they may not…
Take on board anything you think is relevant

Might aswell do it, shows the agency you’re willing to do it if it may get you work through them, also it is something else to put onto your cv to show prospective employers you are a bit different to the other five hundred applications they’ve had who don’t have it on their cv

johnny boy:
Morning all, ive got a driving assessment for this level 2 nvq thingy next tues followed by a 2 hour training thing on thurs when i get my certificate. My question is, is it worth me bothering with it?
Drivers direct have insisted all new drivers on there books do, it cost me nothing but wot are the benefits for me.
Im with 6 other agency’s and none of them have insisted i do it, manpower have never even heard of it, so do i bother or not?
Cheers guys

Hi johnny boy

An NVQ level 2 can not be done in 4 hours the funding for level 2 driving goods vehicles in round figures is around £1800.00 top line £1200.00 lower and the only people this government will pay that sort of money per hour to is themselves (or maybe there called expenses) so I am not sure what they are offering you.

If you want to know more about NVQ pm me with your phone number, and I am not trying to get you to do an NVQ because the governments just cut the funding for new starts, another reason I don’t see that they are offering you an NVQ.

You got any Ideas Rog?

johnny boy:
ive got a driving assessment for this level 2 nvq thingy next tues followed by a 2 hour training thing on thurs when i get my certificate.

Data Academy:
You got any Ideas Rog?

I can only ASSUME that IF this is for the DGV NVQ2 then something is amiss as the DGV NVQ2 is done over about 12 to 16 days and is very involved in all aspects of goods vehicles.

johnny boy - can you give any more info as to what this NVQ2 is called please

Morning all,
The only paperwork i have is from the assesser from when i done the written exam, which in itself was comical, was there for 2 hours in which we were told all the answers.
The paper work states it is a DGV level 2, units 4 to 11 omitting level 5 which u can take as a addition. It was organised by drivers direct, through Hull college.
To be honest it is so badly run,i was suppoesed to of received my pass certificate 2 weeks ago for the written exam, to date i have on had a call last thur telling me to attend a drivers direct on tues with hi viz vest, boots and both part of license for a half hour slot. Thats as much as i know guys. I will go and do it out of curiosity, was thinking if i dont bother then all the agencys will follow so i will have to do it anyway, will keep you all posted.
Thanks guys

There are no written exams for DGV NVQ2 but they can be added as an addition to it.

The DGV NVQ2 is an assessment of what you can do along with a few questions if the assessor cannot see you do something that is required - they just need to test your knowledge.

Just about everything in the DGV NVQ2 is assessed twice and on different days.

To achieve a FULL Level 2 NVQ candidates must achieve 7 mandatory units. There are two additional
units available to candidates who have the opportunity to demonstrate competence in these areas.

Mandatory Units
4 Monitoring the loading of the vehicle by others
6 Completing pre-driving preparations
7 Maintaining the safety and the security of the load, self and property
8 Maintaining awareness of driving conditions
9 Operating the vehicle systems
10 Driving the vehicle on public roads
11 Driving the vehicle in restricted spaces

Additional Units
5 Unloading the vehicle
12 Coupling and uncoupling the vehicle

I agree that the timings don’t sound correct; there are all sorts of short cuts used by some trainers but it destroys the credibility of the NVQ when that happens. The reason your employer wants you to do the NVQ is probably 2 fold. Firstly, it certainly looks better if their drivers hold NVQ (and this is true if the NVQ has been completed properly) and secondly, the trainer has to provide 15 hours of “guided learning” to achieve the higher rate of funding. In common with countless other providers, we use driver cpc for this. End result - - NVQ + driver cpc. And all at no direct cost to anyone. Before people shout about can’t do driver cpc before Sept, the NVQ funding has a 9 month timeframe so it’s perfectly reasonable to start an NVQ now and include the driver cpc sometime before Feb next year.
But the funding is about to change big style so this info won’t apply from August this year unless you’ve already started.
Hope this helps.

Evening all,
Well i just spoke to drivers direct, they confirmed it is the dgv i am doing. I have a hour assessment tomorrow, now im getting nervous, ive never used my digicard since ive had it, niether have i driven a truck since i passed my cat c in Jan. I will just take it real easy and treat it like i am on my test. I have to go to Newham on Thur to complete the training and recieve my certificate, wot a nitemare journey, just weighing up if it wil be easier to get on the train rather than drive.
I wasnt go to bother with any of it if im honest but as a newbie still trying to win his first job i think it can only be a plus to get it done and on my cv.
Will let you all know how it goes tomorrow guys, im off to swot up now on my pre flight checks etc and how to use the digicard.
I just wanna get on now and get a job, my goal is to make this years xmas do and put some faces to the names on here, you guys are so helpful.
Cheers guys

Looks like someone is ripping off funded training again.

I know the auditors are very switched on at the moment so i would have thought someone is going to become unstuck again.

Look at what happened to the directors of RTITB when it was a training board and not a private company it is today!

I couldnt agree more, but from my point of view i have to follow everything up to try and win a job. This course is so badly run is is unbelievable, im not over confident in agencys either, in 6 months 1 offer of a shift which was cancalled just as i was setting off. Its a nitemare mate !!

Looks like someone is ripping off funded training again.

If I could turn an NVQ around in that time, I’d be off to order the Bentley tomorrow! As it is, it’ll just have to wait till next year :laughing:

Peter Smythe:

Looks like someone is ripping off funded training again.

If I could turn an NVQ around in that time, I’d be off to order the Bentley tomorrow! As it is, it’ll just have to wait till next year :laughing:

You and me both

Somthing just aint right

As for collecting a certificate surely the cert is requested after an EV visit and and produced by the awarding body or have I been paying to register candidates and EV visits for nothing.

Thinking on it Peter we could have two Bentley’s each fancy an arnarge.#

Cheers Rick

Guys, i here wot your saying but from my point of view should i not bother? even though its not costing me anything, if its not proper id rather not waste my time.
Do you think i should just go anyway?

johnny boy:
Do you think i should just go anyway?

Yes - it’s FREE

thanks Rog,
will let you know how i get on tomorrow mate.

johnny boy:
Guys, i here wot your saying but from my point of view should i not bother? even though its not costing me anything, if its not proper id rather not waste my time.
Do you think i should just go anyway?

Of course you should you never know it may be of use to you and as Rog said it’s free.

Johnny boy none of my comments are in any way saying you shouldnt go along, indeed I wish all the best in obtaining work, it’s just that I think some one is selling you a pup (I hope I am wrong) because a NVQ does have some value when done correctly, and some of the major distribution companies are insisting that their drivers complete NVQ’s.

Good Luck in your job Search.

hi guys,
just got back from this assessment, i was more nervous than when i took my cat c in January for some reason. All went well im pleased to say, apart from it was ina 7 and half tonner but never mind. Had a result in as the guy that was booked in after me didnt show so i had a 2 hour slot to gain some experiance. Struggled with the gears a little but the gearbox was like stirring a bowl of porridge, it was a 06 iveco. i had a lesson on how to use the digi card, hence ive never used it since i got it 6 months ago, all very interesting and informitive. I sat up half the nite with my truckers handbook, which now never leave’s my side.
Anyway the examiner said there was nothing wrong with my driving at all apart from the gear changes, which wasnt realy my fault, all in all it was a confidence boost for me, was so nervous because i hadnt driven a truck since i passed back in Jan this year.
Next step is on thur, i will be asked to pick a pallet up and deliver it to feltham,i will be asked to demonstrate how i load a vehicle, unload it, walk round checks general driving duties .
All this will be filmed then sent off to a independant assesser where hopefully i will pass and gain the certificate.
I must apoligise though if my comments were a little misleading but i only passed on excactly what i was told, it does seem a little more professionall now and i realy hope it does do me some good in at least getting me a interview somewhere at some point.
As i understand it all agencys and many companies will insist that the driver has this, unfortunatly the driver will have to pay for it, so in some respect my luck might be changing as i got in and hopefully will pass and all in all it would of cost me nothing.
Fingers crossed and hope im 1 step nearer to getting into the haulage industry, can’t wait if im honest.
Cheers guys :laughing:

Seems like they did not give you the full info

johnny boy:
i will be asked to pick a pallet up and deliver it to feltham,i will be asked to demonstrate how i load a vehicle, unload it, walk round checks general driving duties .

Now it’s looking like a full DGV NVQ2 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

johnny boy:
the examiner said there was nothing wrong with my driving

They are not examiners - just assessors who tick off what they see you are capable of according to the criteria laid down in the NVQ

You cannot FAIL a NVQ - just not meet the criteria this time but should be given the chance to meet it in the future so it can be completed.